What comics has he appeared in?

For a couple of years Todd Dominik maintained an excellent bibliography of the appearances that Man-Thing has made in comics with dates and information on the storylines. Then Todd let me know that he had lost interest in comic books, and so didn't feel it was fair to keep the page on his site when it hadn't seen any updates in almost a year. He therefore removed the list from his site but graciously passed on the bibliography to me. I have added links to extra information based on my own incomplete collection of Man-Thing comics and other information I've found. I endeavour to keep up Todd's good work in recording the appearances of our favourite Muck Monster.

Items are sorted in the same order as the Overstreet Price Guide. Entries with a question mark (?) are rumoured appearances that have not been verified by either Todd or myself.

Primary Appearances

This list features the Man-Thing as the center of the storyline, or as a supporting character. In these stories, Manny interacts with the Marvel Universe in "real-time" and makes a contribution to others or the reader discovers a new character trait.

Savage Tales #1 ()
savage_tales_01.jpg - 18.5 KBWriter: Thomas, Roy & Conway, Gerry, (a) Morrow, Gray
To keep AIM from getting its hands on the serum he devised to allow people to survive in polluted environments, chemist Ted Sallis injects himself with it, and its properties combine with the mystic powers of the swamp to turn him into a near-mindless Man-Thing.
He is born not in a fetid. festering swamp, but in an air-conditoned office-though the air-coriddionino doesn't always work.
Editor Stan Lee has a title: The Men-Tning. And a concept: A man who becomes a powerful, misshapen monster-at the price of his very soul. Stan and side-kick Roy Thomas discuss maybe five different origins (we'll let you guess try guessing the other four). Then they get to discussing artisits-and the name Gray Morrow comes up. Known throughout the comics industry as one as the best draftsmen in the business, Gray is a natural-and so, with a story-synopsis done by Roy, the Multi-talented Mr Morrow sets to work with indiscribabie gusto. A new element enters the pictire: Gerard Coneay. Call him a beginner. Author of only a couple of science-fiction hooks and not more than a handful of published s-f stories. Gerry, too. gets truly turned on-and the rest, as everybody says. is history.
Jone warning. in case you're scanningg this before you plunge into the actual story: Don't read it in bed-unless nightmares turn you on.

Fear #10 ()
Writer: Conway, Gerry
Artist/s: Morrow, Gray & Chaykin, Howard

The Man-Thing saves a child thrown from a bridge by its father and takes revenge for him. Series info

Fear #11 ()
Writer: Gerber, Steve
Night of the Nether-Spawn
A girl studying witchcraft inadvertently releases a demon on the small Florida town in which she lives, which the Man-Thing must combat.

Fear #12 ()
Writer: Gerber, Steve
Artist/s: Man-Thing: Starlin, Jim & Buckler, Rich

No Choice of Colors
A sheriff chases a fugitive who may be wrongfully accused into the swamp, where both must deal with the Man-Thing.

Fear #13 ()
Writer: Gerber, Steve
Artist/s: Mayerik, Val & Bolle, Frank

Where Worlds Collide
A youth is possessed by one of Thog's demons in the swamp, and the Man-Thing is lured into a trap whereby he may regain his humanity, if he kills Jennifer Kale and her family.

Astonishing Tales #12 ()
astonishing_tales_12_1972.jpg - 22.9 KBTerror Stalks the Everglades
The story that was supposed to appear in Savage Tales #2, but didn't.

Fear #14 ()
Writer: Gerber, Steve
Artist/s: Mayerik, Val & Stone, Chic

The Demon Plague
A plague of madness breaks out in the world, and Joshua Kale dispatches Jennifer and the Man-Thing to another dimension to find a mystic tome to prevent it.

Astonishing Tales #13 ()
astonishing_tales_13_1972.jpg - 32.4 KBMan-Thing
Kazar visits the swamp and tangles with Man-Thing

Fear #15 ()
From Here to Infinity and The Tale of the Tome
The demon-possessed madmen make attacks on the Man-Thing, and Dakimh sends him and Jennifer Kale on a quest for the Tome of Zhered-Na.

Fear #16 ()
Writer: Gerber, Steve,
Artist/s: Mayerik, Val & Trapani, Sal

Cry of the Native
Real estate developer F. A. Schist wants to drain the swamp and turn it into an airport, evacuating a Native American tribe in the process, and incurs the interference of the Man-Thing.

Fear #17 ()
It Came Out of the Sky
A rocket lands in Man-Thing's swamp and disgorges a strange visitor from another planet, with the powers of a superman but the mind of a child.

Fear #18 ()
A Question of Survival
The Man-Thing tries to save five survivors of a bus wreck, who prove almost as much of a danger to themselves as was the accident.

Fear #19 ()
Writer: Gerber, Steve
Artist/s: Mayerik, Val & Trapani, Sal

The Enchanters Apprentice
Man-Thing, Jennifer Kale, Howard the Duck and a Barbarian go on a quest against the evil Congress of Realities.

Man-Thing #01 ()
Battle For the Palace of the Gods
The Man-Thing and Dakimh's band must attempt to realign the Cosmic Axis, but Thog sends the Congress of Realities to attack them. Series details...

Marvel Two-In-One #01 ()
marvel_two-in-one_01_1974.jpg - 31.7 KBVengeance of the Molecule Man!
Man-Thing teams up with the Thing to fight the second Molecule Man

Man-Thing #02 ()
Nowhere To Go But Down
The Man-Thing and a girl save a young man's life, but are soon endangered by a motorcycle gang and a professor who has built a deathtrap for the monster.

Man-Thing #03 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mayerik, Val & Abel, Jack

Day of the Killer, Night of the Fool
Richard Rory is stalked by a costumed man called the Foolkiller, who wishes to destroy him with a blast of his Purifier, along with F. A. Schist and the Man-Thing.

Monsters Unleashed Magazine #5 ()
monsters_unleashed_magazine__05_1974.jpg - 21.5 KBAll the Faces of Fear
Ellen Brandt, still thinking herself disfigured from her facial burn, returns with her psychiatrist to the swamp, where she hopes to destroy the Man-Thing.

Man-Thing #05 () (w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Ploog, Mike & Chiaramonte, Frank

Night of the Laughing Dead
A clown commits suicide in the swamp, and his lover, his boss, a rival, Richard Rory, Ruth Hart, and Man-Thing are summoned by his ghost to view a drama of his life.

Man-Thing #06 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Ploog, Mike & Chiaramonte, Frank

And When I Died..!
Darrel Daniel's ghost forces Richard Rory and company to take roles in a play based on his life, staged in the swamp, to determine the destination of his soul.

Man-Thing #07 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Ploog, Mike & Costanza, John

The Old Die Young
Three ancient Spanish conquistadors try to capture the Man-Thing even as F. A. Schist reveals his real interest in the swamp: it holds the fabled Fountain of Youth.

Man-Thing #08 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Ploog, Mike

The Gift of Death
With one hand transformed back into human shape by the Fountain of Youth's waters, the Man-Thing is trailed back to the swamp's hidden city by F. A. Schist and Prof. Wickham.

Master of Kung-Fu #19 ()
master_of_kung-fu_19.jpg - 33.9 KBRetreat
Man-Thing helps Shang-Chi battle two Si-Fan assassins, as Chi meets a David Carradine/Cain (from the TV show 'Kung Fu' ) lookalike.

Giant-Size Man-Thing #1 ()
giant-sizeman-thing1.jpg - 22.8 KB
How Will We Keep Warm When the Last Flame Dies?
A team of scientists trying to build an ecology-conscious village in the swamp run afoul of the Cult of Entropists, who cause the revival of the Glob, who does battle with the Man-Thing. Series details...Giant Sized was a Marvel wide name for quarterly anthologies for there more popular characters.

Man-Thing #09 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Ploog, Mike, Chiaromonte, Frank

The Man-Thing, a man, and his dog are endangered by demons created in the swamp by a strange red mist.

Daredevil #113 ()
daredevil_113_1974.jpg - 26.1 KBWhen Strikes the Gladiator!
The Gladiator kidnaps Candice Nelson for doing a story on work by Ted Sallis; DD heads to the Florida Everglades looking for Ted and runs across the Gladiator who got there first.

Man-Thing #10 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve & Ploog, Mike
(a) Ploog, Mike, Chiaromonte, Frank

Nobody Dies Forever
Maybelle Tork realizes her hatred has created the demons which endanger Zeke and the Man-Thing

Daredevil #114 ()
daredevil_114_1974.jpg - 24.2 KBA Quiet Night In the Swamp!
Man-Thing teams with Daredevil to battle the Gladiator

Monsters Unleashed Magazine #8 ()
monsters_unleashed_08_1974.jpg - 16.5 KBSeveral Meaningless Deaths
Text story by Gerber concerning a writer who, trying to escape the violence of the city, runs away to the very shack that Ted Sallis lived in. He finds an injured young girl on his doorstep who is being chased by her sadistic father. The emotional energy flying around attracks Man-Thing

Giant-Size Man-Thing #2 ()
giant-sizeman-thing2.jpg - 26.1 KBOf Monsters and Men
F. A. Schist's widow has the Man-Thing trapped and brought to New York for exhibition.

Daredevil #115 ()
daredevil_115_1974.jpg - 29.9 KBDeath Stalks the City!
Flashback cameo

Man-Thing #11 () (w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Ploog, Mike, Chiaromonte, Frank

Dance to the Murder
A ballet dancer endangered by masked terrorists escapes into the swamp, where she encounters Richard Rory and the Man-Thing.

Man-Thing #12 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Buscema, John & Janson, Klaus

Song-Cry of the Living Dead Man!
The Man-Thing and Sybil Mills try to save a writer from his inner demons.

Monsters Unleashed Magazine #9 ()
monsters_unleashed_09_1974.jpg - 18 KBSeveral Meaningless Deaths Conclusion
Text story with illustrations. Samuel Parrish takes vengeance on his daughter and Christopher Dale, but must now face the wrath of the Man-Thing

Man-Thing #13 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Buscema, John & Sutton, Tom

Red Sails at 40000 Feet
The Man-Thing stows away aboard a ship bound for the Bermuda Triangle, where he and the crew encounter a band of pirates whose ship sails the sky.

Giant-Size Man-Thing #3 ()
giant-sizeman-thing3.jpg - 25 KB(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Alcala, Alfredo

The Blood of Kings
The Man-Thing teams with Korrek, Dakimh, and Jennifer Kale again to overthrow the usurpers of Korrek's kingdom.

Man-Thing #14 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Alcala, Alfredo & Pelayo, Marcos

Tower of the Satyr
Aboard Captain Fate's sky-ship, Maura Spinner learns she must release the captain and his crew from a satyr's curse, or sail the skies with them forever.

Man-Thing #15 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Rico, Rival

A Candle for Sainte-Cloud
An old girlfriend of Ted Sallis's buys a candle in the shape of the Man-Thing, not knowing it gives off drugged fumes.

Man-Thing #16 ()
Decay Meets the Mad Viking
A decadent rock star, a fleeing girl, and a berserker in a Viking outfit come together in the swamp, with the Man-Thing to sort them out.

Giant-Size Man-Thing #4 ()
giant-sizeman-thing4.jpg - 23.7 KBThe Kid's Night Out A boy who identifies with the Man-Thing dies when forced to perform a feat beyond his capacities. The townspeople try to keep his diary from being published, but must then face the real Man-Thing's vengeance.

Man-Thing #17 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mooney, Jim

A Book Burns in Citrusville
The Man-Thing's body is dissolved in chemical wastes, while a woman teams up with the Mad Viking to stage a book-burning in Citrusville.

Man-Thing #18 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mooney, Jim

School's Out
Olivia Selby and the Mad Viking storm the local high school to burn textbooks they deem offensive, even as the Man-Thing rises from a chemical grave.

Man-Thing #19 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mooney, Jim & Springer, Frank

The Scavenger of Atlanta
Richard Rory and Carol Selby take the Man-Thing with them on a journey out of Citrusville, even as a costumed mind-pirate called the Scavenger strikes.

Giant-Size Spider-Man #5 ()
giant-sizespider-man-and-man-thing5.jpg - 28.9 KBWriter:Gerry Conway, Penciler:Ross Andru, Cover Artist:Gil Kane
Beware the Path of the Monster!Man-Thing meets one of Spidey's fiercest foes... the reptilian-minded Lizard! Get ready for a splash in the swamps - it's Spider-Man and Man-Thing vs. an army of crocs!

Spotted by me

Giant-Size Man-Thing #5 ()
giant-sizeman-thing5.jpg - 28.9 KB(w) Fear Times Three: Greber, Steve
There's A Party in 6G: Greber, Steve
Sins of the Fathers: Wein, Len
Lifeline: Wolfman, Marv Howard the Duck
Hellcow: Gerber, Steve
(a) Fear Times Three: Hannigan, Ed & Adkins, Dan
There's A Party in 6G: Sutton, Tom
Sins of the Fathers: Buscema, John & Springer, F
Lifeline: Hannigan, Ed & Sutton, Tom
Hellcow: Brunner, F & Palmer, T
Guest Character: Howard the Duck
At a carnival in 1971, Ted Sallis listens to a fortune teller predict his future, in which he will become the Man-Thing.

Man-Thing #20 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mooney, Jim

The nightmare Box
After a collision with a vehicle driven by a demon in disguise, Richard Rory is given a "Nightmare Box" which will have dire consequences for the Man-Thing.

Man-Thing #21 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mooney, Jim

A Lunatic in Every Corner
The servants of Thog, both demonic and human, begin a coordinated operation, and Thog himself rises from a junkyard to confront the Man-Thing.

Man-Thing #22 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mooney, Jim

Pop Goes the Cosmos
Steve Gerber writes a long letter to editor Len Wein explaining why he cannot continue writing the series: he recently became a character in it, and helped Man-Thing in his final battle against Thog.

Incredible Hulk #198 ()
incredible_hulk_198_1976.jpg - 29.1 KBThe Shangri-La Syndrome
The Collector pits Man-Thing and the glob against the Hulk.

Iron Man Annual #3 ()
iron_man_annual_03_1975.jpg - 30.1 KBMore or Less...The Return of the Molecule Man
Tony Stack visits the swamps

Incredible Hulk #211 ()
incredible_hulk_211_1977.jpg - 25 KBThe Monster and the Mystic
Man-Thing vs. Mongu flashback-- Ted's burning touch fuses battle ax to barbarian's hand. Ax is still in hand when he fights the Hulk.

Fantastic Four #187 ()
fantastic_four_187_1977.jpg - 21.3 KBTrouble Times Two
Flash Back

The Rampaging Hulk #7 ()
rampaging_hulk_07_1978.jpg - 19.4 KBAmong the Great Divide
The Man-Thing encounters a young woman suffering from severe multiple personality disorder. Her personalities can physically manifest themselves, some of whom have deadly intent. The resulting conflicting emotional fireworks wreaks havoc on Man-Thing.

Howard the Duck #22 ()
howard_the_duck_22_1978.jpg - 19.2 KBMay the Farce Be with You!
Star Wars Parody

Howard the Duck Vol. 1 #23 () howard_the_duck_23_1978.jpg - 23.3 KB(w) Greber, Steve
(a) Maerick, Val

Star Waaugh
Manny tags along in this Star Wars parody

Marvel Team-Up Vol. 1 #068 ()
marvel_team-up_68_1978.jpg - 31.4 KB
(w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Byrne, John & Wiacek, Bob
The Measure of a Man
Spiderman frees Man-thing from captivity in a circus and returns him to the swamp, where they are attacked by S'spayer.

Marvel Two-In-One #43 ()
marvel_two-in-one_043_1978.jpg - 23.8 KBThe Day The World Winds Down
Team-up of the Thing and Man-Thing, with Captain America

Micronauts #7 ()
micronauts_07_1979.jpg - 26.3 KBThe Great Escape
The Micronauts fight the Man-Thing to defend Steve Coffin, and Karza exchanges minds with Prof. Prometheus and emerges man-sized from the Prometheus Pit.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #01 ()
(w) Fleisher, Michael
(a) Mooney, Jim & Wiacek, Bob

Regeneration and Rebirth Series details...Several secret agents hire a scientist to help trap the Man-Thing and regenerate his brain to human levels so that he may reveal the Super-Soldier Serum formula to them. plus text piece Excerpt from the Notebooks of Dakimh the Sorcerer.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #02 ()
(w) Fleisher, Michael
(a) Mooney, Jim & Wiacek, Bob

Himalayan Nightmare!
The Man-Thing is teleported to the Himalayas, where an unscrupulous man learns of him and hopes to exhibit him as the Abominable Snowman.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #03 ()
(w) Fleisher, Michael
(a) Mooney, Jim & Wiacek, Bob

The Gong of Doom
Man-Thing and Elaine Simpson face danger from the mad human lord of a Yeti tribe and from Roger Grafton, who wants to capture the muck-monster.

Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #40 ()
doctor_strange_vol_2_40_1980.jpg - 36.2 KBDawn of Death
Dr Strange vs Baron Mordo, and his pawn Lord Phyffe. No Manny but the story continues in Man-Thing 4, and concludes in Dr Strange 41.

Howard the Duck Magazine #5 ()
howard_the_duck_magazine_05_1980.jpg - 20.6 KBCaptain Americana
Flashback during story of Howard and Bev visiting Duckworld.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #04 () (w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Perlin, Don & Wiacek, Bob

Man-Thing and Elaine Simpson are yanked back to the swamp, where they find themselves embroiled in a battle between Dr. Strange and Baron Mordo.

Dr Strange Vol: 2, #41 ()
doctor_strange_vol_2_41_1980.jpg - 36.2 KBChris Claremont (w), Gene Colan (a)
Weep for the Soul of Man... Strange takes time off from battling Baron Mordo to try and restore Ted Salis' consciousness. Follows on from Man-Thing 4.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #05 ()
(w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Perlin, Don & Wiacek, Bob

Who Knows Fear?
A drug dealer and his men pursue a witness to a murder, and find themselves confronted by the Man-Thing.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #06 ()
(w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Perlin, Don & Wiacek, Bob

Fraternity Rites
A group of fraternity members seeks to destroy the Man-Thing in full view of Sheriff Daltry.

The Savage She-Hulk #8 ()
savage__she_hulk_08_1980.jpg - 29.5 KBAmong The Ogres!
She-Hulk is rendered human and afraid by the fountain of youth. Man-Thing attacks, making her angry enough to transform back to her savage, green self.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #07 () (w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Perlin, Don & Wiacek, Bob

What Ever Happened to Captain Fate?
Captain Fate returns to plunder an airliner and attack Citrusville, with the Man-Thing, John Daltry, and Barbie Bannister drawn into the conflict.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #08 ()
(w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Perlin, Don & Wiacek, Bob

Red Sails, Burning
John Daltry, Barbie Bannister, and Man-Thing are captured aboard Captain Fate's vessel, where they begin resistance against him.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #09 ()
(w) McKenzie, Dickie, DeMatteis, (a) Hama, Larry & Bulanadi, Danny, My Soul to Keep: Hannigan, Ed & Wiacek, Bob
Echo of Pain and My Soul to Keep:
1 ) Two parents of a newborn baby die of drinking contaminated water, and Man-Thing takes the baby, but is pursued by its grandparents. 2) Man-Thing helps save a cultist from two brutal deprogrammers.

Uncanny X-Men #144 ()
Even In Death
Man-Thing helps the X-Men battle D'spayre

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #10 ()
(w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Perlin, Don & Wiacek, Bob

Come The Dark Man Walkin, Walkin
John Kowalski joins the Kales and Barbie Bannister, who is trying to find a way to lift John Daltry from Captain Fate's curse and bring him back to her, while the Man-Thing fights a motorcycle gang.

Man-Thing Vol. 2 #11 ()
(w) Claremont, Chris
(a) Perlin, Don & Wiacek, Bob

Hells Gate
Chris Claremont merges with the Man-Thing in a final battle to save John Daltry and fight Thog.

Marvel Two-In-One #77 ()
marvel_two-in-one_77_1981.jpg - 25.2 KBOnly the Swamp Survives
Team-up of the Thing and Man-Thing. With Fantastic Four. In a flashback, Ben Grimm is shown with Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandos in WWII.

Defenders #98 ()
defenders_98_1981.jpg - 19.9 KBThe Hand Closes
Man-Thing is possessed and used to battle the Defenders

Thor #316 ()
thor_316_1982_jpg.jpg - 24.6 KBOf Beasts and Things
Thor and Iron Man battle the Man-Beast, and Man-Thing finds himself aboard a strange craft.

Thor #317 ()
Chaos At Canaveral
thor_317_1982_jpg.jpg - 25.4 KBMan-Thing's rescuing of the Man-Beat has terrible consequences. In an effort to put things right he attracts Thor's attention.

Marvel Team-Up Vol. 1 #122 ()
marvel_team-up_122_1982.jpg - 26.8 KBA Simple Twist Of...Fate An ex-employee of the Daily Bugle takes Man-Thing to the paper's offices to get revenge. Spider-Man steps in and calmer heads prevail.

Marvel Fanfare #09 ()
marvel_fanfare_09_1983.jpg - 22.9 KBRock n' Soul
A musician fleeing a deal his band made with infernal powers finds himself in the Man-Thing's swamp.

Web of Spider-Man Annual #4 ()
web_of_spider-man_annual_04_1988.jpg - 24.7 KBSweet Poison
Spider-Man verse the Slug

Marvel Fanfare #36 ()
marvel_fanfare_36_1988.jpg - 27.2 KBTouch of Fire, Touch of Fear
Short Man-Thing Story

Marvel Comics Presents #001 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror The Man-Thing discovers humans in his swamp who have been horribly altered by government experiments--and melds with one of them. Series details...

Marvel Comics Presents #002 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: First Witness As the Man-Thing lies stricken by his invaded body, a senator is attacked and abducted for asking the right questions.

Marvel Comics Presents #003 ()
(w) Man-Thing: Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: Ritual and Belief The senator's body is physically altered by the FSSI, as the mutated Man-Thing attacks a coven which is operating in his swamp.

Marvel Comics Presents #004 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: Rage and Design Senator Wilbur Wycombe, turned into a monster, attacks his captors, while Demon shows the government agents her new acquisition: the Man-Thing.

Marvel Comics Presents #005 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: God and Country While Col. Choate testifies in Washington, Monteiro allies himself with Demon and (supposedly) with Man-Thing.

Marvel Comics Presents #007 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: Boxes As the FSCI turns Railsback into a "super-soldier" monstrosity, Zahner and his crew attack Man-Thing, Demon, and Monteiro.

Marvel Comics Presents #006 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: The Horror Within Demon "merges" psychically with Man-Thing and the being who has melded with him, to horrific result.

Marvel Comics Presents #009 ()
(w) Steve Greber
(a) Joyce, Brad & Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: Breaking Faith Man-Thing is decapitated when the government bombs the swamp, but begins to grow a new body.

Marvel Comics Presents #008 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: Prisoners Zahner's attack fails and Demon prepares to summon Chaos with the Man-Thing's help.

Marvel Comics Presents #010 ()
(w) Man-Thing:Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Joyce, Brad & Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: Freedom Fighter Col. Choate is injected with the Serum and eliminates the Dr. Ditillio, escapes and goes looking for McDonald.

