
Ash vs Evil Dead (2015-18)
1951 (2001)
1990: The Issues (1990)
2 People (1997)
800 Words (2015-2019)
A Bit of a Dagg (1976-08-09)
A Certain Madness (1972)
A Going Concern (1975-76)
A Haunting We Will Go (1976-1983)
A Matter of Style (1979)
A McPhail and Gadsby Christmas (1980)
A Small Celebration (?)
A Week of It (1977-79)
About Face (1986)
Adventurer (1986)
Adventures of Seaspray (1965)
After the Party (2023)
Agent Anna (2013-14)
Alibi (2018)
All Earth to Love (1963)
All That Jazz (1973)
All Things Being Equal (1978)
Almighty Johnsons, the (2011-13)
Alpha Plan, the (1969)
Amazing Extraordinary Friends (2006 - 2010)
Amnesty International Benefit Revue, the (1980)
An Age Apart (1983)
An Awful Silence (1972)
An Evening with Sir Howard Morrison (1990)
An Hour of It (1978)
And Then their was John (1971)
Another Country (1992)
Arthur K. Frupp (1970)
Aspiring (2006)
At the Risk of Our Lives (1991-92)
Auckland Daze (2011-14)
Away Laughing (1991)
B&B (2024-2006?)
Barefoot Bandits, the (2016-18)
Beautiful Lady (1985)
Beauty and the Beast (1976-1985)
Being Eve (2001-2003)
Bert and Maisy (1988)
Betty's Bunch (1989)
Between the Lines (1987)
Billy (2011)
Billy T James Show (1981-84)
Billy T James Show (1985-86)
Billy T James Show (1990)
Billy T’s America’s Cup (1986)
Birdman Rally (1978, 79)
Black Hands (2020)
Blerta (1976)
Bloodlines (2010)
Bombshell (2016)
Both Sides of the Fence (1982-83)
Brokenwood Mysteries, the (2014-
Buck House (1974-75)
Buzzy Bee And Friends (2009)
Call Up, the (1995)
Captain's Log (2001-2)
Castaways, The (1978)
Casualties of Peace (1983)
Celebrity Superstars (1977)
Cheers To 50 Years (2010)
Chic-Chat (1978-1985)
Chic-Chat sticker
Chicabake (1977)
Chicaboom (1976-77)
Chicaboom sticker
Child's Play (1978-1979)
Children of Fire Mountain (1979)
Children of the Dog Star (1984)
Chosen, The (1998)
Cinema of Unease (1995)
City Life (1996-98)
City of No, The (1971)
Clare (?)
Clean Up (1973)
Cleopatra 2525 (2020-21)
Close to Home (1975-83)
Comedy Playhouse (1981-83, 1999?)
Country Calendar (1966-Now)
Country GP (1984-85)
Country Kiwi and Cool City Cat (1989--90)
Countrywide Building Society Entertainment Awards (1980-81)
Cover Story (1995-96)
Coverband (2014)
Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Crime Queen - Dame Ngaio Marsh (2011)
Danny Down Under (1980)
Danny La Rue Down Under (1980)
Daphne and Chloe (1983)
Dark City: The Cleaner (2024)
Dead Certs (1995)
Dead Lands, the (2020)
Dear Murderer (2017)
Death of the Land (1979)
Derek (1974)
Derek and Friends (19/10/1980)
Derek Payne Show, The (1975-76)
Destination Disaster - the Sinking of The Mikhail Lermontov (2000)
Diplomatic Immunity (2009)
Dirty Laundry (2016)
Dixie Chicken (1987)
Double Parked (2022)
Doves of War (2006 )
Duggan (1997-99)
Educators (2019–now)
Edwards on Saturday (1976)
Edwards, Frank "Bit part actor" (2022)
Emile Richards (2012)
Epidemic (1976)
Epitaph (1996-2001)
Erebus: The Aftermath (1988)
Erua (1988)
Evening Paper, the (1965)
Explorers (2004)
Fallout (1994)
Far North (2023)
Filthy Rich (2016)
Fish Skin Suit (2001)
Flying Kiwi, the (1979)
For the Love of Mike (1991)
Fred Dagg Lectures on Leisure (1978)
Free Ride (1973-74)
Fresh Eggs (2018)
Friends Like Her (2023)
From the Archives: Five Decades
Fuller's Earth (1978)
Funny Business (1987-89)
Games Affair, the (1975)
Gather Your Dreams (1978)
Glide Time (1978), Gliding On (1981-84)
Gloss (1987-90)
Go For It (1988)
God Boy, the (1976)
Gold (1991)
Golden (2011)
Golden Boy (2019 - 2020)
Gone Up North for a While (1972)
Gone with The Windscreen (1986)
Good Word, the (2009–2012)
Governor, the (1977)
Grasscutter, the (1988)
Green Gin Sunset (1969)
Guestmate (1970-?)
