Produced by Greenstone Pictures, the show featured stories of intrigue, secrets, lies and cover-ups. Presented by Peter Elliott, the show’s producers gained access to top-secret SIS files, talked to high ranking politicians and uncovered fascinating evidence in a number of intriguing cases.
Featured the full story on a cover-up in the justice and prison system that went right to the top, and new information on how the All Blacks were poisoned prior to the 1995 Rugby World Cup.
Who bashed the clowns? - the best kept secret in the history of the New Zealand police; and suppressed inventions – when three kiwis began separately to develop a motorcar that ran on water.
The Bogle-Chandler mystery – what caused the shocking deaths of brilliant kiwi scientist Dr Gilbert Bogle and his lover Margaret Chandler? Were their unexplained deaths a drugs related suicide, an accidental poisoning, or was Gib Bogle murdered because he knew too much?
The fascinating story of 17 young New Zealanders brutally beheaded by the Japanese during WW2 and the implications for a kiwi family today.
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