Marvel Comics Presents #011 ()
(w) Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Joyce, Brad & Sutton, Tom

Elements of Terror: Perception and Actuality Selbert holds Zahner and those with him prisoner as Col. Choate, having transformed himself into a monstrous "super-soldier", begins a mission with his fellow monsters.

Marvel Comics Presents #012 ()
(w) Steve Greber
(a) Joyce, Brad & Sutton

Elements of Terror: Glamor Jody Choate and his super-soldiers attack, and Man-Thing returns as a counterforce.

Marvel Comics Presents #029 ()
It Came From Within Quasar story. A Guardians of the Galaxy villain known as Quagmire comes through the Nexus via Man-Thing's body.

The Legion of Night #2 ()
legion_of_night_02_1991.jpg - 20.9 KBSteve Gerber (w) Messenger from the Dead Part II
A group of monsters try to save the world from evil.

The Incredible Hulk #389 ()
incredible_hulk_389_1992.jpg - 26.5 KB(w) Field, Tom
(a) Barker, G & Farmer, Mark

Of Man and Man-Thing
The Hulk discovers that someone has been trying to reformulate the serum and turned themselves into the Glob. Man-Thing, The Hulk and the Glob battle in the swamp.

Quasar #50 ()
quasar_50_1993.jpg - 24.5 KBHorizon Of Holes
The Living Tribunal at the Cosmic Axis have to reassert their power in the face of a challenger. Each chooses a champion, and one chooses Man-Thing.

Deadpool:Merc with a Mouth #6 ()
mt_deadpool_06.jpgWritten by Victor Gischler
Penciled by Bong Dazo
Cover by Arthur Suydam

Head Trip, Part 6. Manny guest stars
Space, the Final Frontier. O-ver-ra-ted. Wade, the severed Zombie Deadpool head and Dr. Betty find themselves back on good old Earth, knee-deep in swampy goodness. Seems like Headpool is a little homesick, and everyone agrees the zombie virus should be put safely back into its own dimension. All they've got to do is find that damn dimensional portal. Anyway, you don't think A.I.M, is gonna give up that easy, do you? No way. Just because their space station got itself all blown up doesn't mean they're out of the game. But wait -- who's this surprise guest star? Is it a MAN? Is it a THING? Well, you see where this is going ... Is this enough preview copy to get you to buy the damn book'because I can go on all night?!
32 PGS./Parental Advisory $2.99

Spotted by Guillaume

Nomad Vol. 2 #21 ()
nomad_vol2_21_1994.jpg - 19.1 KBChoices of the Insane

Blaze #2 ()
blaze_02_1994.jpg - 21.9 KB(w) Hama, Larry
(a) Matinez H, Larosa B

Swamp Fire
Blaze runs into Man-Thing and finds a lead in his search for his children.

Marvel Comics Presents #165 ()
(w) Jowett, Simon
(a) Man-Thing: Johnson, Paul

Behold the Man Pt 2. Retelling of Origin and leads into new story.

Marvel Comics Presents #166 ()
Behold the Man Pt 3 of 4 Retelling of Origin and leads into a new story.

Marvel Comics Presents #164 ()
(w) Jowett, Simon
(a) Man-Thing: Johnson, Paul

Behold the Man Pt 1 Retells Origin and leads into new story

Marvel Comics Presents #167 ()
Behold the Man Pt 4 of 4 retelling of Origin leading into a new story

Untitled 64-page special ()
unpublished_jowett+Johnson_64_page_special Simon Jowett (w), Paul Johnson (a)
Someone is out to extract the serum that caused Man-thing (an attempt to recreate the super-soldier serum) in order to exploit it financially. Features an Avengers cameo. Planned as a follow-on from the Marvel Comics Presents stories Jowett and Johnson had worked on, this was cancelled in the Marvel implosion/bankruptcy in 1996.

Spotted by Steve on the Facebooks

Midnight Sons Unlimited #8 ()
midnight_sons_unlimited_08_1995.jpg - 21.7 KB(w) Abnett, Dan
(a) Coker T, Rouleau D, Ross L, Worley M.,

A Kynd of Magick
An large spaceship lands in the swamp and starts kidnapping creatures. Man-thing is the first victim.

The Incredible Hulk #427 () )
incredible_hulk_427_1995.jpg - 20.6 KB(w) David, Peter
(a) Sharpe, Liam & Riggs, Robin

Six Months Later...
Man-Thing observes a child molester kidnapping his victims.

The Incredible Hulk #428 ()
incredible_hulk_428_1995.jpg - 27.8 KB(w) David, Peter
(a) Sharpe, Liam & Riggs, Robin

The Hulks anger at a child molester attracts the attention of Man-Thing and a fight ensues.

The Adventures of the X-Men #11 ()
adventures_of_the_x-men_11.jpg - 31.8 KB(w) Macchio, Ralph
(a) Labat Y, Cabrera R

Tower of despair
Jean Grey and Storm meet Man-Thing and D'Spayr. Also released in a The Adventures of the X-Men / The Adventures of Spider-Man flipbook edition

The Adventures of Spider-Man / TAO the X-Men #11 ()
(w) Macchio, Ralph
(a) Labat Y, Cabrera R


Generation X #25 ()
generation_x_25_1997.jpg - 23.4 KB(w) Scott Lobdell
(a) Chris Bachalo

Suffer the Children
Howard, Artie, Leech, Franklin and Tana Nile get attacked by Black Tom and are saved by the Man-Thing who teleports them away. (see Day Dreamers)

Daydreamers #1 ()
(w) DeMatteis, J.M. Dezago, Todd & Jozefowiez, A
(a) Egeland, M & Shum, H

Once Upon a Time...
Man-Thing looks after a group of Children - Howard, Artie, Leech, Franklin and Tana Nile. Series details...

Daydreamers #2 ()
(w) DeMatteis, J.M. Dezago, Todd & Jozefowiez, A
(a) Egeland, M & Shum, H

Across the Universe
Man-Thing looks after a group of children - Howard, Artie, Leech, Franklin and Tana Nile

Daydreamers #3 ()
(w) DeMatteis, J.M. Dezago, Todd & Jozefowiez, A
(a) Egeland, M & Shum, H

Dark Eyes
Man-Thing looks after a group of children - Howard, Artie, Leech, Franklin and Tana Nile

Heroes Reborn: The Return #1 ()
heroes_reborn_01_variant_cover.jpg - 16.3 KBWriter: David, Peter
(a) Larroca, Salvador & Thibeat, Art

The Judgment Guest starring a large number of the marvel Universe Franklin Richards somehow created the Heroes Reborn universe where those killed by Onslaught were transported to. Man-Thing has been looking after him, and is involved in the heroes' return.

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #01 ()
volume_3_01.jpg - 22.3 KBWriter: Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam

Shame Manny leaves the swamp behind and embarks on a quest to save all realities and attempts to rediscover his own buried humanity! Series details...

THE HOOK: It's a fear-fraught (and non-code approved) journey into the dark corners of the Marvel Universe as the macabre muck-monster leaves the swamp behind and embarks on a quest to save all realities and attempts to rediscover his own buried humanity!
THE STORY: It all begins with a dream. A dream of myriad realities intersecting and being destroyed, worlds upon worlds fading from existence as the Nexus of All Realities-fractured by Onslaught and the cosmic storm of HEROES RETURN-is torn asunder. Only the Man-Thing, the shambling, mindless guardian of the Nexus possess the power to prevent multiversal disaster. But a human guide is required for the creature to be successful in reintegrating the Nexus. Enter Ellen Brandt, wife of Ted Sallis, the woman whose betrayal created the Man-Thing. The woman whose beautiful face was forever scarred by the monster in the first ever Man-Thing story. She's never been face-to-face with the creature who once was her husband-until now. Now unseen cosmic forces-along with sorcerer Doctor Strange-have brought these two together. Will the Man-Thing reduce Ellen to a pile of ashes, or will they both attempt to save the multiverse? Will the sins of the past bring about revenge-or redemption?
THE CHARACTERS: Government chemist Ted Sallis was working on recreating the Super Soldier Serum that created Captain America when his wife betrayed him to the subversive organisation known as A.I.M. To protect the formula from A.I.M.'s clutches, Sallis injected himself with the untested serum and crashed his car into the swamp. There, the chemicals mingled with the mystical forces of the Nexus and transformed him into the mud-encrusted Man-Thing! As an empath, the monster responds in a severe way to emotions. Negative emotions-such as fear, hate, anger or envy-cause him excruciating pain. Gifted with the ability to destroy the source of this pain, all of comicdom learned that whoever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing's touch! Additionally, the mystical forces which transformed Sallis have also appointed him the Guardian of the Nexus of All Realities, the dimensional crossroads which-until very recently-was centred in the Florida Everglades.
THE CREATORS: Currently writing SILVER SURFER and SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, J.M. DeMatteis is known for his penetrating, emotional stories, and has helped pioneer the "mature" style of comics with such works as MOONSHADOW, Seekers Into The Mystery, Brooklyn Dreams and BLOOD: A TALE. Liam Sharp developed his distinct look on titles such as DEATH'S HEAD, VENOM and THE INCREDIBLE HULK. Together, DeMatteis and Sharp will be spinning a sophisticated saga of psychological horror fully planted within the Marvel Universe.
THE FORMAT: This monthly, 32-page, direct only, non-code approved book is suggested for mature readers, kiddies!
THE LEAD-IN: The events of GENERATION X #25, the four-part DAYDREAMERS limited series and MARVEL TEAM-UP #4 plunge straight into MAN-THING.
THE SUPPORT: Coverage in Marvel's 40-page titles, House and Industry ads and a promotional poster.

This was a very interesting comic but Man-Thing dissappeared in the convoluted plot concerning the supporting characters. When it was combined with Werewolf in Strange Tales it still wasn't lighting my fire, then after a few issues it got canned. J.M.DeMatheis spoke to CBR.com about the behind the scenes details that impacted on the storytelling:

In order to understand how screwed up the end of the series was, you have to realize that we weren't cancelled just once, we were canceled several times! First we were told that the Strange Tales line was pretty much over and that our monthly book was being killed (this was after only four or five issues had been out, so you can see how much faith they had in us! Marvel was really in turmoil in those days and people were hitting the panic button very quickly). But, at the same time, we were also told that Man-Thing were being folded, along with Werewolf By Night , into a new oversized split-book called... Strange Tales . So we were canceled and uncanceled at the same time.
Liam and I kept working, but we got word early on-I think before the first issue had even come out-that Strange Tales was being canceled after, I think, the fourth issue, so could we please wrap up our story? We sighed, banged our heads against the wall and set to work wrapping up. Only then we were told that the book was being canceled after the second issue. Well, we'd pretty much finished the third issue...I'd plotted, the fourth... but the series was left hanging. Bob Harras had Liam finish up the art on the third story... thinking that we could bring it out in some form down the line. I don't think he ever drew the fourth... but I've got the plot in my files, so I know I wrote it!
As for what we did, and were going to do, in the following issues: We had many wonderful ideas, many wonderful ways to use the characters and create new incarnations for the Man-Thing himself. We intended to take our time, but we squeezed some of those ideas into our final, never-seen issues. Ted (free of the Man-Thing forever) and Ellen were sent off into the Nexus itself to be its guardians. And we had plans for the albino Man-Thing that began to evolve in our final issues, which would have ended with a brand-new Man-Thing, nothing like the old one, in the swamp. And then there was a whole universe of new characters-Termineus, Sorrow, The Fallen Stars-that we wanted to develop.
There's a fairly pathetic endnote to this story. Ralph Macchio, a wonderful editor, called me up one day, not long after our cancellation, and asked if I'd like to bring the Ted Sallis Man-Thing back in a Spider-Man annual . Ralph's thinking was, Someone's gonna do it... and probably soon... so it might as well be you. Ralph's heart was in the right place... but I really should have said no. At the time I still believed our last stories would come out-and, I hoped, relatively soon-so I thought, okay, let's give it a try.
I ended up writing a story that picked up where our last, unprinted issues left off: first big mistake, right? I mean, we're footnoting stories that no one has ever read! And then, of course, by bringing back the Sallis Man-Thing, I undid the whole point of our final stories. Dumb, dumb, dumb. But, as Ralph noted, it was going to happen anyway, so I might as well be the guy who did it. Very Big Mistake. On top of that, Liam was only available to draw half the story and the other artist's style, although quite strong in its own right, was diametrically opposed to Liam's, so the art was incredibly inconsistent, to say the least.
The whole thing was a disaster. An incoherent mishmosh...and I have no one to blame but myself. Let's all just pretend it never happened, okay?

Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #108, 06.21.2007

Marvel Team-Up Vol. 2 #4 () marvel_team-up_vol2_04_1997.jpg - 24.1 KB(w) Peyer, Tom
(a) Hood J, Pepoy A,

Suspended Sentience
Spider-Man finally finds the Authority, but their confrontation is forestalled by a crisis involving the Man-Thing

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #02 ()
volume_3_02.jpg - 19.2 KB(w) Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam, Variant full color painted cover by Mike Ploog

The Jouney Revisiting Manny's origin as Ellen Brandt must confront her role in Man-Things' creation.
Man-Thing's chaotic reunion with Ellen Brandt has been interrupted-by the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange! The Master of the Mystic Arts brings knowledge that may determine the fate of the bog beast, his estranged wife and perhaps the whole of reality itself! But before the news is revealed, Ellen must go on a harrowing journey of regret and redemption through the swamp that is the Man-Thing's soul, where she-and you-will learn never-before-revealed secrets of the monster's origin! Plus: meet a certain child whose fate will become entwined with Man-Thing's destiny-and the enigmatic figure who stalks him! (note: As with all Strange Tales , it is suggested for mature readers.)

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #03 ()
volume_3_03.jpg Writer: Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam

Christmas in Bedlam Man-Thing and Ellen embark on the first leg of their quest to save reality, seeking out the former Defender Devil-Slayer.
It's a dark and foreboding Christmas Eve as the Man-Thing and Ellen embark on the first leg of their quest to save reality! Their first stop: Rosewell Sanitarium, where they will visit a very special patient - Eric Simon Payne, the former Defender known as Devil-Slayer! Why is he there, and how is his inter-dimensional shadow cloak playing havok with the fabric of reality? Plus: who is the enigmatic woman known only as Sorrow, and what is her connection to Ellen's sordid past? (Note: as with all Strange Tales , MAN-THING is suggested for mature readers.)
Guest Character: Devil-Slayer, Sorrow

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #04 ()
volume_3_04.jpgWriter: Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam

Silent Night Man-Thing and Ellen try to reach through Devil-Slayer's insanity.
The former Defender known as Devil-Slayer has gone insane-and his extra-dimensional shadow-cloak is sucking pieces of our reality into its demonic confines! Can the macabre Man-Thing and his reluctant companion Ellen find a way to reach the man behind the madness and stem the tide of bizarre creatures that threaten to overrun the Earth? Also revealed this issue: Ellen's connections to the Roswell Sanitarium and the enigmatic woman called Sorrow! Plus: the mysterious agenda of the man called Mr. Terminus!
Guest Character: Howard the Duck

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #05 ()
volume_3_05.jpg - 22.3 KB(w) Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam

The Empty House To save the future Man-Thing and Ellen find that they have to return to their past.
A turning point issue for Marvel's most bizarre series! In the aftermath of last issue's cosmic conflagration, the Man-Thing and Ellen find that the latest step in their quest has led them to a town that holds an important piece of their past from the days of their marriage! A major secret is revealed that will impact on the future, and we learn an aspect of the Man-Thing's abilities that has never before been revealed! Plus:the return of the Man-Thing's old nemeses, the fanatical Cult of Entropy.
Guest Character: Howard the Duck

Shadows and Light #2 ()
shadows_and_light_02_1998.jpg - 24.2 KBSo Near
Man-Thing visits the Louisiana bayou

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #06 ()
volume_3_06.jpg (w) Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam

The Duck and the Muck Man-Thing and Ellen uncovered a shattering secret from their past-and now face the nihilistic Cult of Entropy, who plan to kill Howard the Duck.
In a tiny town in the heartland of America, the Man-Thing and Ellen uncovered a shattering secret from their past-and now they're face-to-face with a group of the swamp creature's oldest foes, the nihilistic Cult of Entropy! They're determined to hasten the destruction of the Nexus of All Realities by killing-Howard the Duck?! What in the name of Duckworld is going on here?!
"Writer J.M. DeMatteis and artist Liam Sharp have both taken extraordinary strides in updating the character for today...combining all of these factors with stunning visual art and outstanding writing, MAN-THING offers something above and beyond your average comic." (Riot)
Guest Character: Howard the Duck

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #07 ()
volume_3_07.jpg Writer: Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam

In the Waters of Eternity
The Man-Thing has pursued Ellen Brandt to the sunken city of Atlantis - their mission: to reintegrate another fragment of the shattered Nexus of All Realities. Their problem: the fragment is imbedded in an artifact being guarded by the Sub-Mariner, who's not willing to release it, even to save the multiverse! Meanwhile, the demonic Mr. Termineus leads young Job ever closer to his irrevocable destiny!
Guest Character: Namour
Guest-starring Namor, the Sub-Mariner!

Man-Thing Vol. 3 #08 ()
volume_3_08.jpg - 21.6 KB(w) Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Sharp, Liam

In the Waters of Eternity Man-Thing's encounter with Namor the Sub-Mariner takes an unexpected turn when an ancient Atlantean god transforms the mindless muck-monster back into his human form
of scientist Ted Sallis! But Ted's reunion with his ex-wife Ellen may prove to be short-lived, because without the Man-Thing, there's no hope to repair the fragmented Nexus of All Realities and the doomsday clock for all the Multiverse is ticking towards zero!
(Marvel Memo: While the MAN-THING monthly is changing its format after this issue, the storyline will continue in full 22-page installments in the new Strange Tales monthly anthology!)
Guest Character: Namour

Strange Tales #1 ()
Strange Tales #1 CoverWriter: Man-Thing: Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Man-Thing: Sharp, Liam - Cover By Neal Adams

Destroyer Of WorldsThe muck monster collides with The Silver Surfer! Series details...THE FORMAT: Each issue of Strange Tales will be a massive 64 pages, featuring two 22-page stories and one 10-page bonus tale..
THE HOOK: Step into the shadowed corners of The house Of Ideas and enter Marvel's monthly 64-page horror anthology!
THE STORY: Continuing the adventure from Man-Thing #8: As reality continues to fray at the edges, The Man-Thing and Ellen find themselves warped to an alien planet where the latest fragment of the Nexus is to be found. Unfortunately, the fragment's powers is the only thing supporting life on this world and it's under the protection of The Silver Surfer! As the swamp creature's dim consciousness becomes increasingly ruthless under the influence of the ancient entity within his staff, it looks like Ellen herself must decide whether to help the Surfer save the planet or help her ex-husband and sacrifice a world to save the multiverse!

Strange Tales #2 ()
Strange Tales #2Writer: Man-Thing: Dematheis, J.M.
(a) Man-Thing: Sharp, Liam - cover By Tbd

The End Of All Things! (The Book Of Job Part 1) The end of reality begins here in the first chapter of the saga that alters the muck monster's status quo forever! (Final Issue) Series details...
Strange Tales #2 Verson 2 All of the fragments of the shattered Nexus of All Realities have been gathered and the players have assembled in the Florida swamps for the final act! Now, the demonic Mr. Termineus steps forward with his new disciple Job (the biological son of Ted and Ellen Sallis) and reveals his master plan!

Hulk #6 ()
hulk_06_1999.jpg - 20.7 KBJohn Byrne, Ron Garney and Dan Green.
New Lives for Old The new Silvery-white Man-Thing watches over this reality and a more traditional Man-Thing has been born from the swamp. It's mud wrasslin' time with the macabre Man-Thing! With blood on his hands, The Hulk is out of control and more dangerous than he's ever been before! Now the green goliath just wants refuge, so he heads to the Florida Everglades, but something is there - something sentient, something deadly - and we're not talking about the Man-Thing (although he shows up, too!)
The story refers briefly to the previous transformation but soon gives us the classic Man-Thing doing the silent witness thing.

Hulk #7 ()
hulk_07_1999.jpg - 16.3 KBJohn Byrne, Ron Garney and Dan Green.
Trouble in Paradise The Avengers arrive in Florida to subdue the Hulk with Man-Thing involved.

Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual ()
peter_parker_spider-man_annual_1999.jpg - 30.6 KB(w) J.M. DeMatteis, (a) Liam Sharp, Joe Bennet, (c) J.G. Jones
Song of the Man-Thing The end of Strange Tales Saga. Ellen and Ted Sallis merge with the Nexus and the soul of the first man. Man-thing is now silvery-white and speaks. Spider-Man must help the Man-Thing to save the Nexus Of All Realities, and defeat the true Scrier. Series details...
THE STORY: When we last left the shambling muck monster, all existence was on the verge of being wiped out! So what happened?! How can a little ol' web-spinner possibly save the Nexus of All Realities, the very fulcrum of existence? And what if the enigmatic and all-powerful Scrier decides to stop him? It's Spidey in the most outrageous adventure yet - with only all of reality at stake! Let's hope he's up to snuff or we're in serious trouble!
THE CREATORS: J.M. DeMatteis and Liam Sharp (Spawn: The Dark Ages), the talented team from MAN-THING, unite once again, this time ably assissted by Joe Bennet (NOVA). And new sensation J.G. Jones (BLACK WIDOW) provides the cover!
THE FORMAT: 48-page Annual.
I was gravely disappointed with this comic, it looked like it mixed some leftover artwork from the Strange Tales series with some quite drab Spiderman filler. The new Man-Thing is a complete change of direction: he is now the soul of the first sentient being that arrived on earth that has joined with the souls' of Ted and Ellen Sallis. This Man-Thing is a silvery-white colour and talks while wandering around looking wise and mystical. It's a mess.

Exiles #10 ()
exiles_10_2002.jpg - 16.8 KBA World Apart Pt. 3
Man-Thing appeared as a enslaved gladiator in a Skrull-dominated alternate Earth, was freed, and then joined in a massive battle against Terrax and Galactus in the 3-part story.

Marvel Knights Double Shot #2 ()
marvel_knights_double_shot_02_2002.jpg - 17.3 KBMemories of Green
The monstrous Man-Thing faces a coldly deadly experiment of distilled emotions.

Man-Thing Vol. 4 #1 ()
Man Thing V4 #1 cover Written by Hans Rodionoff
Penciled by Kyle Hotz
Cover by Kyle Hotz

Whatever Knows Fear pt1 What evil lurks in the brackish waters of the swamp? This series, a prequal to to the Man-Thing movie, has a look. Series details...

An insurance investigator comes to look into some damage to a swamp construction site.

It's the return of one of Marvel's all-time favorite horror characters: Man-Thing! Just in time for the upcoming theatrical film release by Lion's Gate Films, this three-issue movie "prequel" is written by Hans Rodionoff, screenwriter for the Man-Thing film, and drawn by "master of the macabre" Kyle Hotz (The Hood). Set in the Bywater Swamp from the Man-Thing film, this self-contained story will enhance the movie-going experience with BRAND-NEW content we found lurking in the shadows of the bayou!
32 PGS./MARVEL PSR $2.99
UPC: 5960605549-00111
An insurance investigator comes to look into some damage to a swamp construction site. Said damage looks like the swamp has attacked the site, more in keeping with the powers of DC's Swamp-Thing than anything Man-Thing has ever exhibited. Great spooky artwork and fans of the X-Files should enjoy the plot so far, but fans of the Man-Thing of old (I know there are a couple of us) might be left unsatisfied.
Sales Figures: Rank=87, Index=37.21 Est.Qty 25,685 (Source IcV2.com)
Rodionoff talked to Fangoria and Comicbookresources about his work on the film and related comic.

'The Man-Thing' limited series is meant to co-exist with the Ultimate universe, but also seeks to build a new universe with Man-Thing as the nucleus. What I'd love to see happen is the creation of a horror universe that is barren of costumed heroes. In other words, Captain America wouldn't ever make a guest appearance in 'Man-Thing.' The Man-Thing series is not really an origin story, but it's as close to an origin as the mythology will allow. I hate to be so guarded about it, but again, I don't want to ruin it for anyone by giving away too much. There are moments in the prequel series that I wanted to have in the film, but they were impossible from a budgetary standpoint. If the series does well, I think it's possible that there will be further journeys into the swamp and hopefully beyond.

Man-Thing Vol. 4 #2 ()
Man Thing V4 #2 coverWritten by Hans Rodionoff
Pencils & Cover by Kyle Hotz

Whatever Knows Fear pt2
Sinister events continue to mount in the creepy town of Bywater.
Ted Sallis's back-story is updated, and Man-Thing makes an effective entrance.. Sinister events continue to mount in the creepy town of Bywater, Louisiana, where an outsider has arrived to uncover the horrifying truth of what lurks in the swamp. Featuring all-new, original content and set in the world of the film.
32 PGS./MARVEL PSR $2.99
UPC: 5960605549-00211
Sales Figures: Rank=115, Index=26.55 Est.Qty 19,192 (Source IcV2.com)

Man-Thing Vol. 4 #3 ()
Man Thing V4 #3 coverWritten by Hans Rodionoff
Cover & Pencils by Kyle Hotz

Whatever Knows Fear pt3
The investigator thinks he knows what is going on, but will anyone believe him? The Man-Thing movie prequel concludes with a horrific showdown with Man-Thing as you've never seen it before! Check out an incarnation of Man-Thing too wild to make it into the film! The wrath of nature explodes in Bywater, Louisiana...will the mysterious newcomer make it out alive? Featuring all-new, original content and set in the world of the film, penned by the team of macabre master Kyle Hotz & Man-Thing screenwriter Hans Rodionoff.
32 PGS./MARVEL PSR+ $2.99 UPC: 5960605549-00311
Sales Figures: Rank=144, Index=23.27 Est.Qty 16,577 (Source IcV2.com)

Legion Of Monsters: Man-Thing #1 ()
cover by Gere Land(C) Greg Land, (w) Charlie Huston
Pencils: Klaus Janson
Inks: Klaus Janson

Mannny in a creepy tale of the worst kind of dinner invitationThe Story: The amazing Legion of Monsters series continues, as Moon Knight and Ultimates Annual writer Charlie Huston navigates Man-Thing into a creepy tale, Plus the brilliant Ted McKeever brings his expressionistic storytelling to Simon Garth- the original Marvel Zombie! These are stories that have been begging to be told, set right in the dark, horrific corners of the Marvel Universe! Read it with the lights on!
32 PGS./Parental Advisory $2.99
PRICE: 2.99

First spotted by Muck-head Guillaume Sarralie.

She-Hulk #20 ()
cover by John WatsonThe Story: Twenty issues of secrets and mysteries... ...and here's where we let you peek at the answers! Is She-Hulk still married? What's Mallory's master plan? Who has Mr. Zix been talking to? Where's John?
Awesome Andy? Pug? Southpaw?!! BIG returns, BIGGER reveals, and THE BIGGEST SURPRISE OF ALL! All this, and a giant-size Man-Thing .
32 PGS./Rated T+ $2.99

Spotted by Muck-head SanctumSanctorum

X-Men: First Class #8 ()
X-Men: First Class #8 coverWritten by Jeff Parker
Pencils & Cover by Eric Nguyen

Some heroes come to the Everglades and bump into Manny
In the strangest swamp in the world, untold horrors await the young mutant team. Only one even stranger creature can walk this unfathomable realm intact. The X-Men face a nightmarish future... possibly the true one... when they JOURNEY INTO FEAR.
32 PGS./Rated A - $2.99
On sale - 01/08
7 pages for preview.

Spotted first by muck-head P-TOR, but Guillaume wasn't far behind!

Marvel Comics Presents Vol. 2 #12 ()
Marvel Comics resents #12 coverWritten by Marc Guggenheim, Ivan Brandon, Jai Nitz, & Rich Koslowski
Penciled by Francis Tsai, Niko Henrichon, Ben Stenbeck, Marco Chichetto Cover by Stephen Segovia

the time Man-Thing joined...the initiative!?!
40 PGS./Rated T+ $3.99
Previews and a short interview with Jai Nitz are featured at Marvel.com

Spotted by P-TOR

Spider-Man: Fear Itself #1 ()
Man-Thing vs Spider ManWritten by Stuart Moore
Pencils by Joe Suitor Cover by Mico Suayan

Fear and Mr Parker The mucky man monster returns to meet the Amazing Spider-Man in a double-sized epic that connects to both Peter Parker's youth and his present-day adventures.
In the Florida Everglades, Spider-Man squares off against eight hundred pounds of menace -- the savage, mindless Man-Thing! But after the battle, Spidey finds his own, radiation-altered body chemistry changing radically. To stop his hideous transformation, he'll have to face his own greatest fear!
48 PGS./One-Shot/Rated A ...$3.99
During a Marvel con panel Tom Brevoort was asked if there would be a new Man-Thing series soon. Not a new Man-Thing series, but there is a Man-Thing appearance in a Spider-Man comic Brevoort said. Check out the eye-popping previews at superpouvoir.com

Spotted by PTOR

X-Men: First Class Finals # 3 ()
Man-thing hit by a car Written by Jeff Parker and drawn by Colleen Coover
Man-Thing guest stars in the back up story X-Date in which Scott Summers and Jean Grey go on a date and literally "bump into" the Man-Thing.

Spotted by PTOR

Marvel Zombies Vol. 4 #3 ()
Marvel Zombies 4 #3Written by Fred Van Lente
Art by Kev Walker
Cover by Greg Land

Can the muck-encrusted shambler of the swamps apprehend the undead before the Marvel Universe is totally infected?You've heard of Dark Reign, right? Well here comes the Dark Rain-a toxic cloud that zombifies everything in its path! The Midnight Sons can't enter the deadly mist, so they call in a reserve member who can-the macabre Man-Thing! And will The Hood stop at anything in his mad goal to profit from the growing horror to his own gain?
Parental Advisory ...$3.99 48 PGS./One-Shot/Rated A ...$3.99

Spotted by PTOR

Marvel ZombiesVol: 4, No: 4 ()
Manny pops up at just the right moment to battle the Wicked Brigade Zombie The Midnight Sons battle against the terrifying new mutation of the zombie virus side-by-side with...The Hood! Why does the trigger-happy Cabal member now fight for humanity? Could it have anything to do with the fact the dread Dormammu has abandoned him for a new, even more powerful minion? Or the frightening fact that the plague of undead is going to lay waste to the entire Marvel Universe?

Spotted by Guillaume

Dark Avengers #10 ()
mt_dark_avengers_10(C) Mike Deodato
(w) Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils: Mike Deodato
Inks: Mike Deodato
Colored By: Rainier Beredo
Lettered By: VC - Cory Petit

He's in a fight scene at least...The Story: Oh hey, you know how Norman Osborn was once the Green Goblin but he got it under control and now he's one of the most powerful people in the free world? Oh, and you know that whole thing about him being a ticking time bomb who could snap at any minute? Yeah... you might want to check this issue out. The smash hit of the year continues!! Rated T ...$3.99
Price: 3.99

Spotted by PTOR

Punisher #11 ()
punisher_11_2009.jpg - 22.1 KBA dead Punisher meets up with Manny. In the belly of New York, skulking and forgotten creatures of the night uncover the remains of a man in a familiar outfit. Frank Castle is dead. What exactly IS Frankencastle? Long time collaborators Rick Remender and Tony Moore (Ghost Rider, Fear Agent, The Walking Dead) are reunited for what will be the greatest struggle in the afterlife of the Punisher. Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster.

Spotted by Daryl Young

Punisher #12 ()
mt_punisher_012.jpgWritten by Rick Remender
Penciled by Tony Moore
Cover by Mike Mckone

Franken-Castle, Part 2
The Punisher is dead, so who, or what, is the giant patchwork monster skulking through the tunnels under New York? And what do those strange armored Japanese hunters tracking him want? Criminals are no longer being killed; they are simply vanishing into thin air. Listen closely, you can hear their pleas far below the streets. Those forgotten by society have a new protector. The Legion of Monsters has found a new leader.
32 Pgs./Parental Advisory $2.99

Spotted by Guillaume

Punisher #13 ()
punisher_13_2009.jpg - 18.9 KBFranken-castlePart 3 Manny hangs out with Frank and the other monsters. Trapped in the dank tunnels under New York, surrounded by a savage team of Japanese monster hunters, filthy in the blood of his friends, Frank Castle turns, lifts a giant rifle and smiles. They aren't prepared for this, you aren't prepared for this, an entire issue loaded full, completely dedicated to bleeding, sweet, revenge-splattered murder in traditional hardcore Punisher style. Frank's been through hell -- time to give a little back.

Spotted by Daryl Young

Web Of Spider-Man #6 ()
Web Of Spider-Man page 3Man-Thing has flashbacks to his Ted Sallis days fighting in one of the Iraq wars with Curt Connors (Lizard), while they fight each other in the present.

Spotted by PTOR

Deadpool Team-Up #894 ()
Deadpool Team-UpWriter: Ivan Brandon
Pencils: Sanford Greene

A Dame To Get Killed For Man-Thing appears along the "Legion of Monsters" with FrankenCastle (Punisher). He doesn't do anything, but there's a funny scene where Werewolf and Living Mummy are trying to get Manny to understand the humor of "Giant Size Man-Thing". When a widow hires Deadpool to avenge her husband and kill The Punisher, Wade Wilson follows a trail that leads him under the city of NY and headfirst into an army of monsters lead by the animated remains of his prey. What he finds is that FrankenCastle is already dead... but that doesn't make him any less deadly. Parental Advisory

Spotted by PTOR

Thunderbolts #144 ()
Thunderbolts coverWritten by Jeff Parker
Penciled by Kev Walker
Cover by Marko Djurdjevic
Heroic Age Variant by Larry Stroman

The Heroic Age Is Here! The new era for Marvel's always-evolving, always controversial team kicks off here! Series details...It's a beginning, a return, a departure, and an arrival of a new artist (Marvel Zombies 3 & 4's Kev Walker) all rolled into one in a fresh, shocking status quo! The most dangerous people on Earth are now all in one hellish prison, and the only way out is through rehabilitation and contribution to society via The Thunderbolts...under the leadership of the steel-hard-skinned Avenger named Luke Cage! So bring on the first participants: Juggernaut! Crossbones! Ghost! Moonstone! And...Man-Thing? Against the sordid recent history of the group as a black ops kill squad, can Power Man restore the Thunderbolts to their rightful potential?
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99

Spotted by P.A Pouliot

Thunderbolts #145 ()
Thunderbolts coverWritten by Jeff Parker
Penciled by Kev Walker
Cover by Marko Djurdjevic

Field Test The Heroic Age Is Here! Special Post-SIEGE issue that introduces a brand-new character! When a magical landmark like Asgard crashes to Earth, the fallout doesn't end just by sweeping up the wreckage. This historic disaster has unleashed unprecedented threats, and one of them is pillaging the American Midwest! This sounds like the perfect mission for Luke Cage's untested team of incarcerated superhumans-and while the newly assembled Thunderbolts boast the power of Juggernaut, Ghost, Moonstone, Crossbones and Man-Thing, are even they ready to handle the girl known only as Troll?
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99

Spotted by PTOR

Deathpool: Merc with a Mouth #13 ()
Deathpool: Merc with a Mouthartwork by Kyle Baker
Manny truns up in chapter two.

Spotted by Guillaume

Thunderbolts #146 () Don't Feed the Troll

Thunderbolts #147 ()
Scared Straight

Thunderbolts #148 ()
Lightning in Shadows

Spider-Man: Back in Quack #1 ()
Spider-Man: Back in QuackStuart Moore and Joe Suitor
Tiny-size Man-Thing backup feature

Tomb of Terror #1 ()
Tomb of Terror cover(C) Travel Foreman
Descent of the Beast The malformed Man-Thing, temporarily in possession of his mind, attempts to save a man from certain death at the hands of racist hunters.

Thunderbolts #149 ()
Lightning In Shadows, Pt. 2

Thunderbolts #150 ()
Old Scores

Thunderbolts #151 ()
Ghost Story

Thunderbolts #152 ()
King Hyperion, Pt. 1

Thunderbolts #153 ()
King Hyperion, Pt. 2

Thunderbolts #154 ()
Thunderbolts #154 coverWritten by Jeff Parker, Penciled by Declan Shalvey, Cover by Stephanie Hans
Adventure into Fear Before he was pressed into service for the Thunderbolts, the mysterious swamp monster of the team knew another life: as guardian for a force of nature called The Nexus of Realities. An old friend of the creature does remember this--and breaks the silent one out of The Raft to return to duty at the borders of our world. What danger awaits the Man-Thing--and what will The Thunderbolts say to losing their favorite plant?
32 PGS. /Rated T+ ...$2.99

Thunderbolts #155 ()
Thunderbolts #155 coverWritten by Jeff Parker, art by Kev Walker, Jason Gorder, Cover by Stephanie Hans, Gerald Parel.
Strange Tales Satana reveals that Manny has a different "name" - the "Vagornus Koth", and possibly a previously unsuspected purpose. The team is back in action after word has come down on high about a weakness in Thunderbolt's, and they must bolster their ranks to deal with the imminent magical threats. Luke Cage calls on New Avenger DOCTOR STRANGE to help find the perfect candidate to fill the role, but bringing this person in is far from easy--which is why SATANA will make a fine Thunderbolt. Back at The Raft, the status quo is changing to an even greater extent without Luke's knowledge. Get ready for new levels of lightning-like justice!
32 PGS. /Rated T+ ...$2.99

Spotted by PTOR

Thunderbolts #156 ()
Proving Ground Manny get them whee they need to go.

Thunderbolts #157 ()
None Shall Survive the Incarsicus!

Thunderbolts #158 ()
Tide of Anarchy

Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #1 ()
Fear Itself - Fearsome Four coverWritten by Brandon Montclare
Artwork by Michael Kaluta, Ryan Bodenheim, Simon Bisley, and Henry Flint
Cover by Michael Kaluta
Series details...

Fear Itself was the company-wide crossover event coming to Marvel in 2011, and it was only fit and proper Man-Thing got a starring role in this related miniseries.

The world is a scary place, especially in the Marvel Universe and mostespecially during Fear Itself, Fearsome Four writer Brandon Montclare tells Marvel.com. And Man-Thing, he's drawn to fear like a moth to a flame. So with all the terror out there, Man-Thing is overloaded. He's about to go supernova.

The Fearsome Four have come together to stop Man-Thing, or die trying. And while doing so they each have to face their own very personal and very unique fears. Howard the Duck, She-Hulk, Nighthawk, and Frankenstein are pretty different; but each in his or her own way is a monster, a freak, a person with a dark side. They're all outsiders, so while some have done the team thing before, there's going to be tension. This story can only happen with thesefour characters. The Fantastic Four were the world's greatest heroes. The Fearsome Four have an explosive situation to deal with, and whether they'll defuse it or set if off is a big part of the story.

Man-Thing has recently been much more active with the Marvel heroes, confirms Montclare. Fearsome Four is an extension of that: the potential consequences of having such a powerful, primal force introduced to the super powered world.

Cover artist and living legend Michael Wm Kaluta will also be doing the special segment in issue #1. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Just below the icy waterline the one-and-only Simon Bisley is lurking. Down in the depths below also lurks artist Henry Flint of Judge Dredd and Haunted Tank fame. It's a monstrously amazing group of guys that people will never forget.

Newsarama has chatted with Montclare about the series:

Man-Thing looks to be at the center of things here, a character most folks thought was a natural fit for Fear Itself given all that "whoever burns at the touch" jazz. How would you characterize his role in the context of the larger Fear Itself conflict?

Montclare: The Fearsome Four have come together to stop Man-Thing. With the events of Fear Itself , Man-Thing is about to explode-literally. Man-Thing isn't evil - in fact he's more mindless than anything else. But in a world completely scared stiff, he's a ticking time bomb. Also coming into play is the less predictable Nexus of All Realities. This is a part of the Man-Thing mythos that started deep in his mossy roots. He's been recently using the NoAR to transport the Thunderbolts to and fro in that book; and in Fearsome Four he'll unfortunately be bringing some alternate reality nightmares into this world.

Nrama: I think it's fair to say that Howard the Duck will be one of the main attractions of Fearsome Four. He has a long history with Man-Thing - is that touched upon in the course of the series?

Montclare: The important heroes have their eyes on the main onslaught in Fear Itself. So the Man-Thing threat might fly under the radar if not for Howard the Duck. Their history is essential to the story. And it's more than just a NYC neighborhood Howard wants to save from inferno. Man-Thing is his friend, and Howard wants to bring him in safe. And if this is the time that Marvel's avatar of fear has to be taken down, Howard wants to be the one to do it.

Fearsome Four at Marvel.com

Montclare Assembles the "Fearsome Four" - Comic Book Resources

Spotted by P-Tor

Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #2 ()
Cover By Michael KalutaWritten By Brandon Montclare, Penciled By Ryan Bodenheim and Simon Bisley, Cover By Michael Kaluta.
Fear makes us do terrible things-but it will also make the Fearsome Four BECOME terrible things! Twisted by their own terror as well as the reality-warping powers of a fear-drunk Man-Thing, Marvel's Strangest Heroes transform into horrendous versions of themselves. Howard the Duck, Nighthawk, Frankenstein, and She-Hulk mutate from hero to monster freaks-and instead of saving the city the foursome just might end it. Simon Bisley illustrates a special in-story Spotlight.
Rated T+...$2.99 On Sale July 2011

Thunderbolts #160 ()
Thunderbolts #160 coverWritten by Jeff Parker, Art by Declan Shalvey, Colors by Frank Martin, Letters by Comicraft - Albert Deschesne, Cover by J.S. Rossbach.
The Man Stuck Deep Inside Manny is spooked. The Raft prison has been destroyed. Hundreds of the most powerful criminals in the world are on the loose, and a man who was already unstoppable now wields godlike power. As if that wasn't bad enough Man-Thing is acting spooked which seems to please Satana for some reason, and when they arrive in Manhatten the stage is set for Fear Itself - Fearsome Four
32 PGS. /Rated T+ ...$2.99

Spotted by P-Tor

Thunderbolts #161 ()

Thunderbolts #162 ()
Thunderbolts #162 interiorWriter: Jeff Parker, Penciller: Declan Shalvey, Penciller (cover): J.S. Rossbach
Profound Ways Manny transforms.There's a big battle involving the Thunderbolts. Man-Thing does his bit by absorbing hoards of demons, growing as he does so into an excuse for a brilliantly bad Man-Thing pun. Soon after he self distructs, leaving only "the bulb of his future incarnation".
32 PGS. /Rated T+ ...$2.99

Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #3 ()
Cover By Michael KalutaWritten By Brandon Montclare, Penciled By Ryan Bodenheim and Flint Henry, cover by Michael Kaluta
What's old is new again! The fan-favorite New Fantastic Four team-up of Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk and Ghost Rider emerge from the shadows! Where did these flashes of the super-hero past come from? Only the Psycho-Man knows! With Man-Thing counting down to a full-scale meltdown, and ever more frightful characters converging on the living time bomb, how can the Fearsome Four stop the madness?? Plus, our guest artist spotlights on this oddball team continue with Eagle Award winner Henry Flint showing us just how sensational She-Hulk can be!

Thunderbolts 163 ()
thunderbolts_163_2010.jpg - 18.1 KB By Jeff Parker and Kev Walker
The Great Escape YOUR EYES DO NOT DECEIVE YOU! The Thunderbolts have pulled off THE GREATEST ESCAPE IN HISTORY - and joining the powerful ex-cons are CAPTAIN AMERICA and NAMOR the SUB-MARINER! This new era takes the kings of supercrime to a whole new level- at light speed!!

Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #4 ()
Cover By Michael KalutaWritten By Brandon Montclare, Penciled By Michael Kaluta, Ryan Bodenheim
Rated T+, $2.99, On Sale September 14th 2011
What kind of monster does it take to kill a monster? Man-Thing is a ticking time-bomb... and the clock just ran out. Ignited by Fear Itself, the strange creature has lost control of his deadly powers and the Fearsome Four are forced to face their worst nightmares made flesh. Sometimes when you stare into the Nexus of All Realities, The Nexus stares back at you! Why should you fear Fear Itself? Find out in this incendiary conclusion! Including our final spotlight scene by Timothy Green II (Iron Fist, Rocket Raccoon) following Howard the Duck's heroic journey to save a world he never made!

Thunderbolts 164 ()
thunderbolts_163_2010.jpg - 18.1 KB

Dark Avengers #176 ()
Dark Avengers #176 interiorWhatever Happened to the Thunderbolts? All hail our new mossy overlord, the Man-Thing is back and he's not only about giving scared people sick burns Series details...

From Parkerspace

Dark Avengers #177 ()
Time to Die!

Dark Avengers #178 ()
Executioner's Song

Dark Avengers #179 ()
Gods and Monsters

Infernal Man-Thing #1 ()
TWO variant covers - goshJune Solicitation
(w) Steve Gerber, Artist Kevin Nowlan (with a Gene Colan variant cover)
Steve Gerber's final Man-Thing story! What is the mystery behind the Screenplay of the Living Dead Man? The story no one thought existed!!! No Ads! Bonus Content! Series details...

Dark Avengers #180 ()
Change Is Good

Infernal Man-Thing #2 ()
art by Art..... AdamsWriter: Steve Gerber, Artist Kevin Nowlan, cover by Art Adams
Steve Gerber's last untold Man-Thing epic continues!!! Also featuring part two of the classic Song Cry of a Dead Man

Dark Avengers #181 ()
Boss Level

Dark Avengers #182 ()
Nothing Stops Justice!

Infernal Man-Thing #3 ()
Infernal Man-Thing coverSteve Gerber (W), Kevin Nowlan (A), Cover by Art Adams.
The startling conclusion of Steve Gerber's last Man-Thing epic!!! Also featuring a classic Man-Thing story from Savage Tales!
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99

Dark Avengers #183 ()
The End Is The Beginning Bid farewell to Ghost, Centurius, Man-Thing and the gang forever!

Thunderbolts 167 ()
thunderbolts_163_2010.jpg - 18.1 KB

Thunderbolts 169 ()

Thunderbolts 174 ()

Red She-Hulk #66 ()
Red She-Hulk coverJeff Parker (w) Carlo Pagulayan & Wellinton Alves (a) Cover by Francesco FrancavillaTS.
Route 616 continues with a nightmare at the nexus of realities with a talking Manny sending She Hulk on her way Betty needs to save the future, but The Man-Thing stands in her way! The Mad Thinker retools the ECHELON soldiers! Red She-Hulk versus Green She-Hulk!
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
PTOR who asks So, this is Jeff Parker writing Manny - but AFTER Frank Cho's Wolverine story. Are they both the same Manny? Will this one speak? Will it all depend on what happens in Savage Wolverine? Which one takes place first? Do you know the way to San Jose? Why am I asking you all these questions?

