A series of six adventure documentaries dealing with New Zealander's and their personal quests.
(3/8/1976) Never Go Near Him
Tonight a camera team captures the attempt of the New Zealand Himalayan expedition to climb Mount Jannu — a mountain steeped in legend and demanding the utmost in stamina to cope with a climb which begins in extreme humidity and ends in sub-zero temperatures.
(11/8/1976) Knocking on Heaven's Door
Tonight a camera team follow the trials, tribulations and downright frustration of Squadron Leader Roly Parsons and his attempt to pilot a hot air balloon over the 12.349ft peak of Mount Cook.
Producer Pamela Jones
Challenge - Knocking on Heaven's Door
(18/8/1976) Yesterday's Gold
An expedition to the Auckland Islands 240 miles south of New Zealand to try and recover gold bullion thought to be aboard the wreck of the SS General Grant. Led by Commander John Gratto, Royal Navy, the team strive in difficult and dangerous conditions to locate the wreck's contents, considered to be 2576 ounces of gold held in two storage boxes, plus sundry merchandise.
(25/8/1976) Through Heat and White Water
Tonight a camera team follows the fortunes and misfortunes of competitors in a race for jet boats and inflatable craft on the Rio Balsas river, south west of Mexico Ciry. The race, over five days, is a texst of stamina and skill, plus the mechanical reliability of the highly tuned machines they drive . Speeds of 80mph are achieved through a variety of river conditions including wild rapids and very shallow water, ending up on the last day with a sea run down the coast.
Producer - Peter Morrit
(1/9/1976) Into the Valley of Death
Long distance runer Max Telford has no competitor but the goals he sets himself. Tonight we follow not only his two-way Grand Canyon run but his amazing attempt to run Death Valley in both directions - a distance of 240 miles - non-stop, encountering temperatures during the day in excess of 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
Producer - Denis Delany
(8/9/1976) Alone
From ferry boat captain to lobe mariner - Johm Mansell takes leave of his road-rail ferry to sail his tiny boat "Innovator of Mana" in the Trans-Atlantic Single-Handed Yacht Race.
Why does a man risk is life and his sanity all alone on a hugh ocean like the Atlantic? John Nasell filmed and recorded his thoughts and the events that occurred during the race.
Director - Max Pudney
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