Gulf, The (2020-now)
Hairy Maclary (1996)
Hanlon (1985)
Happen Inn (1969-73)
Happy Christmas (1979)
Happy Hour (2014)
Hard Out (2002)
Have a Shot on Television (1961-?)
Heart of the High Country (1986)
Heartland (1992 - 96)
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995 - 99)
Heroes (1984,85,90)
High Country (1980)
High Road, the (2013-18)
Highwater (1997)
Hillary: A View from The Top (1997)
Hillary: Everest and Beyond (2015)
Holly's Heroes (2005)
Home Movie (1997)
Homeward Bound (1992)
Hope and Wire (2014)
Hotshotz (1989)
Hounds (2012)
House of Sticks (1997)
How to Murder Your Wife (2015)
How's Life (2002 - 03)
Hudson and Halls (1976-86)
Hunter's Gold (1976)
Ice (2011)
If You Can't Beat 'Em (1976)
Ihaka: Blunt Instrument (2000)
Immigrants, the (1976)
In the Shadow of King Lear (1996)
In Their Hands (1977)
In View of Circumstances (1969)
Inside Straight (1984)
Insider's Guide to Happiness (2004)
Insiders Guide to Love (2005)
Interrogation (2005)
Intrepid Journeys (2005)
Issues (1993-1994)
It is I, Count Homogenised (1983)
It's Your Child Norman Allenby (1979)
Jack of All Trades (2001-2002)
Jackson's Wharf (1999-2000)
Jean Batten - the Garbo of The Skies (1988)
Jocko (1981, 83)
Joe and Koro (1976-78)
Joe’s World (1968)
Jonah (2019)
Jono and Ben (2012-2018)
Joyful and Triumphant (1993)
Kaitangata Twitch (2010)
Kaleidoscope (1966-67)
Kaleidoscope (1976-88)
Kidnapped (2005)
Kids from O.W.L.(1984)
Killing of Kane, the (1971)
Kingi's Story (1981)
Kiwi Comedy Playhouse (1998)
Laughinz (1989 - 90)
Lawless (1999-2001)
Legend of the Seeker (2008-2010)
Les Deverett Variety Hour (1978)
Les Deverett Variety Hour, the (1978)
Letter to Blanchy (1996)
Life and Times of Te Tutu, the (1999-2001)
Life's a Riot (2009)
Little Big Man Takes a Shot at The Moon (1980)
Living Earth, The (1992-94)
Loose Enz (1982)
Losers, the (17/4/1977)
Lost Children, the (2006)
Louise and Friends (1983)
Love Mussel (2001)
Lucy (2003)
Luminaries, The (2020)
Lynn of Tawa (1980, 82)
Maaui Potiki (2001)
MacKenzie Affair, the (1977)
Mad Dog Gang Spooks Wilkie, Wink Wink and the Wobbler, the (1980)
Mad Dog Meets Rotten Fred and Ratsguts, The (1978)
Madam (2024)
Maiden Voyage (2004)
Make Mine Minstrels (1965)
Makutu on Mrs Jones, the (1985)
Marching Girls (1987)
Margaret Mahy Storytime Theatre, The (1984)
Marlin Bay (1992-94)
Married (1992)
Mataku (2002-2005)
McPhail & Gadsby (1980-85,1998)
McPhail and Gadsby On... (1980)
Melody Rules (1993)
Mercy Peak (2001-4)
Mirror Mirror (1995)
Miss Julie (1972)
Mistress, Mercy: The Renee Chignell Story (2018)
Monster of Mangatiti, the (2015)
More Issues (1992)
Mortimer's Patch (1980-84)
Mother Tongue (1992)
Moynihan (1975-77)
Music Makers, the (1970)
Music Theatre, the (1976)
My Kind of Place (2010)
My Life Is Murder (2019-now)
Mysterious Island (1995)
Mystic (2020-22)
Nearly No Christmas (1982)
Neighbourhood Network, the (1997)
New Adventures of Black Beauty (1990)
New Legends of Monkey, the (2020)
New Year's Eve Special - Tina's Party (1978)
New Zealand at War (1995)
Ngā Wāhine (1997)
Ngaio Marsh Theatre (1978)
Night of the Red Hunter (1989)
Nights in the Gardens of Spain (2011) aka Kawa
Norman (1975)
Nothing Trivial (2011-2014)
Now C. Here (1975-?)
Nutcase (1980)
Old Man's Story (1977)
On the Day (12/10/1975)
Once Upon a Story (1981-1988)
One Lane Bridge (2020)
Open File (1981)
Open House (1986-87)
Our Flag Means Death (2022-23)
Outrageous Fortune (2005-2010)
Overnight (1995)
Pact, the (2022)
Pale Blue (1998)
Panthers, The (2022)
Park Terrace Murder, the (1976)
Percy The Policeman (1974)
Piece Of My Heart (2009)
Pinocchio Travelling Circus (1971)
Pioneer Women (1983, 1990)
Plain Tastes (1995)
Play It By Ear (1965 - ?)