Spotted by PTOR

Red She-Hulk #67 ()
Red She-Hulk coverJeff Parker (w) Carlo Pagulayan & Wellinton Alves (a) Cover by Francesco FrancavillaTS.
Manny operates as the transport host. The Mad Thinker has improved the next generation of Super-Soldiers and they are here to finish the rampage of the Red She-Hulk! Is Betty stuck in Omega Stage Hulk form forever? Will Machine Man, She-Hulk and humanity pay the price for Betty's interference of the future?
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99

Uncanny Avengers Annual #1 ()
Uncanny Avengers Annual coverWriter: Rick Remender, Cover Artist: Art Adams, interior art Paul Renaud.
Manny as team member The first appearance of the Avengers of the Supernatural! When the producers of the Mojoverse can't make a hit series they call on Mojo to gather an all-new, all-creepy Avengers! Can the Uncanny Avengers survive the wrath of an unleashed Spirit of Vengeance?

Spotted by Scott Andrew Hutchins

S.H.I.E.L.D. #9 ()
SHIELD 9 variant cover Writer: Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Stan Lee Penciller: Lee Ferguson, Jack Kirby Cover Artist: Julian Totino Tedesco.
The Man CalledD.E.A.T.H.! Manny appears as part of Howling Commandos of SHIELD. Oversized Anniversary Issue! Waid! Ferguson! Kirby! Steranko! A commemorative 50th Anniversary story that spans the past and the present, and unites Phil Coulson and Nick Fury, Sr. in a unique cross-time adventure to answer a riddle that lies at the heart of the origins of SHIELD: who is The Man Called D.E.A.T.H.? Includes a sequence pencilled by Jack Kirby and inked by Jim Steranko that has never seen print as part of a story before! Plus: The return of Dum Dum Dugan and the birth of the new Howling Commandos! The very first SHIELD story from 1965! And the pilot presentation sequence that inspired the creation of SHIELD!

Spotted by me

S.H.E.I.L.D. Vol 3 #6 ()
Shield 6 coverWriter: Mark Waid, Penciller: Paul Renaud
Dark Dimesions Manny is part of the howling commandos - together with Frankenstein, living mummy and Simon Garth - that fight the forces of Dormammu in this issue.

Spotted by Guillaume

Mrs Deadpool and The Howling Commandos #1 ()
mrs deadpool The Howling Commandos coverWriter: Gerry Duggan
Manny is part of the team. Okay, so Marvel are doing another Secret Wars and, it seems the Queen of the Monster Metropolis below Manhattan has entered Battleworld and she is not amused. Back in the world that was, Shiklah - known to some as Mrs. Deadpool - was married to the late, great Merc with the Mouth. But on Battleworld nothing is what it once was.
This even includes the Howling Commandos. They're now under the command of their new mistress Shiklah, complete with a very strange roster which includes Manny!

Spotted by Guillaume

Mrs Deadpool and The Howling Commandos #2 ()
mrs deadpool The Howling Commandos coverWriter: Gerry Duggan
Manny is part of the team Undisputed Queen of the Monster Metropolis - aka Shiklah - is out to avenge the death of her brothers! Teamed with Werewolf By Night, Frankenstein's Monster, the Living Mummy, Man-Thing, and Marcus the Centaur, she must fight their way through the land of the undead! Speaking of - How DOES one kill Dracula, King of the Undead?

Spotted by me

Mrs Deadpool and The Howling Commandos #3 ()
Mrs Deadpool and The Howling Commandos coverWriter: Gerry Duggan Penciller: Salvador Espin Cover Artist: Reilly Brown
Manny is part of the team Shiklah and the Howling Commandos travel to WEIRDWORLD... and must battle their way through the Temple of the Manticore! And how will the Monster Metropolis survive Dracula's wrath?

Spotted by me

Mrs Deadpool and The Howling Commandos #4 ()
by Reilly Brown, Howling Variant by Giuseppe CamuncoliGerry Duggan (W) o Salvador Espin (A). Cover by Reilly Brown, Howling Variant by Giuseppe Camuncoli
Manny is part of the team The battle royale between Shiklah and Dracula for the Monster Metropolis... Oh, and did we mention that Deadpool's ghost is in this series? Because he is. Like...since issue 1.
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99

Spotted by me

Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors #12 ()
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors coverAdapted by Joe Caramagna..
Manny appears as part of Howling Commandos of SHIELD. Dracula attacks! So Spidey teams up with the secret team of monster heroes The Howling Commandos!
32 pages, $2.99.

Spotted by Guillaume

Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 ()
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D covers
Written by Frank Barbiere, art and cover by Brent Schoonover, variant covers by Declan Shalvey, Skottie Young, Mike Del Mundo.
Manny joins the team. Hidden deep beneath AREA 13 lies the clandestine headquarters of S.T.A.K.E.--a top secret division of S.H.I.E.L.D. housing aliens, mythical beasts, and all manner of extra-normal entities. Under the command of legendary soldier Dum Dum Dugan, these monsters step out of the shadows and defend the world against supernatural threats too dangerous for normal men! 32 pages, $3.99.
Barbiere & Schoonover discuss the series with Comic Book Resources: A lot of readers have asked me about Man-Thing, and this is the version of the character where he doesn't speak, because I guess when he appeared in "Thunderbolts" Man-Thing talked a lot. My take is very much the more traditional, silent and mysterious Man-Thing... I've been reading a lot of older Man-Thing stories to get some more background on the character. I think he's such a fun, interesting, visually cool and dynamic character. We have a really cool scene with Man-Thing right in the first issue, so I'm excited for people to check it out.

Spotted by Guillaume

Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 ()
howling_commandos_of_shield_02_2015.jpg - 11.5 KB(w) Frank Barbiere
Cover Artist: Brent Schoonover

Manny is one of the team. The All-New, All-Different Howling Commandos investigate the haunted subways of New York! A conspiracy grows within the ranks of S.T.A.K.E.!
32 pages, $2.99.

Spotted by Me

Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #3 ()
howlingcommandos3.jpg - 23.3 KB(w) Frank Barbiere
Penciller: Brent Schoonover
Cover Artist: Brent Schoonover

Manny is one of the team. A brand new commando joins the battle! The team searches for answers in a haunted museum! The horror comes home with a crisis at S.T.A.K.E. HQ!
32 pages, $2.99.

Spotted by

Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #4 ()
howling_commandos_of_shield_04_2015.jpg - 22.5 KB(w) Frank Barbiere
Penciller: Brent Schoonover
Cover Artist: Brent Schoonover

Manny is one of the team busted out of STAKE HQ Dum Dum struggles to hold his team together after last issue's events! A mysterious new foe makes his move against the Howling Commandos! New member Glyph's secrets are revealed... but is she friend or foe?
32 pages, $2.99.

Spotted by me

Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #5 ()
howling_commandos_of_shield_05_2015.jpg - 19.9 KB(w) Frank Barbiere
Manny is one of the team. It's the Howling Commandos vs. Sphinx in the supernatural showdown you've been waiting for! Can the members of S.T.A.K.E. hold on to their humanity when faced with a monstrous decision? With corruption in the ranks of S.T.A.K.E., who can the Commandos trust?
32 pages, $2.99.

Spotted by Me

Old Man Logan #14 ()
Old_Man_Logan_14.jpg - 52.7 KBJeff Lemire (w) - Filipe Andrade (a)
Cover by Andrea Sorrentino

Manny appears as part of Howling Commandos. Logan will have to team up with the supernatural Howling Commandos to unravel the mystery of why Jubilee has disappeared... but is he prepared for what this investigation will uncover? Follow the old man to Romania and find out!

Old Man Logan #15 ()
Old_Man_Logan_15a.jpg - 14.8 KBMan-thing and rest of Howling Commandos guest star. When In Romania, Do As The Romanians Do - Stake Vampires! It's up to Logan and the greatest supernatural hero squad the world has ever seen, the Howling Commandos, to stop Dracula from a dastardly plot that endangers the whole world. But when Jubilee is in trouble, can the Commandos trust Logan to make the tough calls?

Spotted by Guillaume.

Doctor Strange #17 ()
2017DoctorStrange17.jpg - 16 KBWith art by Frazer Irving.
Manny is mute as usual and needs Strange's help to fight... Nazi vampire ninjas!

Spotted by Guillaume.

Man-Thing Vol. 5 #1 ()
volume5_001.jpg - 20.1 KBR.L. Stine (W), Daniel Warren Johnson (a) and German Peralta (a)
Cover by Tyler Crook

Man-Thing talked himself into a job in Hollywood. Series details...

Age Rating: 12+ Only
Beloved writer R.L. Stine (Goosebumps, Fear Street) brings his special brand of horror to Man-Thing! After working for years, Man-Thing has regained his ability to speak and has taken Hollywood by storm... But when an ancient and mysterious danger threatens the swamp, Man-Thing is going to have to choose between his new life and celebrity, and the world he used to call home... PLUS! A bone-chilling new horror story, written by the master himself, R.L. STINE, and illustrated by the incomparable Daniel Warren Johnson!
Lots of variant covers for #1:
volume5_001_variants.jpg - 89.2 KBThe New York Times broke the news that Manny will return in a series beginning in March 2017, written by R. L. Stine, the author of the "Goosebumps" novellas for children. For Mr. Stine, 73, writing the five-issue series is something of a lifelong dream. 'My first ambition was to be a comic book artist,# he said. 'I started doing these little comic books in the fourth grade: 'Super Stooge,' the dumbest hero on earth.' Though he shared the stories with his classmates, he quickly realized he had no talent for illustration. 'I was terrible,' he said. 'I had no choice but to be a writer.'
The new Man-Thing series, with covers by Tyler Crook and interior artwork by German Peralta and Daniel Johnson, is inspired by the iconic horror comics of the 1950s like Tales From the Crypt, of which Mr. Stine was a big fan.
Marvel offered Mr. Stine several characters, but he quickly settled on Man-Thing because of his fondness for swamp monsters, which have been frequent characters in "Goosebumps" stories. Despite being a horror series - aimed at teenagers and older - Mr. Stine hopes to bring some comedy.
"I'm going to do a lot of action and a lot of great violence and make it creepy, but I'm going to make it funny at the same time," he said. "It's what I try to do in my books." In the first story, Man-Thing heads to Burbank, Calif., wondering why he is not starring in a major motion picture. In the new series Man-Thing will no longer be mute. "He can talk and he's very sarcastic," Mr. Stine noted.)

R.L. Stine: [Laughs] Well, you know, I tried to make the whole series funnier because he's such a hideous character. He has to be maybe the ugliest character Marvel has, which is one of the main reasons I picked him when they give me a [list] of characters that they weren't using and said, "Which one would you like to do?" and I happen to love swamp monsters and he was just so ugly I had to pick him. But yes, there is a major twist at the end. You know, like all Goosebumps books there's a happy ending, they all have happy endings, but then after the happy ending, there's something pretty terrible [Laughs].

Best taken as a What If tale of a Manny unlike any we've met before. It's funny, but not five issues funny, and the twist in the tale in the final issue is so similar to one in a well known book and movie adaption that I'm surprised Marvel's editors let Stine get away with it.

Man-Thing Vol. 5 #2 ()
volume5_002.jpg - 37 KBR.L. Stine (W), German Peralta & Christopher Mitten (a)
Cover by Tyler Crook, Variant Cover By Mike Deodato

The Muck Run Amuck! Back in his old swamp, MAN-THING is visited by an ally from his past while struggling with his new status in life. But the swamp is less than welcoming, with every creature seemingly out to get him! Crocodiles, bats and mosquitoes - oh my! Will Man-Thing be able to restore the balance of the swamp and the cause of this calamity? Or will the forces that are affecting the swamp prove to be beyond his control? PLUS! Even more horror for your dollar! A terrible tale of ROAD RAGE.
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99

Man-Thing Vol. 5 #3 ()
volume5_003.jpg - 42.5 KBR.L. Stine (W) German Peralta & Kate Niemczyk (a)
Cover by Tyler Crook
Variant cover by Leonard Kirk

The Nexus of All Realities is opened and the protector of the Nexus, the Oldfather, is missing! The only one who can restore balance to the swamp is Man-Thing, but all he wants is to return to his human form.
Can he overcome his desire for normalcy to save the swamp? Or will he get what he wished for, but at a cost?
With a horror backup from R.L. Stine and Kate Niemczyk (Mockingbird).
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99

Spotted by Joseph Pauley on the Facebook.

Man-Thing Vol. 5 #4 ()
volume5_004.jpg - 24.9 KBR.l. Stine (w), German Peralta (a)
Cover by Tyler Crook
Variant Cover by Francesco Francavilla

It's A Python World! Trapped in the evil clutches of Queen Irena and stuck in another world through the power of the Nexus Of All Realities, mild-mannered Ted Sallis is desperately trying to revert back to his alter ego: Man-Thing! How's that for irony? Never saw that coming, huh? Plus Another short story from the master himself - a contemporary (and timely) take on a horror classic!
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99

Man-Thing Vol. 5 #5 ()
volume5_005.jpg - 24.9 KBR.L. Stine (w), German Peralta & TBA (a)
Cover By Tyler Crook

The Final Installment!! As Queen Irena continues to torture Man-Thing, chaos reigns supreme throughout all known realities. Man-Thing is going to have to pull it together in order to save the Nexus of All Realities! Will he become the hero we all know he can be? Or is he really the monster we all see him as? This ending will leave everyone - including Man-Thing - shocked and amazed! Plus! You guessed it - another bonus horror story from R.L. STINE's chamber of chills!
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99

All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy #12 ()
Guardians_of_the_Galaxy_12.jpg - 23.3 KBWill Manny be the all-newest Guardian of the Galaxy??? The Guardians return to Earth in the aftermath of Secret Empire and take the opportunity to bend the ear of several big guns regarding their newest quest... And they leave with a new team member!

Spotted by Michael Owen on the Facebooks.

Doctor Strange: Damnation #1 ()
drstrange_damnation01.jpg(W) Nick Spencer and Donny Cates, (a) Rod Reis and Szymon Kudranski
Magic has come to Las Vegas... or at least, what's left of it. Series details...And it all comes to a head in this 4 issue mini-series that begins this February! Writers Nick Spencer (Secret Empire) and Donny Cates (Doctor Strange) team up with Secret Empire artist Rod Reis and Szymon Kudranski (Daredevil/Punisher) to deliver this larger-than-life tale that features appearances by multiple Marvel heroes, including Ghost Rider, Blade, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and Man-Thing.
On-Sale - #1 on February 21 2018

Doctor Strange: Damnation #2 ()
drstrange_damnation02 cover by Rod ReisMephisto has taken up some major real estate in Las Vegas, but he's not going to stop there. He's got the rest of Earth on his 'To Get' list and only Doctor Strange can stop him. The only downside? Strange went into Mephisto's Hotel Inferno to confront him and has not been seen since. Add the fact that the devilish villain has already corrupted several Avengers, and Wong and his rag-tag group of mystical heroes look like they're in serious trouble.
On-Sale February 2018

Doctor Strange: Damnation #3()
drstrange_damnation03Manny helps out in a couple of panels.Wong's makeshift Midnight Sons Iron Fist! Blade! Moon Knight! The Scarlet Spider?!) stand against a whole platoon of Ghost Riders!

Doctor Strange: Damnation #4 ()
drstrange_damnation04 variant cover by Ron LimIt's Damnation Nation! Mephisto's on a hot streak that won't stop! Every team that's faced him has fallen, while more of the country falls under his influence. There's just one card left to play: Wong versus Mephisto...Alone! Who escapes alive, who escapes undead and who doesn't escape at all? Damnation is going out in a blaze of glory, and you gotta see who gets burned!

Weapon H #03 ()
weaponh 03 last page - 22 KBGreg Pak (w), Cory Smith (a), Cover By Leinil Francis Yu
Manny make a cliffhanger guest appearance as he shambles onto the final page, setting up the plot for issue 4...

Spotted by Peter Hensel' on the Facebook.

Weapon H #04 ()
weaponh_04.jpg - 24.5 KBGreg Pak (w), Cory Smith (a), Cover By Leinil Francis Yu
Man-thing Versus Hulkverine! Whoever knows fear burns at the touch of Man-Thing. And Clay ' A.K.A. Weapon H ' has a lot to be afraid of. He'll do anything to keep his family safe from the monster he's become. But Roxxon Corporation has other plans ' and they're inches from capturing a vital part of Clay's past.

Spotted by me.

Weapon H #05 ()
WeaponH No.5 pg 15 detail - 23.8 KBGreg Pak (w), Cory Smith (a)
The Roxxon Corporation finally has its hands on the greatest experiment of the 21st century: Weapon H! At long last, they can... offer him a job?! Just what is CEO Dario Agger after? And while Roxxon's been recruiting, Clay's wife has reached the end of the trail. Can Sonia save her husband ' or is he already gone? Manny is also being held by Roxxon, will Weapon H see him as friend or foe?
32 pages, $3.99.

Spotted by me.

Champions #22 ()
Champions 22 page 9 detail - 29.2 KBJim Zubw, Kevin Libranda (a), cover By Stefano Caselli
Guest-starring the macabre Man-Thing! The Champions' mission in space (in INFINITY COUNTDOWN!) has left its mark, and the team tries to move on. A chance to bring life back to a desolate village might be just what they need ' or push them even farther apart..

Spotted by me

Weapon H #06 ()
WeaponH No.6 pg 7 detail - 20.1 KBGreg Pak (w), Cory Smith (a)
BLOOD ON THE FLAG! Monsters are on the loose, and that means Weapon H is on the hunt! But to the red, white and blue, there's only one real monster: the Hulkverine himself. Captain America and Weapon H clash at last, while Manny gets set to leave...
32 pages, $3.99.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Weapon H #08 ()
WreaponH No.8 variant cover - 35.6 KBGreg Pak (w), Guiu Vilanova (a) Battle Lines Variant Cover By Sujin Jo.
Roxxon built a portal to harness the unlimited energy in this magical realm. But in the process they unleashed a horde of monsters -- and they've set their sights on Earth's unlimited supply of flesh! Weapon H has no choice: To protect his family, he must go to war. But one familiar figure has already beat him there: Fans of Planet Hulk and Marvel Studios' Thor: Ragnarok, rejoice for the return of the stone man Korg!
32 pages, $3.99.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Champions #23 ()
Champions 23 Variant cover - 19.8 KBJim Zub (w), Kevin Libranda (a), cover By R. B. Silva
Guest-starring the macabre Man-Thing! While Ironheart and Amadeus Cho take major steps forward in their super hero journeys, Nova takes a step back. As the team faces a complicated and dangerous threat, Sam Alexander wonders: is there a future for him with the Champions?

Spotted by me

Champions #25 ()
Champions 24Jim Zub (#w), Kevin Libranda (a), cover By R. B. Silva
The Champions grapple with a foe that all the super-powers in the world cannot vanquish, which may be part of the story refered to in issue 23 as part of a Man-Thing shaped mystery.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Weapon H #07 ()
WreaponH No.8 interior - 26.8 KBGreg Pak (w), Ario Anindito (a)
The stars and skrullduggers! What are "Skrullduggers" Dragon monsters with Skrull shape-shifting powers, obviously. What else is in this issue? Captain America and the Hulkverine! Who's gonna buy this book? You will cause Manny stands around alot in it.
32 pages, $3.99.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Champions #26 ()
Champions 26Jim Zub (w), Max Dunbar (a) Cover By Sean Izaakse Uncanny X-men Variant Cover By Rob Liefeld
In a world of magic and glory, the Champions can take hold of what they desire, but not without a price... Plus, how can Snowguard protect the North, when she's not even on planet Earth?... plus Manny

Spotted by Guillaume.

Weapon H #09 ()
deadpool_2018_04 - 20.5 KBGreg Pak (w), Guiu Vilanova (a) Cover by Philip Tan
The days of the lone fighter are gone: Weapon H assembles a team to take Weirdworld! But even with Titania, Man-Thing, a Brood-human hybrid named Blake, Hulk's old friend Korg and a mysterious Roxxon fighter named Angel on his side, Weapon H may find himself outclassed. Because Roxxon's been keeping secrets -- and one of them is about to wake up.
32 pages, $3.99.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Weapon H #10 ()
Yet to be confirmed
Queen's Rule! Weapon H and his team finally discover Roxxon's power source inside Weirdworld: sorceress Morgan le Fay! And she is not happy about her new role as a Dario Agger's backup generator. Roxxon has more than light bulbs up it's sleeves, though - and Weapon H is about to learn how dangerous Agger can be.. While Manny just stands around doing not much.

yet to be confirmed

Weapon H #11 ()
weaponh 11 - 22.5 KBGreg Pak (w), Guiu Vilanova (a) Cover by Philip Tan, Romulo Fajardo
Manny hangs around whie Weirdworld turns against its saviors! Sorceress Morgan Le Fay, ruler of Weirdworld, is on the rampage! Time for Clay and his team to cut their losses. But Dario Agger isn't about to lose a profit - and Weapon H will have to bear the cost!
32 pages, $3.99.

Spotted by Gopherman Anderson on the facebook.

Avengers#12 ()
avengers_012.jpg - 27.4 KB Thor and his dad share a vision that involves some vampire called the Shadow Colonel. If you look closely you can see a green blob on his shoulder...

Spotted by Guillaume

Avengers#14 ()
avengers_014.jpg - 18.9 KB What!?! Is the chaingun wielding Shadow Colnial wearing Manny's head on his shoulder?

Spotted by Guillaume

Avengers#15 ()
avengers_015.jpg - 18.9 KB The Shadow Colonal reveals his shoulder adorment is called Boy-Thing and that the Colonal grew him from a trimming he stole off a swamp monster in the everglades, because If you want to wage a war on vampires, you need a good supply of wooden stakes.
Now this could have some serious story telling implications down the line. Growing plants from cuttings is cloning, so the marvel universe now has two Man-Things with the same powers and abilities. Whether they have the same personalities is a moot point; Ted Sallis' conciousness could be in both but Manny isn't usually much of a thinker so how would one know.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Avengers#16 ()
avengers_016.jpg - 18.9 KB The Shadow Colnial has a plan in Sibera that involes vampires...

Spotted by Guillaume

Avengers#17 ()
avengers_017.jpg - 18.8 KB Blade takes down the Shadow Colonial aka Xarus aka son of Dracula down after finding out he calls his shoulder-pad "Boy-Thing" hahaha. Blade then decides that unlimited supply of wooden stakes might come in handy...

Spotted by Guillaume

Avengers #21 ()
avengers_021_blade_boy-thing.jpg - 14.1 KB Boy-Thing is back with Blade, and can sprout swamp wings!?.

Spotted by Adam J. Teterus at the facebooks

Marvel Monsters #1 ()
marvel_monstors_01.jpg - 82.8 KBCullen Bunn (w), Scott Hepburn, Superlog, Becky Cloonan, Gerardo Zaffino & More! (a), Cover By Nick Bradshaw
A 40-page one-shot from Monsters Unleashed writer Cullen Bunn. Someone is doing terrible things to the Marvel Monsters, and only Kid Kaiju can stop it! 40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Parental Advisory $4.99

Spotted by Adam J. Teterus on the facebook

Avengers #22 ()
avengers_022.jpg - 15.1 KB Blade does exposition and shows off Boy-Thing in every panel.

