Catran, Ken

Ken CatranThe award-winning children’s writer of over 30 acclaimed novels for young adults, as well as a highly successful television scriptwriter. His books for young adults engage with the historical, the fantastical, and science fiction.

Listener Profile 26th October 1981

Auckland television writer Ken Caton has been very busy since he took up full-time writing nearly six years ago. Before then he had had a variety of Jobs which he used as "meal tickets" so that he could devote his spare time to his "career" of writing.

When TV1 and TV2 were established as separate entities he took the plunge and for two years precarious living as a freelance writer. Gradually he got more and more work until now he has reached a peak.

He has written for Hunter's Gold, Close to Home, Radio Waves, Mortimer's Patch, Castaways and Under the Mountain.

Also, he has scripted a number of documentaries and wrote TV2's first drama Spanish Lady.

Catran says he'd like to try novel writing some time and believes TV writing is excellent training for this as it teaches the process and structure necessary for producing a novel.

Next year he will be working as a series writer for Close to Horne and is hoping that the government will introduce private television which he feels will open new avenues for writers in New Zealand.

He lives with three Cats and a collection of Edwardian and Victorian books. 

His work for KiwiTV screens included: