Situation comedy about landlord Mrs Platt and her three University Student tenants in a mixed flat at 7 Buckingham Terrace, Wellington..

Series 1

1) Flat Broke (3 April 1974)
Two men and a girl who flat together have just bought the house they are living in, but cannot afford to pay for it.
Joe Donovan: Tony Barry
Mrs Platt: Myra De Groot
Reg Willis: Paul Holmes
Jo Carr: Jacqui Dunn
Producer: Douglas Drury
Writer: Roger Hall
Designer: Ken Goodman
Technical Producer: Iain Hill
Vision Controller: Dan Mc Kirdy

2) What a Common Market (10 April 1974)

3) More Things on Heaven and Earth (17 April 1974)

4) Earn While You Learn (24 April 1974)

5) Action (1 May 1974)

6) Escorts Unlimited Ltd (8 May 1974)

Series 2

L to R: John Banas, John Clarke, Cathy Downs

1) 8/1/1975
Mrs Platt decides to let the front flat at the start of the academic year.
Hugh - John Banas
Ken - John Clarke
Kathy - Cathy Downs
Mrs Platt - Myra De Groot
Doug - John Gray
Director - Bill Cole
Producer - Brian H. Easte
Script: Patrick Leighton
Additional Material : John Banas, John Clarke
Film Camera: Barry Lissette
Film Editor: Howard Taylor
Designer: Ron Highfield
Cameras: Malcolm Kemp, Ian Eggleton, Steve Gibbins.
Sound : Allan Rattee, Geoff Shirkey.
Videotape Editor: Rush Rushton.
Vision Mixer: Barbara Williams.
Designer: Ron Highfield.
Vision Controller: Dan Mc Kirdy.
Technical Producer: Iain Hill. 

2) 15/1/1975
Doug Walker, Mrs Platt's friend, takes advice on how to evict Hugh, Ken and Kathy from the flat

3) 22/1/1975
A simple misunderstanding shows ken in a new lighL
Director, John Whilwell.
Producer, Brian H. Fasis.

4) 29/1/1975
A hole in the wall reveals all to Doug, the handyman
Director - Bill Cole
Producer - Bryan H. Easte

4) 5/2/1975
A rather unusual birthday boy visits the flat.
Director, John Whilwell.
Producer - Bryan H. Easte

5) 12/2/1975
Doug's dog comes under fire.
Director - Bill Cole
Producer - Bryan H. Easte

6) 19/2/1975
Hugh is unprepared for his law exam and commandeers everyone to help him fool the Professor into giving him an agrotat pass.
Director, John Whilwell.
Producer - Bryan H. Easte

7) 26/2/1975
Mrs Platt gets into legal trouble for defending mixed flatting on a talkback radio show and slandering an MP.


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