Maddock, Shirley
A New Zealander, born in Auckland and educated in Wellington. Has had a lively and varied career in New Zealand, England and U.S.A. Has worked on the stage in repertory in England, pantomime, juvenile parts in films and television. After returning to New Zealand joined N.Z.B.C., working in radio plays. women's sessions (Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Whangarei) and on-the-spot reporting.
In United States television script-writing and production—free lance writing for newspapers and magazines—radio reports back to New Zealand.
Returned to New Zealand, worked on radio and later on T.V. when it started, mainly as announcer and interviewer—but also writing news and continuity scripts. Although seen as interviewer and commentator, now concentrates on script writing and production. Has had some notable successes, including The Distant Shore and Looking at Sydney. Likes—travelling, conversation, being at the beach, gardening, music, reading...
With Gently Smiling Jaws
Published by Collins, Auckland, 1963
ALL the young female Willises married, settled down, raised families and wrote lots of newsy letters. Catherine didn't. She was a maverick. She wanted fun, excitement, a career, travel. She got them all, and a lot more, when she went from New Zealand to New York and started work in commercial T.V.
No one could put a finger on any of Timperly's activities and say it was crooked. But in his search for T.V. sponsors he worked on the assumption that there is a fool born every minute, that they frequently have lots of money, and a desire for personal publicity, and that the money was better in his bank than in theirs.
Despite warnings Catherine got involved in this maze of chicanery, and a United Nations love affair at the same time. This book is essentially light-hearted—and amusing. The characters are as diverse as the American scene.