Play School (1975-1990)
Points South (1975-76)
Pop Co (1972-1975?)
Porters (1988)
Posey Narkers, the (1994)
Power Rangers Beast Morphers (2019-20)
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (TV Series)
Power Rangers Megaforce (2013)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (2003)
Power Rangers Samurai (2011)
Presenting... Barry Crocker (13/1/1979)
Prime Time (1977-?)
Princess of Chaos (2022)
Pukemanu (1971-72)
Pumbleduffs (1980)
Rabbiters Rest (1983-85)
Rachel (1978)
Radio Times (1978-80)
Radio Waves (1978)
Radiradirah (2010)
Raider of the South Seas (1990)
Rainbow Warrior Conspiracy, The (1988)
Rangi's Catch (1973)
Ray Bradbury Theatre, The (1991-97)
Ray Columbus Discovers Christmas (1978)
Ray Woolf Show, the (1979-82)
Revelations – The Initial Journey (2002)
Riding High (1995 - ?)
Roche (1985)
Rogue Stallion, the (1990)
Rude Awakenings (2007)
Rugged Gold (1994)
Rūrangi (2021)
Savage Play (1994)
Sea Urchins (1980-83)
Secret New Zealand (2003 - ?)
Section 7 (1972)
Seekers, the (1986)
Serial Killers (2004)
Sextortion (2020)
Shackleton's Captain (2012)
Shadow Trader, the (1989)
Shannara Chronicles, the (2016-17)
Share the Dream (1997)
Shark in the Park (1989-91)
Shipwreck (2000)
Shortland Street (1992-Now)
Show of the Week (1976-?)
Showtime (1984)
Siege (2012)
Sing (1975)
Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, the (1993)
Sitting, The (2011-2012)
Six-Thirty Special (1976-79)
Skin and Bone (2003)
Skycrane (1983-84)
Slipknot (1967)
Something to Look Back On (1976)
Something to Look Forward to (1976)
Songs from the Shows (~1968?)
Sound and the Silence, the (1993)
Spartacus (2010-2013)
Spin Doctors (2001 - 2003)
Sportsmen's Bar (1977)
Spot On (1973-1988)
Spotlight (1974)
Stand and Deliver (1981)
Star Quest (1994)
Star Runner (1990)
Stolen (2011)
Straight Forward (2019)
Strangers (1989)
Street Legal (2000-3)
Strip, the (2002-3)
Stroke (1980)
Strongman - The Tragedy (2012)
Stumpers (1978-83)
Survey (1971-75)
Sweet Tooth (2021 - )
Swimming Lessons (1995)
Swiss Family Robinson (1998)
Taggart (31/3/1975)
Tangiwai, A Love Story (2011)
Tankbusters (1970)
Taonga (2004)
Te Huinga O Nga Tikitiki (1979)
Telly Laughs (1996 - 98)
Tender Trap, the (2020)
Terry and the Gunnrunners (1985-86)
Terry Teo (2016)
Testify (2024)
Then Again (1985-86)
There's a Meeting Here Tonight (1966)
Thirty Minute Theatre (1976-?)
This is Not My Life (2010)
Tiger Country (1998)
Toanga (2006-?)
Today at One (1975-76)
Tommyknockers, the (1993)
Top of the Lake (2013)
Topless Women Talk About Their Lives (?)
Toybox, the (1970)
Tribe, the (1999-2003)
Trifecta (1995)
Two on One (1977,78, 80 - 1982)
Typhon's People (1993)
Uncharted With Sam Neill (2018)
Under the Mountain (1981)
Under the Vines (2021-)
Underbelly NZ: Land of the Long Green Cloud (2011)
Until Proven Innocent (2008)
Venus and Mars (2015)
W-Three (1978–1986)
Wahine Disaster, The (2008)
Wanted (2017)
War News (2014)
We Three Show (1967)
Wella Fashion Report (1998)
Wellington Paranormal (2018-Now)
Westside (2015-20)
What Really Happened - Waitangi (2011)
White Fang (1993)
Wilde Ride (2017)
Wilds, the (2020)
William Shatner's A Twist In The Tale (1998)
Willy Nilly (2001-2003)
Winners and Losers (1976)
Woman at the Store, the (24/3/1975)
Wonderful World of Fred Dagg, the (1975/09/30 - ?)
Woolly Manor (1976)
Woolly Tales (1977)
Woolly Valley (1981-82)
Worzel Gummidge Down Under (1986-87)
X Marks the Spot (1977ish)
Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2002)
Xmas for Lou (1992)
Young Hercules (1998-99)