A melodramatic black comedy presenting the true story of Alfred Benning's murder of his wife, Betty, in 1970s Wellington. The film follows the passive-aggressive Alf Benning (Simon O'Conner) spiraling toward psychosis as his emotionally abusive wife Elizabeth (Geraldine Brophy) threatens to cast his beloved tiny Dutch Keeshond, Shep, out of the house.
After years of misery under the thumb of a physically imposing, domineering wife, the frail, mild-mannered SPCA volunteer and charity worker decided to kill her, chop her into pieces, and plant her under an apple tree in his back garden. When he was caught by Detective Sergeant ‘Biggles’ Everitt – Alf got the best possible lawyer; and the best in 1977 was Mike ‘Bungles’ Bungay, and Benning’s trial was one of the most bizarre and sensational ever witnessed in Wellington.
Simon O'Connor - Alf Benning
Geraldine Brophy - Betty Benning
Todd Lasance - Mark Everitt
Mike Mitchinson - Mike Bungay
Paul McLaughlin - Peter Doone
Mike Minogue - Nervous Burgess
Boni Tukiwaho - Carmen
Available to watch on dvd and in some countries via on Tubi, Freevee, Acorn TV, AppleTV, and Prime Video.
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