Spotted by me

Avengers #23 ()
avengers_023-7-boy-thing_detail.jpg - 23.7 KB Boy-Thing has a moment and shows his touch can burn...

Avengers #24 ()
avengers_023-7-boy-thing_detail.jpg - 31.9 KB Boy-Thing grabs a hold of then losses his grip on one of the various Ghost Riders who seem to be at war with themselves and the Avengers.

Avengers #27 ()
avengers_027.jpg - 24.3 KBStarbrand Reborn Part One: Riot in the Space Prison! Boy-Thing hangs around an alien prison the size of a galaxy, where a mysterious new wielder of the all-powerful Starbrand has suddenly appeared, unleashing cosmic chaos.

Spotted by Me

Avengers #28 ()
avengers_028.jpg - 22.2 KBStarbrand Reborn Part Two: The Drawing of the Heralds! Boy-Thing rides shot-gun after a mysterious new wielder of the all-powerful, cosmic super-weapon the Starbrand pops up inside a space prison the size of a galaxy.

Spotted by Me

Avengers #29 ()
avengers_029.jpg - 23.6 KBStarbrand Reborn Part Three: The Rise Of The War Widow! As the battle for the Starbrand heats up Boy-thing becomes living wooden armour for Blade...

Spotted by Me

Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 ()
avengers-curse_of_the_man-thing-01_2021.jpg - 17.3 KB Written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Francesco Mobili.
Cover by Daniel Acuña, variant by Patrick Gleason, variant by Chris Sprouse, design variant by Carmen Carnero, Stormbreaker variant by Joshua Cassara.

Burn At The Touch Of The Harrower! For decades, the Man-Thing has haunted the Florida Everglades. Now a new enemy has hijacked his body on a quest to take his incendiary abilities global.
The Marvel Universe wakes to fear as gargantuan monoliths menace cities worldwide, with only the Avengers standing between the population of Earth and a planetwide inferno, Can they save Man-Thing in time to douse the fires? And does the man inside the thing, Ted Sallis, even want to be saved? All this plus a sensational new villain designed by Marvel's Stormbreaker Carmen Carnero await readers in the exciting opening tale that will kick off an unforgettable journey for Man-Thing and your favorite Marvel heroes including the X-Men, Spider-Man and more! Avengers: Curse of the Man Thing marks Orlando's first Marvel project, with the bulk of the writer's previous work being for DC Comics. It's a huge honor to be asked to make my debut as part of a character's anniversary, Orlando told Bloody Disgusting. There's an incredible amount of faith and opportunity there, and it's something I never take lightly! It is honestly amazing to be welcomed to Marvel and tell this nailbiter of a story that's going to remind people just how unique Man-Thing is. He'll be better positioned than ever to shock and scare readers and villains alike, but first he'll have to survive an attack that cuts him to his core and sets the Marvel Universe ablaze.
If you like super heroes and the supernatural, you'll love this high octane celebration of one of Marvel's strangest characters, added editor Mark Paniccia. It feels like its own big event. And Steve's epic story will reveal, amongst other things, an unexpected new dimension of the Marvel Universe.

Spotted by Thomas Bellavance on the Facebooks

Avengers #45 ()
avengers_045.jpg - 22.3 KB Jason Aaron (w), Luca Maresca (a), Cover By Cory Smith
The Avengers join the battle against the King in Black! The vampire hunter Blade (and his shoulder pad accessory Boy-Thing ) have been at the forefront of the fight against the dark symbiote god, but now Blade must pay a dark price that will change his world forever. 32 PGS, Rated T+, $3.99

Spotted by me

Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 ()
spider-man-curse_of_the_man-thing-01.jpg - 44.9 KB Steve Orlando and artist Alberto Foche
Ted Sallis AKA Man-Thing's supernatural abilities have been pirated thanks to the new Marvel villain, Harrower, a zealot intent on clearing humanity off the board so a new species can get a shot at the top. The world burns and fear is the accelerant! Meanwhile, Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man races across New York desperate to avert disaster and find the one man that just might be able to get through to Man-Thing - his former colleague Curt Connors AKA the Lizard! But deep within the Man-Thing's psyche, it's Spider-Man that discovers something he never expected: a devilish secret, and a doctor seeking redemption.

Spotted by me

X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 ()
x-man-curse_of_the_man-thing-01.jpg - 24.6 KB writer Steve Orlando.
Man-Thing's tragic curse has finally been revealed... but it's under new management! Years ago, Doctor Ted Sallis was ready to give up anything to crack the SO-2 serum and deliver success to his growing family. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world...he did. Today, as cities spanning from the U.S. to Krakoa are besieged by fear-driven blazes, the Man-Thing must reckon with his past deeds if he hopes to emerge renewed and rescue a world on fire.
But fighting from his lowest means that Man-Thing can rise to his highest, especially with the unexpected help of the X-Men's resident sorceress Magik and her debuting team of monstrous mutants known as The Dark Riders! Magik will lead one of the most eclectic group of mutants ever assembled, a fearsome mix of fan-favorites and obscure delights: Marrow, Forearm, Shark-Girl, Wolf Cub, and Mammomax!

Spotted by Me

Crypt of Shadows Vol 2 #1 ()
crypt_of_shadows_01_2022 Cover by Leinil Francis Yu and Matt Milla... perhaps.
The heroes of the Marvel Universe spend most of their time in the bright sun, flying high above it all...but every once in a while, they venture into the darkness that lurks in the hidden corners of the world. There lurk the creatures, the monsters, the vampires... the ones who prey on innocence and goodness. Join us, and some of your favorite heroes, for tales of fangs, claws and silent, stalking swamp creatures to celebrate All Hallows' Eve!

Spotted by Me.

Incredible Hulk Vol: 4, No: 4 ()
incredible_hulk_v4_04_2023 Travel Foreman joins Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Riddle of the Man-Thing Pt 1 Trouble awaits in the foggy bogs when a sultry seductress of the swamp lures unsuspecting victims into her trap! What is this mysterious creature's connection to the Swamp Walker himself? It's rage versus empathy as these two green goliaths come to blows - and even the Hulk isn't immune to Man-Thing's deadly acid!
Pt one of a two-part tale!

Spotted by Guillaume

Incredible Hulk Vol: 4, No: 5 ()
incredible_hulk_v4_05_2023 Travel Foreman and Phillip Kennedy Johnson. Leinil Yu artist for variant cover
Riddle of the Man-Thing Pt 2 Rubble in the Swamp continues as Hulk tracks down the beauty that has been luring man and monster alike to their dooms! An epic brawl breaks out between the Jade Giant, Man-Thing and the true face of the Swamp Siren...

Spotted by Guillaume

Crypt of Shadows ()
crypt_of_shadows_01_2023 writer Declan Shalvey and artist Alex Lins
Manny turns up in the anthology as he teams up with Daredevil for a spine-tingling adventure.

Spotted by Colin on the Facebooks

Scarlet Witch #9 ()
scarlet_witch_09_2023 Writer: Steve Orlando, Juan Ponce, Penciler: Ig Guara, Sara Pichelli, Lorenzo Tammetta
Wanda Maximoffa and Jennifer Kale team up with Manny for some assistance to get through the Last Door.

Spotted by Brian

X-Force No: 5 ()
x-force_05_2024 Written by GEOFFREY THORNE, Art by MARCUS TO, Cover by STEPHEN SEGOVIA.
Attacked from all sides, with a team member's DEATH in the offing, and struggling to accomplish their mission, X-Force discovers Manny is reforming...

Spotted by Guillaume

Alternate Universe Appearances

Any appearance of the Man-Thing that is not part of the Marvel Universe "real-time". This includes all "What If..." stories and parodies.

FOOM 9 ()
foom_09_1975 By Charley Parker
Doctor Foom Meets the Mud-Thing In this parody one page strip Muddy shows Doctor Foom the truth regarding his burning touch... Reprinted in Fantastic Four Epic Collection Vol. 9

Spotted by Guillaume

Amazing Adventures #38 ()
click to enlarge card Writer: Bill Mantlo, Penciller: Keith Giffen, Cover Artist: Keith Pollard.
Death's Dark Dreamer Killraven is trapped in the hallucinatory mindscape of a man imprisoned in an automated museum including an alternate version of Manny)

Spotted by Guillaume

What If? Vol. 2 #1 ()
what_if_vol_02_01_1989.jpg - 16.9 KBWhat If the Avengers Lost the Evolutionary War?
Splash page with Man-Thing in a group of superheroes gathered in a large room.

Cerebus #24 ()
cerebus_24_1984.jpg - 13.1 KBThis Woman, This Thing
Claremont creates Woman-Thing, a large shambling green monster who burned people to death if they showed any fear.

Cerebus #25 ()
cerebus_25_1984.jpg - 20.9 KBThis Woman, This Thing
Claremont creates Woman-Thing, a large shambling green monster who burned people to death if they showed any fear.

What If? Vol. 2 #26 ()
what_if_vol_02_26_1981.jpg - 24.6 KBWhat If Man-Thing Regained Ted Sallis' Brain?
Imaginary story where Man-Thing Regains Ted Sallis' brain.

Amazing Heroes No? ()
amazing_heroes_unknow_1984ish.jpg - 22.6 KB Warren Drummond
Silly Cover Manny and Swampy meet...

Spotted by Sam Noir on the Facebooks

Swamp-Thing Vol. 2 #33 ()
Abandoned Houses
No Man-thing, but the House of Secrets caretaker Abel explains why there are so many different swamp creatures.

Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #47 ()
swamp_thing_vol_2_047_1986.jpg - 25.2 KBThe Parliament of Trees
Is that Man-Thing as a Member of the Parliament of Trees?

Swamp-Thing Vol. 2 #65 ()
swamp_thing_vol_2_065_1987.jpg - 23.6 KB(We Could Be) Diving for Pearls
In joke with Man-Thing as a Member of the Parliament of Trees.

What The-?! #6 ()
what_the_06_1990.jpg - 18.5 KBAdventure Into Boredom^h^h^h^h^h^h^hFear
Man-Thang meets Swamp Thang, who is suffering the effects of too many tubers.

What If? Vol. 2 #11 ()
what_the_11_1990.jpg - 17.6 KBWhat If The Fantastic Four the Same Super Powers
What if all the FF became stretchy beings. What if they all became invisible. What if they all became fire beings and what if they all became monsters. In that story Susan Storm becomes the Women-Thing

Beavis and Butt-Head #3 ()
beavis_and_butt-head_03_1994.jpg - 18.5 KBParody and recap
B and B review Giant-Size Man-Thing, but the plot looks to me to be Fear-Adventure into #16

Bat-Thing #1 ()
bat-thing_1997.jpg - 25.3 KB(w) Hama, Larry
(a) Damaggio R, Sienkiewicz Bill

Someone to Watch over Me Man-Thing combined with Man Bat

Savage Dragon #41 ()
savage_dragon_41_1997.jpg - 11.8 KBAppearance as guest at the wedding of Barbaric and Ricochet.

Mutant X 1999 Annual ()
mutant_x_1999_annual.jpg - 25.6 KBA World Gone Mad!
SHIELD goes to Florida to find the nexus of all realities, which Dr. Strange, who is this universe's Man-Thing is guarding.

Coober Skeber #1 ()
By Brian Ralpha by Brian Ralph
Man-Thing meets Silver Surfer a Marvel themed anthology from Highwater books.

Marvel Kinghts 2001 Millennial Visions #1 ()
marvel_kinghts_2001_millennial_visions_1.jpg - 20.3 KBShattered nexus
Futuristic one-page story in which the Nexus of All Realities goes crazy.

Mutant X #32 ()
mutant_x_32_2001.jpg - 24 KBThe End
Dr. Strange, who is this universe's Man-Thing, battles alongside a variety of heroes as the Beyonder attempts to gain control of the Nexus of All Realities.

Mutant X 2001 Annual ()
mutant_x_2001_annual.jpg - 28.5 KBThe Key
Dr. Strange, who is this universe's Man-Thing, helps the X-Men try and defeat the Beyonder.

Wha..Huh!? ()
Wha...Huh?! detail(C) Jim Mahfood (we think)
Man-Thing pushed his way into the cover shot This parody title was to have appeared in December '04, but was been delayed until September '05 for reasons unspoken. I had a quick look through and there doesn't appear to be any appearance apart from on the cover.
The hype: Written by Brian Michael Bendis, Stan Lee, Mark Millar, J. Michael Straczynski, Garth Ennis, Brian K. Vaughan, Peter David and everyone else we could get our hands on!
Because clearly Bendis doesn't have enough books to write this month, the big baby bullied Marvel's upper management into green-lighting this ridiculous pile of silly nonsense! In the great tradition of NOT BRAND ECHH and the old humor issues of WHAT IF?, WHA...HUH? asks the questions that no one really cares about...
What if the Identity Crisis happened in the Marvel Universe?
What if Modok has an itch?
What if Kevin Smith finished his books?
Bendis reteams with hilarious Clerks artist Jim Mahfood and all the best Marvel scribes-Mark Millar, JMS, Garth Ennis and a ton of others-to make the dumbest comic published this year. No one is safe!

Spotted by French fan Guillaume, who also let me know that in France our favourite muck monster is known as l'homme-chose, which translates as The Thing-man

Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #18 ()
Cover for #18(C) Ameron Stewart, (w) Peter David, Pencils: Mike Norton
Spider-man turns up in the swamp and crosses paths with the main Man-Thing. The Story: Those with fear in their heart burn at the touch of MAN-THING! Knowing that the Thingsters lurking about, will Spidey be able to summon the courage to save people trapped in a Florida swamp? We ain't tellin' ya here! Pick up the issue!
32 PGS./All Ages ...$2.99
Price: 2.99
Yet another guest appearance with Spiderman, but Peter David does make it an engaging one, with Marvel Adventures self-contained continuity status meaning it has a classic Marvel feel to its retelling of Spider-man and Man-thing's first meeting.

Once again Guillaume spotted it first

Howard the Duck Vol. 2 #1 ()
Monster PokerWritten by Ty Templeton
Pencils and Cover by Juan Bobillo

Man-Thing turns up in a dream sequence in this issue, In monster poker, whoever folds their hand burns at the Man-Things Touch! Rated A, $2.99
On-Sale - 10/3/07
THE STORY: Grab your guns and camcorders and start shooting, it's DUCK SEASON! Marvel's favorite furious fowl, Howard, and his faithful friend with benefits, Beverly, begin their journey to destroy the internet, radio and television, in this all new mini-series by Ty (She-Hulk) Templeton and Juan (She-Hulk) Bobillo. SEE Howard face mighty hunters with mighty guns on MeTube! SEE Beverly in nothing but fig leaves! SEE grown men dressed as bunnies! And who is that giant headed guy taking A.I.M. at our heroes? HINT: It starts with "MODO-" Just when you thought it was safe to read comics again... and Marvel has to do THIS?!?

Spotted by Muck Head p-tor

Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing #1 ()
Dead of the Night #1
The Cool Dark Biochemist Ted Sallis and his team are on a mission: To recreate the serum that spawned the world's first super-soldier. But like the swamp itself, there are dangers lurking beneath the surface...Ted's partner Eric, his girlfriend Ellen, the government, terrorists...everyone wants what Ted has, but what Ted doesn't realize is...the swamp itself may want him! A radical re-imagining of the Man-Thing's origin begins here, in a horror-tinged tale narrated by Digger, keeper of the Tower of Shadows!

Spotted by me

Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing #2 ()
Dead of the Night #2
The Dark Lady Death has come to Citrusville in the guise of four deranged army vets. They are filled with bloodlust, with nothing to lose. When their paths cross with swamp-witch Jessica Cale, expect death and dismemberment...but whose? And how do Jessica's little brother Andy and his imaginary, red-eyed, green-skinned friend fit in?

Spotted by me

Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing #3 ()
Dead of the Night #3
No Such Thing Tales of the Citrusville bog-monster continue to spread. Two college-aged documentary filmmakers arrive in the swamps, accompanied by their nubile girlfriends, determined to sort fact from fiction. But, unfortunately for them, the two filmmakers are unaware that the Man-Thing isn't the ONLY monster in the swamps -- that there is, in fact, a tribe of cannibalistic half-breeds who would love nothing more than to hunt and eat a van-load of fresh meat.

Spotted by me

X-Men: First Class #11 ()
X-Men: First Class #8 cover(C) Carlo Pagulayan
(w) Jeff Parker
Pencils: Dick Dragotta
Inks: Nick Dragotta
Colored by: Val Staples
Lettered by: Nate Piekos

a two page cameo/alt-universe appearance in this, the story is SORT OF a continuation of his appearance from # 8. Whew, that all-Cyclops issue was a little heavy, huh? Let's pick things up with a story that makes the X-Men-go-into-the-Professor's-Head issue look tame. Because our five exceptional students are about to meet the enigmatic MYSTERIO.
Rated A &$2.99

P-tor spotted that Man-Thing

Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing #4 ()
Dead of the Night #4 - SolicitedWritten by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Art by Nic Klein
Cover by Kaare Andrews

Dread Reckoning Ellen Brandt goes Manny hunting. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Once, scientist Ted Sallis and Ellen Brandt were lovers. Now, they have both been transformed: Ted into the monstrous Man-Thing; Ellen into a disfigured mockery of her former self, her face seared in an act of vengeance. Now she's returned to Citrusville with a team of terrorist mercenaries, looking for payback. Her mission: To kill the Man-Thing, no matter what it takes. Even allied with witch-woman Jennifer Kale, what chance does the Man-Thing have of surviving? This radical re-imagining of Marvel's premier horror icon concludes this issue! (And yes, Digger's narrating this one, too!)
32 PGS./Cardstock Cover/Explicit Content ...$3.99

The ever vigilant P-Tor noted that this issues' final cover (left) differs from the one solicited (right).

Fantastic Four: True Story #3 ()
Ben Grim as Man-ThingA vision of Man-Thing cameos in 2 pages of this comcs. I'm told it is really Ben Grimm being perceived as Man-Thing in a "nightmare world"

Spotted by PTORR

Super Hero Squad #10 ()
Tomb of Terror cover(C) Leonel Alexis Castellani
(w) Todd Dezago
Pencils: Leonel Castellani, Marcelo Dichiara, Inks: Leonel Alexis Castellani, Art & Comics Int'l
Colored By: Christopher Sotomayor
Lettered By: David L. Sharpe

Whomsoever Knows Fear...!It's a spooky party down Memory Lane when the SQUADDIES Costume Up as the Classic Marvel Monsters; Werewolf by Night, Tomb of Dracula, The Living Mummy, and more! But their party plans go awry when a mysterious macabre menace shows up! Who could it be...? Aw, you'll get it when I tell you the title of the story. It's " (There! Ya happy?Oh, plus, there's a Halloween Party at the Baxter Building! C'mon...you're all invited!

Savage Wolverine #1 ()
savage_wolverine_01_detail.jpg - 10.7 KBFrank Cho
There's a mountain with the parsnip tuber three pronged face, Wolverine and Shanna the She-Devil travel to the Savage Land in a adventure that holds many secrets, among them what could be the key to resurrection... and a guest star who may or may not be Man-Thing and is the heart of the whole mystery of the first story arc.
Cost - $3.99 each

spotted by PTOR

Savage Wolverine #4 ()
savage_wolverine_04_2013.jpg - 20.4 KBFrank Cho
a dormant vegetable " Manny", but the dialogue introduces the possibility that there is "more than one Man-Thing running about" Wolverine and Shanna the She-Devil travel to the Savage Land in a adventure that holds many secrets, among them what could be the key to resurrection... and a guest star who may or may not be Man-Thing.
Cost - $3.99 each

Spotted by me

Savage Wolverine #5 ()
savage_wolverine_05_2013.jpg - 16.3 KBFrank Cho
Resolves the mystery of the Manny-mountain but there is no clarification regarding the dormant creature in #4, so best we can say is a connection with Man-Thing is suggested but remains ambiguous. I suspect this was supposed to be a straight cameo by Manny but events in Thunderbolts meant they had to inject some plausible deniability to avoid continuity conflicts.

Spotted by me

DC Showcase Legion of Superheroes #5 ()
showcase_legion_of_superheroes_05.jpgClark and Lana Lang go to a haunted house and look who is on display! This 2014 trade collects Superboy and the Legion of Super-heroes #193, 195, 197-220 and Karate Kid #1 which were originally published 1973-1976. If you can identify the original issue concerned then let us know.

Spotted by Philip Prietz on the Facebook.

Criminal Special Edition (One-Shot) ()
mystery panelStory By: Ed Brubaker
Art By: Sean Phillips and Elizabeth Breitweiser

Manny shows up on one page which has a character reading an issue of Man-Thing.

Spotted by Darryl 'The Unknown Canadian' Young.

Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1 ()
she-man-thing picby Culenn Bunn and Jacopo Camagni.
The back up story Bonus round contains an appearance by She Man-thing (!) as a participant in the Contest of Champions. She describes herself as a paralegal by day, She Man-thing by night. If you add to that her partially torn white dress and her long green hair, you have a parody of both Man-thing and the original Savage She Hulk!

Spotted by Guillaume

Secret Wars Journal #2 ()
Hell's kitchen sampleby Simon Spurrier and Jonathan Marks.
Hell's kitchen A Man-thing appears in the second story in this anthology; he is brown and possibly one of the man-things mentioned on the advertising text for Weirdworld #4

Spotted by Guillaume

Weirdworld #4 ()
Weirdworld 4 coverWritten by Jason Aaron, art and cover by Mike Del Mundo.
The weirdness continues as Arkon finds himself trapped in the swamp of the Man-Things. Meanwhile, the evil sorceress Morgan le Fay marches with her army of Lava Men and gun-toting ogres toward Arkon's home of Polemachus.
32 pages, $3.99

Spotted by Guillaume

Thanos and Darkseid: Carpool Buddies of Doom ()
thanos_and_darkseid_2015.jpg - 12 KBJustin Jordan (w), Rafer Roberts (a)
President Mole Man Fan publication includes a Manny Cameo

Spotted by Michael Noble on the Facebooks

Extraordinary X-Men 9 ()
Extraordinary X-Men No 9 Writer: Jeff Lemire, Penciller: Humberto Ramos, Cover Artist: Humberto Ramos
Trapped in the distant future the Young X-Men must escape the Apocalypse and his new horsemen, one of which is our Manny.

Spotted by Brian F.

Doctor Strange #19 ()
drstrange019p11.jpg - 21 KBTwo panel cameo Manny's form is visible in the swamp part of Strange's living room. It was spawned from mysterious seeds that were planted by Wong at the insistance of Strange, so it's not "him"

Spotted by Guillaume.

You Are Deadpool #3 ()
you are deadpool 03 two coversAl Ewing (W) , Salva Espin (A), Razzah (cover)
Readers can end up with Manny in the '70s and he's on the cover This weekly comic / role-playing adventure allows readers to decide what Deadpool gets up to, rolling dice to combat various foes. The plot traverses Marvel history, and Manny gets on the standard and variant cover.

Spotted by me.

Deadpool #04 ()
deadpool_2018_04 - 25.8 KBSkottie Young (w), Scott Hepburn (a), Cover By Nic Klein, Cosmic Ghost Rider vs Variant Cover by Todd Nauck
A merc job leads Deadpool to one of the strangest corners of the Marvel W...Weirdworld! Not only that, he's fallen into a Time Storm! Oh no, not a Time Storm!!! Anything but a Time Storm!!! Wait... what's a Time Storm? Monsters! Sorceresses! Man-Things! Romance! Time Storms! This issue has it all! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99

Spotted by me

Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #3 ()
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker - 38.2 KBChris Sims & Chad Bowers (w), Todd Nauck (a/c)
Sleepwalker continues his mission through the dreamworld of the Warped Universe -- this time teaming up with the Dark Starhawk and even He whose touch causes burning -- Manny THANG THOOM!

Spotted by Spotted by Guillaume.

The Avengers #700 ()
Avengers 700 - 20.3 KBJason Aaron, David Marquez, Ed McGuinness, Frazer Irving, Adam Kubert, Andrea Sorrentino, Justin Ponsor, Erick Arciniega, Matthew Wilson, Giada Marchisio and VC's Cory Petit.
Manny appears in a vision Loki is facing judgment from the Celestials regarding his involvement with the waking of the fallen Celestial, when the proceedings are interrupted by none other than Wolverine. Rather than the version of Logan who's currently in the midst of a return to the Marvel Universe, this is a version that is the wielder of the Phoenix Force. He saves Loki from the Celestials' judgment, before revealing to the God of Mischief visions of the dangers yet to threaten the Marvel Universe, one of which includes Manny brandishing Mjolnir.

Spotted by cbr.com.

Crazy #1 ()
crazy_01.jpg - 22.1 KB Features Manny in a three-part sequence of goofy single-page stories spread throughout the book plus a cameo in a seperate story. They'll alt-reality tales, with the three-part sequence narrated by Manny himself...
Man-Thing Gets a Haircut, Man-Thing Goes on a Date, Man-Thing Gets Married by Jon Adams & Chris O'Halloran
Worst Day in the Marvel Universe by Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler & Brian Level

Spotted by Erich Mees on the Facebooks

Weapon Plus: World War IV No: 1 ()
weapon plus world_war iv 01 cover with Man-Slaughter - 20.7 KB Benjamin Percy (W), Georges Jeanty (A), Cover by Kyle Hotz
Whatever Knows Fear! Biochemist Ted Sallis was developing a serum for military application, but was tragically killed in a freak accident before he could perfect it. Still, the data behind his formula remains property of the United States government and the Weapon IV Program to this day-Mutants aren't the only ones to have weaponized flora! Marvel Comics proudly presents a sensational new hero ready to fight back against the new world order! No longer just a man...not a thing...he's All-American soil and he's reporting for duty... Benjamin Percy (Wolverine, X-Force) And Georges Jeanty (Weapon X) Introduce... Man-Slaughter!

Spotted by Guillaume and the Facebooks

Empyre Avengers #2 ()
empyre_avengers_02.jpg - 24.9 KB (W) Jim Zub (A) Carlos Magno (CA) Dan Mora
Mora Var Earth's Mightiest Heroes fight an intergalactic foe on three fronts and Doctor Voodoo inhabits the body of a Savage Land Man-Thing in order to rescue his teammates...

Spotted by Chad Lee Carter on the facebooks

Empyre: Avengers #3 ()
empyre_avengers_03.jpg - 24.9 KB Jim Zub (W), Carlos Magno (A), cover BY Paul Renaud, variant cover by Paco Medina
Earth's Mightiest Heroes are caught in a conflict against nature itself as the soul of the Savage Land hangs in the balance. Guest-starring Ka-Zar, Shanna the She-Devil and a Savage Land Man-Thing! 32 PGS, Rated T+, $3.99

Spotted by me

Strange Academy #02 ()
strange_academy_02.jpg - 22.2 KB Skottie Young (w), Humberto Ramos (a/c) Character Spotlight Variant Cover By TBA
Go to class with the students at Strange Academy! Your class schedule:

  • 8:15-9:15 History Of Magical Objects With The Ancient One
  • 9:25-10:25 Elements Of Chaos Magic With Scarlet Witch
  • 10:35-11:35 Gym With Coach Taylor
  • 11:40-12:10 Lunch (cooked By Mindfull One)
  • 12:20-1:20 Introduction To The Undead With Brother Voodoo
  • 1:30-2:30 Inferno 101 With Magik
  • 2:40-3:20 (pending Survival) Study Hall
  • 3:30-4:30 Magical Plants And The Care Thereof With Professor Man-Thing

Spotted by Me

Empyre Avengers #1 ()
empyre_avengers_01.jpg - 19 KB (W) Jim Zub (A) Carlos Magno (CA) Steve McNiven
There's a threat from the stars requiring heroes from around the globe to meet its advance. In the Savage Land it seems The Cotati have corrupted two of its protectors: Shanna the She-Devil and a Man-Thing.

Spotted by Me

Strange Academy #06 ()
strange_academy_006_2020.jpg - 22.8 KB
Battle In The Bayou! The students of Strange Academy face the ancient evil order called The Hollow in the swamps of New Orleans, and Man-thing and the other teaching staff have to help...

Spotted by me

Strange Academy #09 ()
strange_academy_009_2021.jpg - 19.5 KB Writer: Skottie Young, Artist: Humberto Ramos
Manny joins in with a scavager hunt.

Spotted by me

Strange Academy #11 ()
strange_academy_011_2021.jpg - 23.9 KB Writer: Skottie Young, Penciler: Humberto Ramos, Cover Artist: Humberto Ramos.
It's a murder mystery at Strange Academy, and not the fun kind with the pretend roles. Toth has been shattered and everyone is a suspect, even Man-Thing who it seems is the husband of Blythir, who prefers to call him "Mossy".

Spotted by Chip Donahue on the Facebooks

X-Force #21 ()
x-force_21_2021.jpg - 27.8 KB Benjamin Percy (w), Joshua Cassara & Robert Gill (a), Cover by Joshua Cassara, Variant Cover by Matias Bergara
Fear Of A Green Planet! Beast plants the seeds; X-FORCE pulls the weeds. But not if MAN-SLAUGHTER has anything to say about it! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory $3.99

Spotted by Colin Hepner on the Facebooks

X-Force #22 ()
x-force_22_2021.jpg - 16.3 KB Written by: Benjamin Percy (w), Robert Gill (a)
Fatal Flora! The material makeup of Man-Slaughter has been used to infect and control an army of unwilling agents and the heroes want it to stop.

Spotted by Guillaume

Strange Academy #12 ()
strange_academy_012_2021.jpg - 21.1 KB Skottie Young (w), Humberto Ramos (a)
The person who shattered Toth is revealed, and Manny has a cameo.

Spotted by me

Strange Academy Presents: The Death Of Doctor Strange ()
strange_academy_presents_death_of_doctor_strange Skottie Young (w), Humberto Ramos, Alessandro Cappuccio, Luciano Vecchio, David Baldeon (a)
Strange Academy is closed until the events surrounding Dr. Strange's death are resolved, so the students go back to their parents and the Weirdworld version of Manny has a couple of cameos.

Spotted by Guillaume

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #3 ()
devils_reign_superior_four_03_2022 by Zac Thompson & Davide Tinto, cover by Ivan Shavrin
The Fantastic Four Are No More... Long Live The Superior Four! Stranded in the Multiverse, Otto Octavius turns to a potted plant Man-Thing to aid him in battle. Once that's won Octavius deposits the Manny on Earth Earth-2902 where it promptly inhabits a new Spider-Man suit and swings off to fight crime. 32 Pages, 75960620298000311, Rated T+, $3.99

Spotted by me

Avengers Forever #5 ()
Avengers ForeverWritten by Jason Aaron, Art by Jim Towe, Colors by Guru-eFx
The Man-Thing Avengers make their debut when the leader of the new Multiversal Masters of Evil AKA Doom Supreme attacks.

Spotted by JM on the Facebooks

Avengers #57 ()
avengers_057_2022 Writer: Jason Aaron, Penciler: Javier Garron, Cover Artist: Javier Garron
The Avengers are lost in time, and if they're going to stop Mephisto's grand plan, they'll need help from some of history's greatest heroes, whose stories have never been told. Like the the Secret Invaders which includes War-Thing...

Spotted by Me

Iron Cat #2 ()
iron_cat_02_2022_predator_variant Mike Mayhew (a) for variant cover
Manny ends up on the Predator's trophy wall for a vaiant cover....

Spotted by Guillaume

Avengers, the #61 ()
If the Avengers hope to survive being lost in time, they'll need the help of some of history's greatest heroes... Including Man-The-Thing.

Spotted by Me

Death of the Venomverse No. 3 ()
death_of_the_venomverse_03_2023 by Cullen Bunn & Marvel Various & Gerardo Sandoval, cover by Bjorn Barends
Carnage meets Venom-Thing. Carnage has been building his powers up, extracting unique abilities from many villains throughout the Marvel universe to the point of traversing the Multiverse with one goal: kill any and all Venoms!

Spotted by me.

Deadpool: Seven Slaughters #1 ()
Manny turns up with in a legion of monsters that might be from another reality...

Spotted by Brian

Miguel O'Hara - Spider-Man 2099 No: 5 ()
miguel_ohara-spider-man_2099_05_2024 Steve Orlando and artist Stefano Raffaele
Beware - Rebirth Of The Man-Thing! 2099's version of Manny is introduced when Spider-Man must find a way to save the lives (and data) of the people of Nueva York from the monster's burning touch! What does this new shambling monstrosity mean for the future of Nueva York? Also featuring the return of the Specialist!

Spotted by Guillaume

Beastly Buddies #1 ()
beastly_buddies_01_2024 Writer Steve Foxe and artist Armand Bodnar
Follow Man-Thing and Werewolf by Night as they try to find their place in the world in this light-hearted buddy tale set in one of Marvel Universe's darkest corners. This is a Marvel Infinity Unlimited comic book series planned to be released digitally in October, aimed at all ages readers, and will be part of the Friday Funnies line.

Spotted by Colin H. on the Facebooks

Beastly Buddies #2 ()
beastly_buddies_02_2024 Writer Steve Foxe and artist Armand Bodnar
It's a game of Goldilocks as Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing search for a new home in a climate that suits them both... But does such a place exist

Beastly Buddies #3 ()
beastly_buddies_03_2024 Writer Steve Foxe and artist Armand Bodnar
Elsa's chase leads her to Dracula, who holds a deadly grudge against Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing.

Beastly Buddies #4 ()
beastly_buddies_04_2024 Writer Steve Foxe and artist Armand Bodnar
Will Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing survive a detour to Monster Island?

Beastly Buddies #5 ()
beastly_buddies_05_2024 Writer Steve Foxe and artist Armand Bodnar
Stranded in New Orleans and running low on cash, Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing take up teaching gigs at Strange Academy. Will the duo pass this test or crumble to their scariest foe yet...the curriculum?


Beastly Buddies #6 ()
beastly_buddies_06_2024 Writer Steve Foxe and artist Armand Bodnar
Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing need to reach NYC, so they strap in with Ghost Rider for a demon-filled derby to reach the Big Apple.

Background and Biographical Data

These comics and magazines provide backgrounds or summaries of Man-Thing material.

Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe 2005 #1 ()
Cover shot of a whole lot of Marvel comic characters(C) Mark Bagley and Morry Hollowell
(w) Stuart Vandal, Sean McQuaid, Ronald Byrd, Bill Lentz, Mark O'English, Barry Reese, Coloured By: Chris Sotomayor

One page bio. The Hype: The Official Handbook gets the Ultimate treatment! This volume contains in-depth bios on Ultimate Spider-Man and the Ultimate Fantastic Four, and all their friends and foes! Plus: An all-new cover by ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN artist Mark Bagley, digitally painted by Morry Hollowell.
Prive: $3.99
The bio has nice artwork but a fairly unremarkable text. If you have Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #10 you know it all.

Minor Appearances

In this list, the Man-Thing makes an appearance, but is not a primary contributor to the storyline.

Astonishing Tales #15 ()
astonishing_tales_15_1972.jpg - 26.5 KBAnd Who Will Call Him Savage?
1 panel

Astonishing Tales #18 ()
astonishing_tales_18_1972.jpg - 24 KBGog Cometh
1 panel recap of Astonishing Tales #12

Monsters Unleashed Magazine #3 ()
monsters_unleashed_magazine _03_1973.jpg - 21.4 KBThe Origin of the Man-Thing
Material from Savage Tales #1 (May-71)

Avengers #118 ()
avengers_118_1973.jpg - 46.8 KBTo the Death
1 panel

Howard the Duck #16 ()
howard_the_duck_16_1977.jpg - 28.4 KBPin-ups?
Two Illustrations

Howard the Duck #24 ()
howard_the_duck_24_1978.jpg - 21.3 KBWhere Do You Go.. What Do You Do.. The Night after You Save the Universe?
3 panels

Howard the Duck #32 ()
howard_the_duck_32_1979.jpg - 20.2 KBGoing Underground
1 Panel Flashback

Fun And Games Magazine #12 ()
fun_and_games_mag Slime-Rhyme, Crime-Rhyme
1 page limerick

Howard the Duck Magazine #6 ()
howard_the_duck_magazine_06_1980.jpg - 13.4 KBDuckworld
Appears while Howard and Bev visit Duckworld, cameo leading into the story in #7.

Howard the Duck Magazine #7 ()
howard_the_duck_magazine_07_1980.jpg - 18.4 KBOf Dice and Ducks!
Guest Appearance

Defenders #97 ()
defenders_97_1981.jpg - 20.4 KBSlouching Toward Bethlehem
Guest appearance of a possessed Man-Thing

Marvel Fanfare #11 ()
marvel_fanfare_11_1983.jpg - 25 KBPin up by Bob Wiacek

Marvel Bullpen Bulletins ()
Marvel Bullpen Bulletins John Byrne
In the '80s, Marvel Comics would invite editors, writers, and artists to take over that month's Marvel editorial page that would run in all the comic books every issue. And when John Byrne was invited, he drew a huge page instead including our favourite muck monster...

Spotted by me

Marvel Fanfare #37 ()
marvel_fanfare_37_1988.jpg - 31.4 KBPin-Up

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #32 ()
doctor_strange,sorcerer_supreme_32_1991.jpg - 17.9 KBA Gathering of Fear, Part 2

Iron Man #275 ()
iron_man_275_1991.jpg - 23.2 KBDragon Doom
One panel cameo in the the last chapter of The Dragon Seed Saga, which leads into The Legion of Night mini-series

Quasar #31 ()
quasar_31_1992.jpg - 20.9 KBBrave New Universe
4 panels

Fantastic Four Roast #1 ()
fantastic_four_roast_01_1992.jpg - 19.3 KBWhen Titans Chuckle!
Several panels with Man-Thing and Howard in attendance together

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #61 ()
doctor_strange_sorcerer_supreme_61_1994.jpg - 16.2 KBSiege of Darkness, Part 1
1 panel

Marvels: Portraits of a Universe #4 ()
marvels_portraits_of_a_universe_04_1995.jpg - 17.6 KBPin-up

Marvel/Ultraverse Battlezones #1? ()
marvel-ultraverse_battlezones_1_1996.jpg - 21.8 KBPin-Up

The Adventures of the X-Men / The Adventures of Spider-Man #12 ()
adventures_of_the_x-men_12.jpg - 24.2 KBBetter to Light a Small Candle
1 panel flashback to previous issue

Hulk #4 ()
hulk_04_1999.jpg - 17.9 KBTurbulence
Cameo - Three page appearance with Kad'mon leaving Man-Thing

X-Force #100 ()
x-force_100_2000.jpg - 16.1 KBDark Cathedral

Captain MarvelVol: 4, No: 10 ()
captain_marvel_v02_10_2000 Writer Peter David, Penciler Chris Cross, Inker(s) Anibal Rodriguez, Mark McKenna, Harry Candelario
Totally Cosmic A one panel cameo with Howard the Duck as a character gets schooled on the Nexus of Realities.

Spotted by Kevin

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #10 ()
Man-Thing, Spider-man and Lizard ManBrian Bennis, John Totleban and Ron Randel.
Spidey meets the muck monster called Man-Thing! Despondent that the funding for his cherished limb regeneration research is to be -- pardon the pun -- cut off, biologist Curt Conners turns himself into a guinea pig -- and finds himself transformed into the lethal Lizard! The rapacious reptile seeks refuge in the dank recesses of the New York City sewer system -- pursued by our fledgling web-spinner! But unknown to them both, something far more mysterious lurks in the subterranean shadows -- something known as the macabre Man-Thing!
This is an interesting but predictable addition to the ranks of muck monster stories. Man-Thing plays only a very small role in events.

Marvel Universe: The End #1 ()
marvel_universe_the_end_01_2003.jpg - 15.6 KBPredestination
Part of group on cover.

Marvel Universe: The End #5 ()
marvel_universe_the_end_05_2003.jpg - 18.1 KBOmnipotence
Appears in large fight scene at the climax of this issue.

Marvel Universe: The End #6 ()
marvel_universe_the_end_06_2003.jpg - 26.2 KBThe Cure
Man-Thing is in a couple of large fight scenes showing the hundreds of heros to battle Thanos.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #7 ()
ultimate_fantastic_four_07_2004.jpg - 19.6 KBDoom: Part 1
Cameo - Man-Thing appears in a couple of panels as some characters are caught in a strange ray.

Marvel Team-Up Vol. 1 #001 ()
Team-Up #1 cover detail(C) Scott Kolins
Goldern Child Man-Thing managed to sneak into the cover for the first issue.

Nightcrawler #9 ()
nightcrawler_09_2005.jpg - 21.4 KB
The Winding Way Pt 3 Manny in a cameo role as a rampaging "mind-controlled" monster.

Our thanks to Peter Ruggiero for bringing this to our attention

Nightcrawler #10 ()
The Winding Way Pt 4
cameo role as a rampaging "mind-controlled" monster..

Our thanks to Peter Ruggiero for bringing this to our attention

Marvel Tarot ()

Man-Thing as the "World" card. Theories on the Marvels of Myth and Magic from the Files of Ian McNee! Sorcerer and outsider Ian McNee has been plagued by disturbing dreams and unsettling omens. Something is not right with the world and he needs to know what it is. To gain insights into his growing unease he turns to his most prized mystical possession, The First Tarot! Created in the distant past, The First Tarot is mystically attuned to reflect and track the archetypes of the Marvel Universe. Can this "Tarot of Marvels" show Ian what is wrong? Or is something wrong with it as well?
Peek inside the fascinating and disorganized files of a Magician on a Mission as he examines the current concepts behind Marvel's Myth and Magic and adds a few of his own. How do the Elder Gods connect to the Four Elements? Who are The Get of Set? And a Who's Who of Marvel characters presented in the context of the Tarot's Major Arcana. Is Dr. Doom THE EMPEROR? Is Daimon Hellstorm THE DEVIL? All will be revealed ...in the cards!

Muck Head p-tor spotted this Nice write up and images according to him, and online reviews are positive.

Marvel Comics Presents Vol. 3 #1 ()
Marvel Comics Presets Vol. 3 -Cover for No. 1 by J. Scott Campbell Man-Thing makes an appearance on the cover. The folks at Newsarama mentioned that the title will include at some stage an 8 page Man-Thing story entitled Dirty Work by Jai Nitz and Ben Stenbeck. The title starts in September 07.

Spotted by Muck-head SanctumSanctorum

Ghost Rider #26 ()
CameoMan-Thing makes a cameo appearance in a "museum" of Ghost Rider paraphernalia via a newspaper front page photo for the Legion of Monsters

Spotted by PTOR

Gene Colan Tribute #1 ()
man-thing_gene_colan_tribute.jpg, 14kBGene Colan
A cameo appearance on the Marvel Monster variant cover for this collection of reprinted stories by Gene Colan.

Spotted by PTOR

Marvel Monsters Poster Book ()
Marvel Monsters Poster Book coverCover by Gene Colan
7 posters that feature Man-Thing amongest Thirty-six posters featuring Marvel's most macabre monstrosities! Gaze on these blood-curdling images of hideous horror and know fear!
72 PGS./Rated A ...$6.99

Spotted by P-Tor

Marvel Zombies Vol. 3 #4 ()
 cover by Greg Land(C) Greg Land Writer: Fred Van Lente, Pencils: Kev Walker, Inks: Kev Walker, Lettered By: VC - Rus Wooton
Manny turns up again: on the very last page he's a part of a strike-force team (that would star in their OWN sequel: Marvel Zombies Vol. 4: The Midnight Sons) The horror hit reaches its blood-curdling, skin-eating, gore-caked climax! Machine Man trapped in the Zombie-verse! A.R.M.O.R. overrun by the walking dead! The Marvel Universe mere seconds away from being completely consumed by cannibalistic superhumans! All this, plus - straight from the pages of AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE - the hottie robot Jocosta! Be there for the finale of the series that IGN.com says "breathes new life" into the horror dynasty! Parental Advisory
price: 3.99

Spotted by PTOR

Marvel Zombies Vol. 3 #1 ()
Marvel Zombies Vol. 3 #1 coverWritten by Fred Van Lente
Penciled by Kev Walker
Cover by Greg Land

3 panels with Man-Thing: Splash-page has him on a "Swamp Tours" sign, one panel has his hand burning the face of a zombie, and a third panel has his shadowy form walking away from the viewer. Board up Avengers Tower! Lock down the Baxter Building! The ravenous hordes of Marvel Zombies are invading ... the Marvel Universe! That's right, the next chapter of the MZ saga is a non-stop in-continuity gorefest with major implications for at least one Marvel hero! When the super-undead stumble into the MU from the Man-Thing's Nexus of All Realities, all of Florida is quarantined against the zombie plague. Time is quickly running out for a cure, so the Initiative sends a most unlikely group of heroes into the Zombieverse on a desperate mission to find the one item they need before the whole MU is consumed! The scream team of Fred Van Lente ( INCREDIBLE HERCULES) and Kev Walker (ANNIHILATION: NOVA) unite for a Marvel Zombies story like you've never seen before!
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99

Spotted by PTOR, with Guillaume not far behind. P-Tor comments Oddly enough, they have not shown him in actuality, but alluded to him.

Marvels : Eye of the Camera #2 ()
MARVELS : Eye of the Camera interior detailcameo appearance amongest some photographs of various superheroes.

Spotted by PTOR

Marvels Channel: Monsters, Myths And Marvels #1 ()
coverWritten by Frank Tieri, Pencils and Inks by: Juan Santacruz
Galactus...Devourer of worlds...Embodiment of a cosmos...Oldest being in the universe...Totally made up?! Join reporter Gordon Allsworth as he ventures to expose the lies and unearth the truth about the foremost foe of the Fantastic Four. Marvels Channel brings a new perspective to the Marvel Universe, where the folks with the tinfoil hats are the ones who think that the aliens didn't land.
price: Marvel Digital Subs = $4.99p/m
: this was originally announced as only available on Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, but now there is news that it will see publication as a printed comic in renamed: Marvel TV : Galactus; the Real Story .

Spotted by PTOR

Marvels : Eye of the Camera #3 ()
MARVELS : Eye of the Camera interior detailPictured in a map of the USA along with other Monsters and the places they haunt.

