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I'd like to review your comic!

Simple One Step Process

STEP ONE - Send me your comic

I need one copy of your comic in order do a review. I will accept any comic about any subject as long as it is legal although I might be nasty about it if it makes me feel ill.

When sending your comic remember to package it securely, mark 'printed material - do not bend' or something similar on it and include a return address.

Along with your comic I need a completed submission form. Just print it out, fill it in and send it along with your comic. If you do not have access to a printer just enclose the required details on a separate sheet of paper.

Please email me for postal address
My Email Address

If you have supplied an email address I will email you and let you know that I got your package. Please be patient and allow a few weeks for me to get the package depending on where the heck it is that you call home. Currently I have a huge backlog of material and an lovely baby girl to deal with so it may take a while for a review to appear.

I will post a review of your comic on the site and e-mail you to let you know when this is done.