A 7 episode drama series that followed the adventures of Skycrane Choppers' staff.

It's not clear if this ever screened in New Zealand, but it appears to have been shown in West Germany and the US.

a) Pot Shot
Director: Gerben Cath
Producer: Jack George

b) Deadman's Curve

c) Firestorm

d) The Skylark
aka episode 10
Two men see their boss off as he leaves for an overnight fishing trip. Meanwhile a gentleman by the name of Mr Sparrow who has been suspended from flying, arrives at the Skycrane aero-club and demands the use of a bi-plane. Later Mr Sparrow threatens to let a bomb and explosives off if his demands were not met. While the base was in an uproar over the threats, he sat in the cockpit of his plane and drank wine, while waiting for his friend Gus to come into land. However, once confronted by Gus, the reasons for his actions were of no consequence to Mr Sparrow; he was simply waiting to say goodbye to a friend. Now that his services were no longer required and management were not terribly understanding, Mr Sparrow realised it was time for him to return home to England.
Cast: David Weatherley, David Howells, Frank Tauroa, Kassie Mcluskie, Geoffrey Clendon, Jenny Mcshane, Terence Cooper, Brian Flegg, & Peter Stretch
Director: Monte Markham
Producer: Jack George
Story: Monte Markham
Camera: Reggie Naumann
Camera: John Mahaffie
Camera: Simon Marler
Sound: Rob Schrieber
Editing: Ken Sparks
Editing: Patrick Monaghan
Assistant Director: Peter Stretch
Production Design: John Roberts
Production Manager: Bill Thomas
Associate Producer: Margaret Lamont
Music Composed: Tony Baker
Conducted: Tony Baker
Executive Producer: Keith Gosling
Executive Producer: Rowan Chapman
Sound: Eugene Arts

e) Rustlers In The Sky

f) The White Lady


Counter Measures
Monte Markham stars as the heroic pilot for Skycrane, a helicopter service whose missions are dangerous and exciting. A series of incidents such as deer poaching, bombings and forest fires seem isolated to Gus (Markham), and his crew, until they run Into Bullwhip Johnson - a deadly adversary of Gus' from Vietnam. Johnson was known In Vietnam for running a drug and prostitution ring and Gus is certain he Is behind the recent acts of destruction. Gus Jeopardises his life and career in bringing his old enemy to Justice at last!
96 min
Starring Norman Forsey, Martin Howells, Monte Markham, and David Weatherley. Director: Gerban Ceth

VHS Spine

VHS coverVHS back coverVHS tape

Released on NBC Network T.V. in the USA, and on VHS...

...on the great label Paragon, when they were still doing big-boxes and before they converted to their classic style with the movie title on one side of the spine, and some dots on the other. There are even spots for commercial breaks with light-hearted musical stings where you really want to say We'll be right back.

This shared some cast and crew and Skycrane with the series so my guess is that this feature length tele-movie was cut together from several episodes of the series.

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