Selwyn, Don C.
(circa 1936 – 13 April 2007)
From 1984 to 1990 he ran the film and television course He Taonga i Tawhiti (Gifts from Afar), providing Māori and Pacific Islands people with the technical skills to tell their own stories in film and television, The Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi said.
With producer Ruth Kaupua Panapa, Selwyn formed He Taonga Films in 1992 to create job opportunities for course graduates and to provide outlets for Māori drama writers.
Selwyn also produced and directed Māori language dramas Māui Potiki, Tohunga and several Māori dramas in English, including Don't Walk With Your Nose in the Air (awarded Best Foreign Short Film at New York Film Festival 1992). He was Executive Producer of the 2000 New Zealand Media Peace award-winning feature The Feathers of Peace, as well as producing the film Te Tangata Whai Rawa o Weniti, the Māori Merchant of Venice. He was also appointed Adjunct Professor of Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi.
His television work included