Spotted by PTOR

Ghost Rider Vol. 6 #32 ()
Ghost Rider # 32 interior detailone-panel cameo

Spotted by PTOR and Guillaume.

New Avengers # 51 ()
Dr Strange has a coffee and a ChatDoctor Strange makes a passing mention of Man-Thing and Jennifer Kale in this issue.

Spotted by PTOR

Ghost Rider Vol. 6 #33 ()
Ghost Rider # 33 interior detailone-panel cameo.

Spotted by PTOR and Guillaume.

Marvel Zombies Vol: 4, No: 1 ()
Manny has a cameo cover appearance.

Spotted by Guillaume

Wolverine: Wendigo #1 ()
Wolverine: WendigoA reprinted panel from the Marvels, Mutants & Monsters : Galactus online comic

Spotted by muckheads Daryl Young and P-Tor

Doctor Voodoo: Avenger Of The Supernatural. #4 ()
doctor_voodoo_avenger_of_the_supernatural_04_2010.jpg - 14.6 KB(w) Rick Remender
Pencils: Marko Djurdjevic, Gabriel Hardman, Jefte Palo.
Inks: Gabriel Hardman/Jefte Palo


Spotted by PTOR and Daryl Young

Doctor Voodoo: Avenger Of The Supernatural. #5 ()
doctor_voodoo_avenger_of_the_supernatural_05_2010.jpg - 18.3 KB(w) Rick Remender
Pencils: Marko Djurdjevic, Gabriel Hardman, Jefte Palo.
Inks: Gabriel Hardman/Jefte Palo


Hulk #25 ()
Hulk 25Manny is seen on a vid-screen with the Thunderbolts, as Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner are showing Red Hulk a bunch of different scenes, while trying to get him to calm down and join the good guys.

Spotted by P-Tor

Strange Tales II #1 ()
Strange TalesStory, art and lettering by Jeff Lemire.
Manny appears on the last page of the 4 page tale "A Civilized-Thing" and kills a killer bear (who was mistaken as a WenDigo) in the Canadian Yukon. View at marvel.com

Spotted bt P-Tor, who comments Problem is, it has Manny acting with some semblance of intellect; or at least reacting to needs of the imperiled Mountie, saving him from the killer bear and freeing him from a bear-trap.

Wolverine: The Best There Is #3 ()
Wolverine: The Best There IsEvil mastermind Windsor has several specimen jars filled with chunks - or whole bodies - of various "unkillable" characters, one of which holds some familar looking carrot-like appendages and is labeled "Man-Thing"

Spotted by PTOR

Guardians team up #1 ()
Guardians team updrawn by Art Addams.
Manny appears on the cover, Reports are he isn't in the story.

Spotted by Guillaume

Howard the Duck Vol. 3 #1 ()
Howard the Duck coverThe Val Meyerik variant cover for issue 1 features Manny.

Spotted by me

Wolverines #19 ()
Wolverines imageManny appears on the last page, standing between Mystique's team and the Nexus of all Realities, which suggests he'd play a role in #20

Spotted by Guillaume

Giant-Size Little Marvels: AvX #1 ()
Giant-Size Little MarvelsSkottie Young.
Cameo of Manny, along with the Midnight Sons.

Spotted by Guillaume

Wolverines #20 ()
wolverines_020_2015.jpg - 16.4 KBMystique's full plan is revealed - and she's not just aiming to bring back her long lost love, Destiny...but an old friend....and where does this leave the Wolverines?!

Spotted by Guillaume

Deadpool #45 ()
Man-Thing in Deadpool roastManny attends Deadpool's roast in this issue - nice suit!

Spotted by Darryl 'The Unknown Canadian' Young.

Avengers Standoff: Assault On Pleasant Hill Omega #1 ()
avengers_standoff_omega_1-4.jpg - 70.5 KBVariant Cover B by ART ADAMS
Manny appears on one of the variant covers. (FEB160816)
Heroes from across the Marvel Universe converge on Pleasant Hill to face-off with an army of super villains.

Spotted by Guillaume

The Complete Sketchbooks of Michael Kaluta ()

This collection presents all five Kaluta sketchbooks published by IDW, featuring art selected by the artist from his personal archives. Includes five or six pages of Manny stuff.

Spotted by Jan Jp Shannon on the Facebooks

Deadpool vs Gambit #3 ()
Deadpool_v_Gambit_03.jpg - 22.3 KB'The con's gone south, fast, which leads to...' a cameo for Manny. More details at Marvel.com

Spotted by Robert Rodriguez on Facebook.

Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5 ()
civilwarIIchoosingsides54.jpg - 25 KBDeclan Shalvey (W/A/C), Chip Zdarsky (W), Enrique Carrion (W), Ramon Perez (A), Annapaola Martello (A), Cameron Stewart (C), Ramon Perez (VC).
Manny takes a ride in a vanAs the body count rises, no one expected the biggest casualty of them all: Friendship. Will these Avengers betray their closest confidants to stay true to themselves?
Featuring Nick Fury, Colleen Wing, Alpha Flight, and a Manny-in-a-van
32 pages, $3.99.

Spotted by Guillaume

Deadpool #25 ()
deadpool_25.png - 68.8 KBA cameo as a stone statue with the other monsters fighting with Shiklah against her husband Deadpool.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Thunderbolts Vol. 2 #10 ()
Thunderboltsv2_010.jpg - 40.3 KBMark Bagley and writer Kurt Busiek helping out Jim Zub and Jon Malin.
Manny shows up on the cover of the 20th-anniversary issue. The story will feature the return of Jolt, not sure about Manny...

Spotted by Guillaume.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #4 ()
Guardians_of_the_Galaxy_Mother_Entropy_04.png - 140 KBManny is one of the few beings unafected by entropy spores, because he does not breath.Comicbookdb.com says that Manny also appeared in issue 5, but Scott Andrew Hutchins flipped through this in the store multiple times without finding him.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Secret Warriors 2 ()
Secret Warriors 02 Writer: Matthew Rosenberg, Penciler: Javier Garron Cover Artist: Tradd Moore
Karnak reveals what he believes to be S.H.I.E.L.D.'s true motivation for imprisoning the Inhumans which leads to a Secret Warriors vs Howling Commandos rumble including Manny.

Spotted by Brian F.

Spider-Man/Deadpool #23 ()
spiderman_deadpool_23_p03.jpg - 21.4 KBRobbie Thompson (W), Chris Bachalo (A and C)
Spider-Man Versus Deadpool Part 3Manny as a fashion accessory? - Series Info.
The Merc with the Mouth and the webslinger may have their differences, but they've got one thing in common: they're both at odds with each other. And despite Spider-Man's best efforts, Deadpool is back to his old ways - he's become an arms dealer in the absence of S.H.I.E.L.D. But Spider-Man determined to bring his frenemy back to the right side of the law. And when a familiar villain from Spider-Man's past makes an appearance, the two super heroes have no choice but to team up to save the world... and along the way the two stumble over an agent of shield who seems to be wearing Manny as a fashion accessory (who Jude Terror of Bleeding Cool has helpfully named "Clay-Thing").
On-Sale - 11/08/17

Spotted by Guillaume.

Spider-Man/Deadpool #25 ()
spiderman_deadpool_25_p04.jpg - 23.6 KBRobbie Thompson (W), Chris Bachalo & Scott Hepburn (A), Chris Bachalo (c)
Spider-Man and Deadpool are after the Chameleon, and along the way the plot stumbles over Clay-Thing.

Spotted by Guillaume.

Spider-Man/Deadpool #27 ()
spiderman_deadpool_27.jpg - 23.3 KBRobbie Thompson (w), Chris Bachalo (a), Scott Hepburn (c)
Clay-Thing has access to the memories of the "real" Clay Quartermain, and he's tracking down remaining ex-SHIELD locations to locate weapons for Team Deadpool to steal and sell.
Feb 7, 2018

Spider-Man/Deadpool #28 ()
spiderman_deadpool_28.jpg - 23.3 KBRobbie Thompson (w), Chris Bachalo (a), Scott Hepburn (c)
A leopard won't change its spots, and the Chameleon won't change how he changes into other people (including Manny!) and steals weapons.
February 28 2018

Spotted by Peter Hensel on the Facebook.

Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #17 ()
ben_reilly_scarlet_spider_017 - 23.3 KBPeter David (w), Will Sliney(a)
Manny makes a cameo appearance in this "Damnation" tie-in, as the Scarlet Spider joins in the Midnight Sons' fight scene

Spotted by Guillaume.

Where's Wolverine? #1 ()
wheres_wolverine.jpg By Todd Nauck
Where's Wolverine Variant Cover appearance.As one of the biggest mysteries in the Marvel Universe unfolds, Daredevil assembles a squad of uncanny detectives to track down Wolverine. Think he's on the alt cover for the first issue.

Spotted by me.

Deadpool: Assassin 4 ()
Deadpool: Assassin 4Writer: Cullen Bunn, Penciler: Mark Bagley, Cover Artist: Mark Bagley
Manny picks up the Deadpool guy in a one panel cameo.

Spotted by Brian F.

The Avengers #6 ()
The Avengers 06 - 16.6 KB(W) Jason Aaron (A/CA) Ed McGuinness
Manny makes a cameo in this battle a million years in the making.

Spotted by Adam on the facebook.

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 37 ()
click to enlarge cardMoon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 37
The children of Yancy Street need some holiday cheer and Manny's makes an appearance at the party.

Spotted by Brian F.

Conan the Barbarian #7 ()
conan the barbarian 2018 007.jpg - 19.9 KBCover by Pacheco
variant Marvels 25th Anniversary cover with a Manny cameo, a nod to his first appearance back in Savage Tales #1 ().

Spotted by Norman Scott Robinson on the facebook

Wolverine And Captain America Weapon Plus #1 ()
weapon plus 001.jpg - 21.7 KB(W) Ethan Sacks (A) Diogenes Neves (CA) Skan
In 1940, scientists attempted to make a man into the perfect weapon, a Super-Soldier. They failed and made him a legend instead. Before the turn of the century, they tried again for the tenth time. They failed, making a man into death incarnate. Now Marvel reveals the shadowy connections between Captain America, Wolverine and many more of the Marvel U's Super-Soldiers... including Manny who gets a mention on a lab blackboard..., and seems to be implicated in a follow up comic...Rated T+ In Shops: Jul 10, 2019 SRP: $4.99

Spotted by

Deadpool #15 ()
Deadpool 15 Writer: Skottie Young, Penciler: Nic Klein, Scott Hepburn, Cover Artist: Nic Klein
Pay The Devil His Due! Mephisto and Weasel have come for Deadpool, and Manny and a friend add some character.

Spoted by Brian F.

Immortal Hulk #21 ()
imortal hulk 21.jpg - 18.2 KBCover by Alex Ross
Manny shows up on the cover montage of Hulk battling villans, heroes, tanks etc...

Spotted by Alex Morehead on the Facebooks

Marvel Comics #1000 ()
Marvel comics 1000.jpg - 47 KBManny turns up on a couple of variant covers. which will tell the ultimate story celebrating 80 years of the Marvel Universe, with each page contributed by one of the 80 luminary creative teams. But before it moves forward, the book will look back to its own origin story in MARVEL COMICS #1, first published on Aug. 31, 1939 when the company was known as Timely Comics. The very first panel of MARVEL COMICS #1000 will reflect a panel from the original first issue and go on to reveal more mysteries of the Marvel Universe, featuring an enigmatic artifact known as the Eternity Mask.

Spotted by Jeff Smith

Amazing Spider-Man 37 ()
Amazing Spider-Man 37Writer: Nick Spencer, Penciler: Ryan Ottley, Cover Artist: Ryan Ottley.
There are too many problems in New York City and even a once panel cameo from Manny can't help Peter.

Spotted by Brian F.

Thor #6 ()
thor_2020_06.jpg - 27 KB Donny Cates, Nic Klein, Matt Wilson and VC's Joe Sabino
The Death Of King Thor! The Black Winter reveals Thor's own death to him which seems to involve an amy of the dead featuring Manny....

Spotted by Me

Iron Man Vol: 1, No: 2 ()
ironman_02_varient_cover.jpg - 38.1 KB Variant cover by Mattia De Iulis
Marvel's 2020 halloween celebration include this Manny themed horror vaiant for the current Iron Man title. Doesn't appear Manny plays any part in the story it contains.

Spotted by Guillaume

Fantastic Four #26 ()
fantastic_four_026_p2.jpg - 24.8 KB (W) Dan Slott (A) R. B. Silva (CA) Mark Brooks, Kris Anka
One Stop From Everywhere A powerful portal to everywhere, The Forever Gate has been ripped open - and beings from countless realities are pouring through, threatening to overwhelm Manhattan...and then the rest of the world! The Fantastic Four have to close it... and they meet up with Manny for two pages. In Shops: Nov 18, 2020, SRP: $3.99

Spotted by Guillaume

Avengers #40 ()
avengers_040.jpg - 25.6 KB writer Jason Aaron and artist Javier Garron
The Phoenix is looking for a potential host, and Manny is one of the canidates...

Spotted by

Avengers #41 ()
avengers_041.jpg - 26 KB Jason Aaron (w), Javier Garron (a), Cover By Leinil Yu Design Variant Cover by Javier Garron Connecting Variant Cover By Dustin Weaver Marvel Vs. Alien Variant Cover By Leinil Francis Yu
The Battle To Decide The All-new Phoenix Continues! Who will wield the power of the Phoenix Force? A globe-spanning tournament is underway, under the direction of the firebird itself, pitting some of Marvel's greatest heroes against their fiercest enemies and also against each other, giving each of them a taste of the awesome cosmic might that's at stake. All will be transformed. Not all will survive.
32 PGS. Rated T+ $3.99

Spotted by me

Amazing Spider-Man #62 ()
amazing sider-man 062 2021.jpg - 20.2 KBVariant cover by Greg Land

Captain Marvel #27 ()
captain marvel 027 2021.jpg - 17.3 KBVariant cover by Bernard Chang

Champions #5 ()
champions 05 2021.jpg - 23.5 KBMs Marvel variant cover by Sara Pichelli

Daredevil #28 ()
daredevil 028 2021.jpg - 22.3 KBVariant cover by Ray-Anthony Height

Fantastic Four #30 ()
fantastic four 030.jpg - 16.8 KBThe Thing-thing Variant cover by Daniel Acuña

Guardians of the Galaxy #12 ()
guardians of the galaxy 012 2021.jpg - 25 KBGamora-Thing cover by Meghan Hetrick

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24 ()
miles morales spider man 24.jpg - 23 KBVariant cover by Ken Lashley

Venom #34 ()
venom 034 2021.jpg - 18.7 KBVariant cover by Superlog

Marvel Monsters: Creatures of the Marvel Universe Explored ()
marvel_monsters_2021 Kelly Knox
This comprehensive field guide to Marvel flora, fauna, and beasts great and small shows off claws, teeth, tails, and Manny in never-seen-before detail.

Spotted by Me

Savage Avengers #23 ()
savage_avengers_23_2021.jpg - 21.7 KB Gerry Duggan (w), Patch Zircher (a)
Whatever Happened To Shuma-Gorath? Dr. Strange is cleaning out his refrigerator and to do it properly needs passage through the Nexus of All Realities...

Spotted by Guillaume

Death Of Doctor Strange: Avengers ()
click to enlarge card Alex Paknadel (w), Ryan Bodenheim (a), Steve Skroce (ca)
With Doctor Strange gone the Avengers combat a rampaging Juggernaut-like monster, and some goons speculate why Manny has abondoned the Nexus...

Spotted by Guillaume.

Marvel 6 ()
Marvel No 6 Writer: Kurt Busiek, Penciler: Yildiray Cinar.
In the quest to find out Who Lady Lotus is readers are taken on a tour through a century of Marvel history including a Manny cameo.

Spotted by Brian F.

Fantastic Four 40 ()
Fantastic Four 40 Writer: Dan Slott, Penciler: Rachael Stott, Cover Artist: Carlos Pacheco
The Reckoning War! The opening shot of the Reckoning War has left the Earth in complete and utter chaos, so Manny has to make a cameo fighting as one of earth's defenders.

Spotted by Guillaume

Thor 22 ()
thor 22 2020 Writer: Donny Cates, Penciler: Nic Klein, Cover Artist: Nic Klein
God of Hammers Pt 4To stop the deadly path of the Mjolnir-wielding God of Hammers, all of the Marvel Universe, including Manny, must come together for THE FINAL BATTLE™.

Spotted by Colin Hepner

Hulk: Grand Design #1 ()
Hulk: Grand Design Cameo Writer: Mike O'sullivan, Jim Rugg; Penciler: Jim Rugg; Cover Artist: Jim Rugg
Jim Rugg is unfurling the full saga of Hulk and Manny gets a one panel cameo.

Spotted by Colin on the facebooks

Fantastic Four 43 ()
Fantastic Four 43 Writer: Dan Slott, Penciler: Andrea DI Vito
Victor Von Doom: Hero of Earth The Reckoning War contines, Victor may be the only hope, and Manny makes a cameo appearance as we learn that the Nexus of all realities in Florida is one of four nexus with Baxter Building's Richards man-made forever gate (created in this FF series), Sh'iar M'Kraan crystal (well known of Claremont's x-men) and the watchers apex (created in current FF series)

Spotted by Guillaume

Damage Control #1 ()
damage control No 1 2022 Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff, Jay Fosgitt, Will Robson.
Manny hangs out in the Damage Control lobby, perhaps as a nod to Man-Thing movie script writer Hans Rodionoff who co-writes this. Damage Control is always there to clean up the mess and get things back to normal; But Damage Control is much more than just a glorified cleanup crew, and this new series will pull back the curtain and reveal the secret inner workings that were previously only available to people with Clearance Level Eight
40 Pages, 75960609838500111, $4.99

Spotted by Colin on the Facebooks

Ghost Rider #5 ()
ghost_rider_05_2022 Benjamin Percy (w), Cory Smith (a)
DEATH RALLY! New alliances and old betrayals come into play when a mysterious invitation goes out, drawing Johnny Blaze to the world's largest biker rally, featuring a bunch of comic heroes-including Manny-who have bought a mid-life crisis motorcycle in an attempt to recapture their youth...

Spotted by Colin on the Facebooks

Marvel Anatomy: A Scientific Study of the Superhuman Hardcover ()
marvel_anatomy_2022 by Marc Sumerak, Jonah Lobe (Illustrator), Daniel Wallace
With assistance from his brilliant sister, Shuri, the Black Panther explores the unique anatomical makeup of a vast range of super-powered individuals including Manny.

Spotted by

Incredible Hulk Vol: 4, No: 1 ()
incredible_hulk_v4_01_2023 Phillip Kennedy Johnson (w) and Nic Klein (a)
Age of Monsters Every monster in the Marvel Universe has a beef with Banner in an attempt to free the primordial Mother of Horrors, and Manny gets a one panel cameo.

Spotted by Guillaume

Howard The Duck #1 ()
Manny has a one panel cameo begging for fear in front of the Whitehouse...

Spotted by Colin on the Facebooks

Doom Vol.2 #1 ()
doom_v2_01 Sanford Greene and Jonathan Hickman (w), Sanford Greene (A)
Days of Doom Doctor Doom tries to stop Galactus from bringing about the death of the universe, while Manny is one of many (if not all) super-beings fighting (and losing to) Galactus.

Spotted by Guillaume

Incredible Hulk Annual #1 ()
incredible_hulk_annual_01_2024_iw_varient Mike Mckone Infinity Watch Variant
The Mad Titan THANOS carves a path of destruction as always, and Manny makes a cameo appaearance on a varient cover. Manny not in the story?

Spotted by Colin H. on the Facebooks

X-Force No: 4 ()
x-force_04_2024 Written by GEOFFREY THORNE, Art by MARCUS TO, Cover by STEPHEN SEGOVIA, Variant cover by Juan Ferreyra
Manny strikes as the Nexus of All Realities is at stake! The Nexus of All Realities is in danger-meaning if X-Force can't seal this Fracture Node, they've got more to worry about than just one ol' Earth! What extradimensional forces stand ready to take down Forge's team? And the Nexus' guardian, the Man-Thing-is he friend or foe?

Spotted by me.

Venom War: Deadpool #1 ()
venom_war_deadpool_02_2024 Cullen Bunn (w), Rob Di Salvo (a), Cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli
Part 1 Deadpool kills... a symbiote plague?! The Merc with a Mouth bit off more than he can chew - a horde full of ravening zombiotes! Who has Wade not @#$'d off badly enough to actually lend him a hand? Fan-favorite Deadpool scribe Cullen Bunn is back for more mercenary mayhem!

Spotted by Guillaume

Venom War: Deadpool #2 ()
MONSTERS VS. ZOMBIOTES! Deadpool may be trapped in a city full of zombified symbiotes and symbiotized zombies, but he's always got old friends to call on when he's against a wall! He'll face the madness with monstrous allies like Frankenstein('s Monster) and Man-Thing - not to mention Silence, Princess... and another surprise guest star you will NOT see coming!

Spotted by me

Venom War: Deadpool #3 ()
venom_war_deadpool_03_2024 Writer Cullen Bunn, Penciller Roi Mercado, Cover Artist Giuseppe Camuncoli
THE MERC IN THE MOUTH?! With the zombiote scourge overwhelming everything and everyone, Deadpool's back is against the wall. There's just one thing left to try... and Manny's involved.

Spotted by Guillaume

Deadpool #8 ()
deadpool_08_2024 Cory Smith (a)
Manny turns up on the Marvel Two-in-One Variant cover.

Deadpool #8 ()
deadpool_08_2024 Cory Smith (a)
Manny turns up on the Marvel Two-in-One Variant cover.

Recaps and Reprints

Any story where the only Man-Thing appearance is a reproduction, in whole or in part, of a previously published story, as well as previews.

The Man-Thing Book and Record #PR16 ()
Man-Thing Record
Heavily altered reprint of Night of the Laughing Dead wirh narration on acompanying record. Power Records Site. Check out a review at Radio Heroes, and a download via Scar Stuff

Monsters Unleashed Annual #1 ()
monsters_unleashed_annual_01_1975.jpg - 21.4 KBAll the Faces of Fear
Reprint from Monsters Unleashed #5

Iron Man #73 ()
iron_man_073_1975.jpg - 22.9 KBTurnabout: A Most Foul Play!
1 panel recap of Giant Size Man-Thing #2

Daredevil #140 ()
daredevil_140_1976.jpg - 19.5 KBDeath Times Two
A flashback to issues 113-115

Marvel Treasurey Edition #12 ()
marvel_treasurey_edition_12_1977.jpg - 22.9 KBThe Way It All Began!
Built out of the panels in Fear #19 and Man-Thing #1 that relate directly to Howard the Duck, with new narration.

The Savage She-Hulk #7 ()
savage_she-hulk_07_1980.jpg - 14.1 KB?
Man-Thing shown in flashback walking with Richard Rory when he recaps the La Hacienda / Fountain of Youth stories from Man-Thing Vol. ol. 1 #7-8

Defenders #99 ()
defenders_99_1981.jpg - 21.6 KBThe Final Conflict
1 panel recap

The Man-Thing Vol. Aus. #8 ()
(w) Gerber, Steve
(a) Mayerik, Val & Trapani, Sal, Abel, Jack
Guest Character: Howard the Duck, Fool Killer

Australian reprints in B/W Battle for the Palace of the Gods, Nowhere to go but Down, Day of the Killer, Night of the Fool.

Marvel Team-Up Vol. 1 #123 ()
marvel_team-up_123_1982.jpg - 24.4 KB One panel recap of previous issue.

Marvel Age #1 ()
marvel_age_01_1983.jpg - 23.7 KBPreview of Marvel Fanfare #9

Marvel Age #65 ()
marvel_age_65_1988.jpg - 29.9 KBMarvel Comic Presents
Preview for Marvel Comics Presents

Spider-Man: The Parker Years #1 ()
spider-man_the_parker_years_01_1995.jpg - 24.8 KBThe Parker Years
1 panel, recap Marvel Team-up #68

Marvel Milestones #8 ()
(w) Marv Wolfman, Steve Gerber, Roy Thomas, PENCILS: Gene Colan, Val Mayerik, John Romita Sr., Cover by Gil Kane
Reprints Fear #16 - Cry of the Native THE STORY: His name is...Blade! A box-office phenom is born as the half-human, half-immortal vampire-slayer begins his quest to take back the night in TOMB OF DRACULA #10 (Jul-73)! Plus: What evil lurks in the brackish waters of the swamp? See for yourself in ADVENTURE INTO FEAR #16 (Sep-73), the story that inspired the MAN-THING movie! And introducing Satana, from VAMPIRE TALES #2 (Oct-73).
PRICE: $3.99

Essential Spider-Man Vol. 7 ()
essential_spiderman_vol_07.jpg - 23.7 KBIncluded reprint of Giant-Size Spider-Man #5 in which Man-Thing teams with Spider-Man to fight the Lizard.

Essential She-Hulk Vol. 1 ()
essential_she_hulk_01.jpg - 19.8 KBReprints She Hulk #7 [flashbacks & references] & # 8. Richard Rory, a long-time Man-Thing supporting characte, is in those issues and continued thru to the end of the entire series as She-Hulk's friend / love-interest.).

Spotted by P-TOR


Essential Man-Thing Volume 1 TPB ()
Essential Man-Thing Volume 1 TPBB/w reprints of the first few years of Manny in Marvel. Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Language: English
ISBN: 0785121358
The Story: Whosoever knows fear will see just how much there is to know in this compilation of staggering swamp sagas! Explore the heights of the cosmos and the depths of the soul with the mindless Man-Thing! Guest-starring the Fantastic Four! Ka-Zar! Daredevil! Korrek the Peanut Butter Barbarian! And featuring the first web-footed steps into adventure of Howard the Duck!
The content is pure gold!!! Collects Savage Tales #1; Astonishing Tales #12-13; Adv Into Fear #10-19; Man-Thing #1-14; GS Man-Thing #1-2; Monsters Unleashed #5, 8-9.

Legion Of Monsters Hard Back ()
cover includes man-thing by Gere LandIncludes reprint of Legion Of Monsters: Man-Thing and SATANA. Plus: classic tales of horror and suspense featuring the Scarecrow, Manphibian and the Legion of Monsters from Dead Of Night #11, Marvel Spotlight #26, Marvel Two-in-one #18, Legion Of Monsters #1 And Marvel Premiere #28.
200 PGS./Parental Advisory...$29.99
Trim size: oversized
PRICE: 24.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-2754-3

Spotted by Muck-head SanctumSanctorum

Howard The Duck Omnibus ()
Howard The Duck Omnibus(C) Frank Brunner, (w) Steve Gerber
Pencils: Gene Colan, Val Mayerik, Frank Brunner, John Buscema, Carmine Infantino

Reprints many early appearances of Manny Get down, America! Vote Howard the Duck in 2008! That's right, folks. It's an election year, and what better way to celebrate than to cast your vote for the one candidate who'll really tell it like it is. Born on a planet populated by talking waterfowl, Howard the Duck found himself trapped in a world he never made: ours! Howard was the archetypal outsider, able to see through the absurdities of human society in the 1970s with uncanny accuracy and an acerbic wit. His adventures presented writer Steve Gerber with a platform from which to engage in an ongoing critique of contemporary fools and pretenders, from power-mad capitalist wizard Pro-Rata to cult leader Reverend Joon Moon Yuc to the dreaded Doctor Bong! Experience for yourself the complete comic adventures of Howard in this Omnibus collection, reprinting his first appearances and the entire run of his first series. Collecting stories from Adventure Into Fear #19, Man-thing #1, Giant-size Man-thing #4-5, Howard The Duck #1-33, Marvel Treasury Edition #12 And Marvel Team-up #96.
Rated T+ $99.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-3143-4

Spotted first by muck-head P-TOR, with marvel listing noticed by Guillaume.

Dead of the Night Featuring Man-Thing TPB ()
Dead of the Night TPBWritten by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Penciled by Kano, Nick Percival, Brian Denham, Javier Saltares, & Nic Klein Cover by Kaare Andrews
A radical re-imagining of the Man-Thing's origin, collecting Dead of Night featuring Man-Thing #1-4. Biochemist Ted Sallis and his team are on a mission: To recreate the serum that spawned the world's first super-soldier. But like the swamp itself, there are dangers lurking beneath the surface. Ted's partner Eric, his girlfriend Ellen, the government, terrorists - everyone wants what Ted has, but what Ted doesn't realize is that the swamp itself may want him! a horror-tinged tale narrated by Digger, keeper of the Tower of Shadows!
96 PGS./Explicit Content
ISBN: 978-0-7851-2860-1

Spotted by P-TOR

Essential Man-Thing Vol. 2 ()
essential_vol_2.jpg - 20.3 KBSecond big slab of key Manny stories
Paperback: 536 pages
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0785130667
ISBN-13: 978-0785130666
With Captain America, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and the Thing around, it's hard to stand out in a crowd - but somehow, the Man-Thing manages it! Citrusville, Florida, faces censorship, prejudice, psychosis, and ghost pirates in stories as relevant today as they were more than twenty years ago! Sorcery, snowmen, and super-soldier serums! Demons, dementia, and D'Spayre await - but have no fear, because, well, if you do... Man-Thing ( ) #15-22 and () #1-11, Giant-Size Man-Thing #3-5, Marvel Team-Up #68, Marvel Two-in-One #43, and Doctor Strange #41

Spotted by P-TOR

Essential Dr. Strange #4 ()
essential_dr_strange_vol_4.jpg - 29.8 KBIncludes reprints of Man-Thing appearances from Dr Strange 40, 41 and Man-Thing # 4

Violent Rejection ()
Reprints Thunderbolts #152-157.

The Great Escape ()
Reprints Thunderbolts #163-168

Man-Thing Omnibus HC ()
Cover imageWriters: Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Steve Gerber, Tony Isabella, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, Chris Claremont, Ralph Macchio, Michael Fleisher, Doug Mckenzie, Jm Dematteis
Artists: Gray Morrow, John Buscema, Rich Buckler, Jim Starlin, Val Mayerik, Mike Ploog, Alfredo Alcala, Vicente Alcazar, Rico Rival, Ed Hannigan, Ron Wilson, Jim Mooney, Tom Sutton, John Byrne, Don Perlin, Gene Colan, Larry Hama & Pat Broderick
Covers by Ariel Olivetti & Frank Brunner

Colour reprints of Manny's 1970 stories (two versions)

Neither wholly plant nor animal, neither entirely self-aware nor totally non-sentient, the creature called the Man-Thing is unique, unchanging and alone - but none who encounter him can ever be the same again. Empathic by nature and drawn to fight evil, his shambling visage inspires fear - and whatever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing's touch. Whether danger rises from the swamp or the city, the past or the future, outer space or the human soul, the Man-Thing awaits! July 2012 PREVIEWS solicits
The book collects:
  • Astonishing Tales () #12-13;
  • Fear #11-18, and material from #10 and #19;
  • Man-Thing () #1-22,
  • Giant-Size Man-Thing #1-3 and material from #4-5,
  • Incredible Hulk () #197-198;
  • Marvel Team-Up () #68;
  • Marvel Two-In-One #43;
  • Man-Thing () #1-11;
  • Dr. Strange () #41;
  • with material from Savage Tales () #1,
  • Monsters Unleashed #5, #8-9,
  • Rampaging Hulk () #7.

Published: October 17, 2012
Olivetti Cover - MAY120734
1192 PGS./Parental Advisory. $125.00
ISBN: 978-0-7851-6463-0
Trim size: oversized
Brunner cover (DM ONLY) - MAY120735
1192 PGS./Parental Advisory. $125.00
ISBN: 978-0-7851-6468-5

Spotted by Captain_Craig, reported by PTOR.

The End is the Beginning ()
Reprints Dark Avengers #175-183

Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 ()
Cover by John Romita SrReprints from first five years of Manny's careeer. Astonishing Tales (1970) #12-13, Fear #11-19, Marvel Two-In-One #1 and Man-Thing () #1-8 - plus material from Savage Tales () #1, Fear #10 and Monsters Unleashed #5. 440 PGS./ Rated T+ $39.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-9905-2
Oh now this looks promising; hopefully a later volume will see a long overdue reprinting of Elements of Terror ; the Man-Thing story by Steve which was serialised in the first 12 issues of Marvel Comics Presents Vol. 1 () , Fingers crossed!

Spotted by Daza

Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 2 ()
Man-thing By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection vol 2 cover - 211.9 KBWritten by Steve Gerber
Penciled by Mike Ploog, John Buscema, Alfredo Alcala, Ron Wilson, Ed Hannigan, Bob Brown, Rico Rival, Jim Mooney,Pat Broderick & More
Cover by Mike Ploog

Second reprint collection of central stories. Continuing the definitive collection of Man-Thing's macabre misadventures by his signature writer! The lumbering behemoth goes truly giant-size in one of the most notorious Marvel titles of all time, with stories ranging from a battle of the swamp monsters against the Glob, to a portentous flashback to the life of Ted Sallis before he was transformed. Those who know fear burn at the Man-Thing's touch, but what will happen when he joins Daredevil, the Man Without Fear, in battle with Death-Stalker? Demons, dragons and dancers all lie in wait - and so do mad Vikings and ghost pirates! From the introspective to the action-packed to the downright bizarre, it's the Man-Thing unleashed! Collecting Giant-size Man-thing #1-5, Daredevil () #113-114, Man-thing () #9-18 and material from Monsters Unleashed #8-9.
Release date - 5 Sept 2016
408 pages
ISBN: 978-1-302-90241-4
Nice. At this rate the Man-Thing story by Steve which was serialised in the first 12 issues of Marvel Comics Presents Vol. 1 1988 should receive its long overdue reprint in 2018...

Spotted by Daza

History of the Marvel Universe v2, #3 ()
history_of_marvel_universe_v2_03Mark Waid, Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez
Features a cameo of Man-thing that briefly recaps its origin.

Spotted by Guillaume

Marvel: The Bronze Age 1970-1980 ()
marvel_the_bronze_age_1970-1980.jpg - 16.2 KB
This premium reprint from The Folio Society showcases fifteen of the most startling Super Hero stories ever told, including Frog Death! (a Howard the Duck story from Giant-Size Man-Thing #4, May 1975) 304 pages, 13¼˝ x 9¼˝, £150.00

Spotted by

Man-Thing Omnibus HC 2nd Edition ()
Cover imageVarious
The 2012 colour hardcover reprint collection of Manny's 1970s stories gets its own reprint.

Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol: 3 ()
steve_gerber_complete_manthing_vol03.jpg - 24.7 KB by Steve Gerber, Jim Mooney (Illustrator), Sal Buscema (Illustrator), Val Mayerik (Illustrator), Kevin Nowlan (Illustrator) etc.
Steve Gerber takes the macabre Man-Thing out of his swamp and across the Marvel Universe! First, the muck-monster heads to Atlanta, where women are under attack by the life-stealing Scavenger! But that's nothing compared to the demonic Thog the Nether-Spawn! Plus, the uncanny return of the Molecule Man brings Man-Thing and Iron Man together, old pal Howard the Duck reluctantly joins in on a far-out fantasy adventure, Spider-Man swings by for a team-up - and the Man-Thing shambles into a satanic super-soldier scheme! Plus, Gerber's infernal final Man-Thing story revisits a beloved classic - what is the mystery behind the "Screenplay of the Living Dead Man"?
Collecting: Man-Thing (1974) 19-22, Iron Man Annual (1970) 3, Howard The Duck (1976) 22-23, Infernal Man-Thing (2012) 1-3; Material From Rampaging Hulk (1977) 7, Web Of Spider-Man Annual (1985) 4, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 1-12 408 pages
ISBN-10: 1302927752
ISBN-13: 978-1302927752

It kept getting rescheduled, perhaps due to the uncertainty in the comics market caused by COVID-19 but did eventually appear.

Marvel Age Preview #1 ()
marvel_age_preview_01_1990.jpg - 12.1 KBPreview of the Man-Thing graphic novel which eventually saw publication as Infernal Man-Thing 22 years later.

Adventures of the Thing #4 ()
adventures_of_the_thing_04_1992.jpg - 28.3 KBOnly the Swamp Survives
Reprints Marvel two-in-one #77

Book of the Dead #1 ()
Book of the Dead cover(w) Man-Thing: Thomas, Roy & Conway, Gerry
(a) Man-Thing: Morrow, Gray

Reprints Origin of Man-Thing from Savage Tales #1(B/W). Series details.... The 18" x 24" oil painting of the Marvel Comics swamp creature in a shambling, full figure pose used for the cover was done by Tennyson Smith on canvas, stretched over a wood frame. Tennyson Smith is a Jamaican artist who painted the Bob Marley graphic novel series for Marvel comics in oil over the pencilled layouts of comics legend Gene Colan. He has also painted other comic book covers and many record albums covers in a style reminiscent of Frank Frazetta.

Book of the Dead #2 ()
(w) Man-Thing: Conway, Gerry
(a) Man-Thing: Morrow, Gray & Chaykin, Howard

Reprints second Man-Thing story from Fear #10 October (1972).

Book of the Dead #3 ()
(w) Man-Thing: Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Starlin, Jim & Buckler, Rich

Reprints Man-Thing story No Choice of Colors! from Fear 12

Book of the Dead #4 ()
(w) Man-Thing: Steve Greber
(a) Man-Thing: Ploog, Mike & Chiaamonte, Frank

Reprints Man-Thing story Dance to the Murder

Man-Thing: Whatever Knows Fear Trade Paper Back ()
Man-Thing V4 trade paperbackCollects Man Thing Vol. 3, #1-3 plus Savage tales #1, the creature's first appearance, and Adventure into Fear #16, the story that inspired the movie! From the screenwriter of the MAN-THING movie comes this prequel exploring the disappearance of the local sheriff in a backwater bayou town plagued by mysterious and horrific events. Featuring some of the cast from the film, as well as a new character-an unflappable insurance-claims adjuster named Nathan Mehr-this story further explores the mythology and backstory introduced in the movie, ending where the big-screen adventure begins.
Issue one broke into the top 100 sales for the month, so Marvel perhaps saw some big interest in the character coming out of the movie, but with the change in plans for the film's release, the collection took a while to hit the shelves. It was nice to see the first appearance and Steve Gerber's Cry of the Native! story on the shelves for new readers.

Cage ()
Reprints Thunderbolts #144-147

Shadowland ()
Reprints Thunderbolts #148-151

Fear Itself ()
Reprints Thunderbolts #158-163

Like Lightning ()
Reprints Thunderbolts #169-174

Infernal Man-Thing TPB ()
Kevin Nowlan PaintingSteve Gerber (w), Kevin Nowlan (a)
Reprints Infernal Man-Thing #1-3.

This story was originally listed in one of the give-away comic shop gossip sheets back in the late 1980s along with a sample of some very nice painted artwork, but then nothing....

On his yahoo mailing list in early 2003, Kevin Nowlancommented when asked Man-thing should be published later this year. It's not all finished, but we're trying to figure out a way to get the remaining pages completed...It had numerous problems from the very beginning and I'll be very happy when it's finished once and for all. Later () Nowlan posted some scans of artwork from the graphic novel, adding: Before anyone asks, I don't know what the status of the of the book is at the moment. I'm waiting to hear back from a Marvel editor so we can reconnoiter.

Man-Thing Graphic Novel Cover

Several pages of painted artwork for the graphic novel were included in Modern Masters Volume Four: Kevin Nowlan by Tomorrows Publishing

I asked Steve Gerber in the early 2000s if he knew anything about it and he replied As for the graphic novel, well -- Kevin Nowlan has never finished it, and I have no idea whether or not it will ever be published.

mtgraphicnovelpanel.jpgLetterer Todd Klein was the best source for project updates such as Not sure what the final title of this will be, it's a script from the 1990s, I believe, by Steve Gerber, with terrific art by Kevin Nowlan, who started it a long time ago, and is now finally wrapping it up. Wild stuff, wonderful art! ....After some signs of life this past summer, when I finished the lettering and did corrections, the project seems to have gone dormant again. Don't know when it might come out.

Then in late 2011 folk at Marvel were dropping hints that the book was on its way:

Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso: All I can say is we do have a Man-Thing project coming out soon that is older than some of Marvel's assistant editors and well worth the wait.

In response to that article a visitor added a comment stating Kevin had finished the art in June.

March 2012 saw Kevin Nowlan point out that the book had been listed at Amazon, in hard back, for release October.

Not long after this Bleeding Cool reported that Marvel would be giving Manny a new comic series in June 2012, entitled Infernal Man-Thing

Eventually Marvel went public with full details and it revealed that the two projects were in fact one-in-the-same: a three-issue limited series beginning in June, will present the final Steve Gerber Man-Thing tale, a previously-unknown story that until recently remained only a wishful thought in the hearts and minds of his devotees.Plus what must be the collected hard back edition in October.

The article from Marvel put a calm and friendly spin on the history of the book, overlooking the fact the book existed as artwork, solicitations, ongoing work for the artist, letterer, and probably a few stressed editors along the way for more than ten years - but let's not quibble. As Nowlan put it As to what Steve Gerber might've thought about his final Man-Thing story finally seeing publication, the artist feels he cannot possibly know for certain, but there's a definitely an open-minded wish there that the writer would be pleased. "I hope he would have been happy," Nowlan says. "Maybe a little annoyed that it took so long."

Fear Itself: Deadpool/Fearsome Four TPB ()
Collecting: Fear Itself: Deadpool 1-3, Fearsome Four 1-4
Deadpool and the Fearsome Four! The Merc with a Mouth cooks up a plan to turn a profit from Fear Itself by creating his own Worthy out of a sledgehammer and the dimwitted D-lister the Walrus, who he dupes into putting the scare into some local yokels in New Mexico. But the plan goes pear-shaped when it turns out the hammer has powers of its own, and the tusked twit brandishing it gets wise to Deadpool's ploy. Then, everyone's favorite suit-wearing fowl, Howard the Duck, joins up with Nighthawk, She-Hulk and Frankenstein's monster as the band of oddball heroes chases down the swamp monster Man-Thing, who has been driven mad by the mass hysteria resulting from the Serpent's attack on humanity!

Doctor Strange: Damnation Complete Collection ()
Written by Donny Cates, Nick Spencer, Christopher Sebela, Ed Brisson & Peter David
Penciled by Rod Reis, Szymon Kudranski, Phil Noto, Niko Henrichon, Damian Couceiro & Will Sliney, cover by Rod Reis

The city of sin meets its biggest sinner yet. When Doctor Strange raises up Las Vegas from its destruction during Secret Empire, he inadvertently opens a door for the embodiment of evil: Mephisto! When the Lord of Hell claims the gambler's paradise for himself and sets his sights on the rest of the world, it will take a diverse group of heroes to beat the devil at his own game. Wong's makeshift band of Midnight Sons - Iron Fist, Blade, Moon Knight and Scarlet Spider - must face down a whole platoon of Ghost Riders...but where does Johnny Blaze stand? Damnation transforms the life of Doctor Strange - and the magical landscape of the Marvel Universe! Collecting Doctor Strange: Damnation #1-4, Damnation: Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider #1, Doctor Strange () #78-80 and Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #15-17.
ISBN: 978-1-302-91260-4

all spotted by me.

Man-Thing By R.l. Stine TPB ()
Written by R.L. Stine
Penciled by German Peralta, Daniel Johnson, Christopher Mitten, Kate Niemczyk & Cover by TYLER CROOK

Collecting Man-Thing Vol. 6 () #1-5.Marvel's melancholy muck-monster as you've never seen him before - courtesy of beloved author R.L. Stine (Goosebumps, Fear Street)! After so many years of somber silence, Man-Thing has found his voice - and taken Hollywood by storm! But when an ancient evil threatens his old swamp stomping ground, Man-Thing will have to choose between his new life and celebrity, and the world he used to call home. An old ally pays a visit, but everything else is out to get Man-Thing - including crocodiles, bats and mosquitos, oh my! Can the balance of the swamp be restored, or will the cause of this calamity be beyond Man-Thing's control? Plus: Bone-chilling bonus horror tales from the master himself, R.L. Stine! Reading this will give you goosebumps¦but beware - for whoever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing's touch!
112 PGS./Rated T+ ...$15.99
ISBN: 978-1-302-90200-1

Marvel Select: Curse of the Man-Thing ()
marvel select curse of the man-thing Steve Orlando, Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas, Steve Gerber.
For decades, the Man-Thing has haunted the Florida Everglades. Now, a new enemy has hijacked his body on a quest to take his incendiary abilities global! Who or what is the Harrower - and can the Avengers, Spider-Man and the X-Men stop them from incinerating cities all over the world?
As chaos ensues, the heroes battle to save Man-Thing, but does the man inside the monster, Ted Sallis, even want to be saved? Reprinting Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing, The Amazing Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing, X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing, Savage Tales #1 & Man-Thing #12.

Spotted by me

Kevin Nowlan's Marvel Heroes Artist's Edition ()
Amongest the selection of Nowlan's work for Marvel comics contained in this is some b/w layout plus the full 62-pages of colour artwork (no dialogue) for the Infernal Man-Thing graphic novel, written by Howard the Duck creator Steve Gerber, which took Nowlan 25 years to complete.

Spotted by me

Marvel Masterworks: The Man-Thing Vol: 1 ()
From the fetid of the swamps of the south comes the Man-Thing! The brilliant Dr. Ted Sallis' progress on a new Super-Solider Serum gained the envious attention of A.I.M. One untested injection and a hot-pursuit car crash into the swamp later, Sallis is forever changed. He is now the Man-Thing, a lumbering creature with the searing power to burn those who know fear! Under writer Steve Gerber, this concept became a 1970s comic-book classic. Mixing horror, occult and the Marvel Universe, Gerber's unique narrative concoctions could produce taut morality tales, biting social commentary, a budding sorceress, the Nexus of All Realities...and Howard the Duck! And with the top-flight restoration of the Marvel Masterworks, the muck monster has never looked better - or worse...bad in a good way, that is! Collecting ASTONISHING TALES (1970) #12-13, FEAR #11-19, MAN-THING (1974) #1, MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE (1974) #1, and material from SAVAGE TALES (1971) #1 and FEAR #10.
Format: Hardback
Two covers
Pages: 320
RRP: $160.00

Spotted by Me

If you prefer a simpler A-Z checklist, then try this, and there are also a range of seperate pages for more details:

If you know of any other appearances of the Man-Thing in the Marvel Universe, please e-mail with the comic title, volume and issue number, and publication month and year. Thank you!