A programme for grown-ups written by children presented by Ilona Rodgers and Selwyn Crockett. Each week's episode presented a selection of plays written by New Zealand‘s youngest authors, who are introduced to the audience.
Producer - Roger Le Mesurier
Director - Peter Sharp
19/2/1978 How Do You Spell? by Barbara Robinson
The Woman by Jane Irwin
A Mommy's Buy by Lee-Ann Selwood.
Players: Glynis Mcnicoll, Norman Forsey, David Parker, Robert Sheehan, Susan Robinson, Anne-marie Johnson, John Cronin, Roger Oaklev, Sharon Skelton, Alma Woods.
26/2/1978 Hospital life by Derek McGovern,
One Moment in Annihilation's Waste by Vicki Spong
Search for the Days of Our Young and the Restless by Bryce Pedersen
5/3/1978 Operation Extermination Jeffrey Harford
Tani Kawara by Lauren Poole
The Sultan's Pyjamas by Sandy Abbott
Players included Tina Cross, Maki Maihi Tainiora, and George Henare.
12/3/1978 The Girl From Nowhere by Sandra Carter.
The Burglar by Alison Helmnn.
Superduperhuperman by Brian Allan.
Players included Harkai Pihiga, Nikki Fowler-Jones, Jim Biggam
19/3/1978 The Graveyard Inn by Claire Smellie
A Scarf of Marriage by Cherie Frances Duane.
The Players: Ilona Rodgers, Roger Oakley, Alma Woods, Yvonne Lawley, Hazel Cole, Ellen Freeman, Michael Barry , Susan Robinson, Margaret Maxwell, Norman Forsey, Grant Bridger, Selwyn Crokett, Derek Ward.
26/3/1978 The Only Thing in Common by Amelia MacFarlane
The Strange Miss Donovan by Toni Atkinson
The Mould by Shelly Richardson
2/4/1978 Uncle Sebastian by Clarice Hill
Square Vision by Mathew White
The Last Survivors by Paul Leck
9/4/1978 Herbie The Tramp by Kent Fenneman and John Yelverton,
Whose Mother Mine? by Linda Swinburn
Rumpelstiltzkin by Bev Doole.
The Players Derek Ward, Norman Fletcher, Margaret Maxwell, Anne-Marie Johnson, Susan Robinson, Ilona Rodgers, Ellen Freeman, Yvonne Lawley, Selwyn Crockett, Grant Bridger, Rooger Oakley
7/1/1979 "The Box" by Tanya Tremewan, "The Final Decision" by Jeffrey Harford, "The Half Million Dollar Lottery" by Yolanda Wiseman.
The Players: Dorothy McKegg. Jenny Ludlam, Liam Sweeney, Liddy Holloway, Vanessa Bowell, Helen Dorward, Peter Maxwell, Ernie Stanley, Chic Littlewood and Dianne Miller.
Presented by ALICE J. WORSLEY
14/1/1979 the Dying Wish by Evan Hughes.
The Postman by Heather Mc Lean.
You Live Your Life, I'll Live Mine by Sandra Hill.
Presented by Alice J. Worsley
The Players Norman Fletcher Liddy Holloway Glenn Thomas April Kelland Norman Foresy Mike Booth Yvonne Lawley Chic Littlewood Louise Jones
Trish Howie
Peter Nicoll
Grant Wills
Producer Roger Lemesurier
Directors Peter Sharp
Chris Bailey
Mike Smith
South Pacific Television
21/1/1979 "The Trap" by Donald Paterson,
"One, Two, Tree" by Moira Murdoch and
"You Can't Win" by Dean Hewitt.
Presented by Alice J. Worsley
The Players: Waric Slyfield. nor Man Fletcher, George Henare. Helen Dorward, Lex Calder.
Mike Booth, Ernie Stanley, Joanne Morrison, Ellen Free- Man, Shyrelle Andrews, Liam Sweeney, Matthew Hunter, Arthur Wright, Rachel Weston, Peter McCauley and Chic Little- Wood.
28/1/1979 When She Dies Will Be the Only Time by Jennifer Henderson.
What a Horror Scope by Kirsten Ellis.
Mistakes Do Happen by Paul Gestro.
Presented by Alice J. Worsley
The Players:
Helen Dorward Waric Slyfield Jenny Ludlam Liddy Holloway Norman Fletcher Peter Nicoll
Arthur Wright
Producer Roger Le Mesurier
Director Peter Sharp
South Pacific Television
4/2/1979 Double Trouble by Racheal Hoddinott.
A Local Exploration by Judith Caskey.
A Misunderstanding by Jane Davitt.
The Players Shirley Duke, Peter Mccauley Norman Fletcher, Yvonne Lawley, the Players Shirley Duke Peter Mccauley Norman Fletcher
Yvonne Lawley
Alma Woods Mike Booth
Glenn Thomas
Wiki Oman
Liam Sweeney Peter Nicoll Ernie Stanley
Rachel Weston
Arthur Wright
11/2/1979 CHRISTMAS 78 by Kerre Woodham.
Supernatural by Katherine Jansen.
The Revolting House-Wives by Matthew White.
Introduced by Alice J. Worsley the Players:
Michael Barry Shirley Duke Glenn Thomas Alma Woods Chic Littlewood Matthew Crozier Helen Dorward Yvonne Lawley Peter McCauley Steven Clarke Liddy Holloway Jenny Ludlam Arthur Wright Meredith Braun
Producer Roger Le Mesurier
Director Peter Sharp
South Pacific Television
18/2/1979 Sorry Isn't Always the Answer by Fiona McAlevey.
Something Supernatural by Helen Bugg and
The Wonderful Wedding by Debbie Tsc.
Presented by Alice J. Worsley
The Players: Mike Booth Peter Maxwell, Jane Simmonds, Rosemary Cook, John Kempt, Norman Fletcher, Dorothy Mc Kegg, Ilona Rodgers Steve Trifunovich, Waric Slyfield Chic Littlewood
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